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Desirous Attachment , the Trap and the Solution
I've seen a lot in my life. A lot of people suffering, fearful, temporarily joyous angry, hurt, resentful, longing, hopeful, and ecstatic too. I've felt all of the above, and I would venture to say that you or someone you know has as well. This article is dedicated to those who want relief and peace of mind permanently. I wanted to pass on to you the freedom I have felt from learning to free myself from desirous attachment. Here are a few examples. A man longs for a woman, and she has no interest. A woman wants to climb to the top of her career. A person REALLY wants a certain home, car, promotion, status, position, or thing. What is going on here? It's called "desirous attachment" and when you are "attached" to ANY outcome in life, as a source of happiness or validation, then you are caught in the trap. What happens when you get it and then lose it? You're miserable! What happens if you don't get it? You're miserable. What happens when you're waiting for it? You're anxious, stressed, driven, sometimes obsessed with whatever "it" is. Some people will go after whatever it is that they're attached to at all cost, no matter what they have to do, or who they have to hurt, or how "competitive" they have to be. Some people cannot find inner peace unless they "have" whatever it is they are attached to, and some people even take their lives as a result. I almost did after an unjust custody battle years ago. I couldn't see the "light" behind the darkness - All I could see was the injustice, the pain, suffering, and the burning misery I experienced really caused me to open my heart with compassion to others who suffer - because "I've been there." Think of every actor in Hollywood that wants to be a "star". They are filled with desirous attachment. Think of the people who lost all of their money and then took their lives. They too were filled with desirous attachment. The Cure The only cure for desirous attachment is the realization that whenever you get what you want, then it's usually something else that you will want after that. Right? So it's a never ending cycle. Once you realize that the cause of most personal suffering is the desirous attachment to an outcome of one form or another, and you can realize that if you let go of the desirous attachment, and allowed yourself to be at peace with who you are, from the inside out - rather than the outside in - a LOT of internal pain will be alleviated. Another example that I learned is suppose you DO get what you want - such as a certain person in your life - you're on cloud nine - UNTIL you have a fight - and THEN there's misery - as long as there's desirous attachment. Or you could be so attached to an object - such as a house, until the roof needs to be replaced - then you're not so happy anymore. The only way to free yourself from the emotional and mental suffering is to release all desirous attachment, and then you can go about your business, take care of what you wish to, be with whomever you enjoy being with, and know that you're entire life and reality does not EVER hinge on any one person, place or thing. This is the cure. I learned to put ALL of humanity on an even keel, and regard ALL sentient beings as equal. This releases the desirous attachment that places certain people on pedestals, where we elevate their importance as more than other sentient beings. ALL of humanity is equally important, not just "my" family, or "your" family - but EVERY person alive. No Attachment Equals No Suffering Think about all of the things that are on your mind. There's something that you're attached to ? that you either want, or are afraid of losing. I've been there, and have received much, lost much, and now am neutral as far as longing or fear. I live with more trust, as opposed to desirous attachment, and the relief is astounding. Living with a purpose to be of help and service to others brings me far greater joy than anything I have ever owned, acquired or received. This is true freedom. It's freedom from anxiety, fear, highs and lows, as well as pain and suffering. It is not what is outside of you that will being you joy - it is your BEING free of desirous attachment that will enable you to live with far more inner peace, calm, serenity, and the joy you deserve. Shed a light on the illusion that a certain person, position or thing will "make you happy" and then you will come to see that true inner peace comes when the mind is free of all desirous attachment. Think about it, and then, enjoy your JOY! © Copyright by Barbara Rose. All Rights Reserved Barbara Rose is an Internationally acclaimed public speaker, spiritual author of: "Stop Being the String Along: A Relationship Guide to Being THE ONE" "If God Was Like Man"and "Individual Power: Reclaiming Your Core, Your Truth, and Your Life", founder of The Rose Group publishing company, inspire! Magazine, Institute of Higher Self Communication, and Rose Humanitarian Alliance. She works in Divine Cooperation with others to uplift the spiritual consciousness of humanity. Through a Divine Spiritual gift she brings through information to create the highest vision of your life, and our world. Her internationally praised seminars, widely published articles, Higher Self Certification intensives, and Divinely Channeled private consultations have changed the lives of thousands across the globe. For enlightening info, contacts, books, articles and resources to help you become your highest self, visit Barbara's website: http://www.borntoinspire.com
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He Still Hasnt Popped the Question - Should You Give Him an Ultimatum? You've been dating the man forever, and he has yet to cough up a ring. You spend every single weekend with him. You endure his flatulent buddies from college. You put up with his lunatic mother. You alternate spending holidays with his family and yours, spending handsome sums on gifts for his nieces and nephews. You cook for him. You've baked him birthday cakes. Occasionally you even do his laundry. Relationship Advice: 3 Kinds of Love There are three kinds of love: You Have to Read Heartbreak Rescue Just For You "The truth that makes men free is for the most part the truth which men prefer not to hear." Herbert Agar 7 Steps To Creating A Healthy Relationship Everything in life, in order to be a success, requires knowledge and education to some extent. We read, study and take courses on several subjects that we as human beings require in order to live the life we choose to live. If we wish to improve on a certain area of life such as career and education we simply enroll in classes or find alternative methods that will provide us with the information we are seeking. However, we were not taught to educate ourselves on relationships-the most essential factor to living in this world. We must be able to relate to others in order to create an environment that we feel is desirable and supportive to us. Here I am providing 7 steps to having a healthy relationship. Whether you are in a current relationship or seeking one, these are key ingredients to creating and improving the relationship you desire. The Type of Woman Men Fall in Love With I'd like to shed some light on something that women have been puzzled about for centuries, and that is the type of women men fall in love with. There have been so many books written on this subject, yet most have not delivered the common sense answers I am going to share with you in this issue of Smart Woman's Guide Newsletter. Make Time for Your Relationship "We don't have to wait till Valentine's Day to think about relationships, whether we're in one or would like to be. Most people would agree that romance is the key element beneath the relationship pot. Never Ever Show Youre Jealous O.k., you're standing there all alone at a party and in the far corner of the room your boyfriend is talking to some groovy chick. She's coming onto him and much to your dismay, he doesn't seem to be bragging about all how happy he is in his relationship with you. In fact, he even seems to be encouraging and indulging the shameless slattern's disgusting, desperate, gall-filled pleas for sexual attention. So you a) burst into tears and run from the room b) go up to him and drape yourself around his neck so she can't miss the fact that you and him are "together" or c) stand there and repeatedly tap his shoulder with your finger going "Um honey, honey, honey, I have to talk to you ... until he finally is forced to turn around and scream in your face "WHAT!" Setting Up Boundaries in Relationships Setting up personal boundaries is important in all types of relationships, but in intimate ones, it is all the more important. As with the closer the relationship will become it is easier for those lines to blur. You may ask yourself what is a boundary and why setting, or recognizing them do for me. Boundaries are personal limits we have with other people emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Often we already have these built-in, but sadly we often ignore them because we were taught to be nice to everyone, or that our desire to be in a relationship may outweigh how we behave. Is Your Soulmate an Idiot? Lately, I think people are investing too much energy in the idea that they "must find their soulmate." Where do we get this idea that we are somehow not complete unless we are connected to another person? What are you? An electrical outlet waiting for a plug, so you can finally light up the world? Frankly, when I hear the word "soulmate" I tend to give a little shudder, especially when I think about some of the people in my past that I have considered to be my soulmates. Quite frankly, most of my soulmates were idiots! The Buddha would say that they were also my teachers -- people I have known in a previous life time who have come back in this lifetime to teach me a lesson. Boy did they, but unfortunately, it sometimes takes several soul mates to teach us just one lesson. (Hint, hint -- I think the lesson is supposed to be about "letting go" and stop trying to control, or own people -- a common problem in this society.) What Makes The Ideal Man? Are you looking for the Ideal Man? While my book "the Ultimate Online Dating Handbook" will show you how to get him, have you ever wondered what the Ideal Man would be like? How should he spend his spare time, should he like sports, or shopping? Manicures or electronics? Well, in an online survey, The Harris Poll and Dodge Dakota asked 2,131 U.S. adults aged 18 and over to describe the Ideal Man. 1,003 of the participants were men while 1,128 where women. Here are some of the questions they were asked, and what the survey concluded. 10 Red Flags In Dating Relationships When starting a new relationship, many women (and men as well) tend to overlook some behaviors in their new partner that do not bode well for the future. Then, down the road, comes the exclamation 'If I had only known...'. As a Psychotherapist who has worked with mostly women and a few men in the field of Domestic Violence, during counseling sessions we can always trace back unpleasant and also dangerous character traits to the very start of the relationship. 10 Tips For A Happy Relationship It's not working. Your relationship with your partner is not the same. What can you do? These days more than 50% of all marriages fail for some reason. Usually the marriages are because of too much criticism over money or the children. When A Two-Salary Income Fails While this may not apply to everyone, you may find that a second salary brings in substantially less than you thought it would. In the beginning, Rachael thought that since she and her husband were just about breaking even as a couple, that staying home with the new baby would not work -- infant needs seemed endless. So she went back to her old job. And They Didnt Even Know I was Looking: Lessons on Love from My Parents I came from good people. The First Ninety Days A friend of mine recently commented on the amazing number of romance novels written and the huge amount of money being made in that industry. He then shared his observation that these romance novels don't usually tell their stories beyond the first ninety days or so. He said people just want to read about the romance of falling in love, not of the day-to-day life of being in long-term relationships. Stop Making Relationship Mistakes! Avoid Another Unhappy Relationship! It is possible for women to steer clear of an unhappy relationship. However, it will require taking an honest look at themselves and their relationship mistakes. Lab Created Diamonds Are Now Exceedingly Good When we think of precious gems, we usually spare little thought to the hard work that it takes to bring them to us in the beautiful jewelry that we love to wear, but diamond mining is, in fact, an expensive and dangerous procedure, reflected to the consumer in the price that must be paid to own one. Wouldn't it be wonderful if there were some way to recreate that same brilliance and beauty in a less dangerous, and hence less expensive way? Today's technological innovations mean that this does not have to be a pipe dream any longer ? with lab created diamonds, we can wear beautiful gemstones produced by the intelligence of mankind, rather than the trials and tribulations of nature, and without the expense that mining brings. Lab created diamonds are now very good and becoming as popular as the real thing. Happily Single v Happily Married Have you noticed how so many people spend their lives wishing they were something they are not? Friendship Advice for a Shrinking Planet Ahh, friends. The people we pick up along the proverbial bus ride of life. Some hitch a ride and get off after a couple stops, and others hang on for the long haul. As our world grows ever smaller, the friendship pool extends ever wider. But does it grow shallower, too? Are You Relationship Ready? So, you want to fall in love? You are certainly old enough and moving well along your chosen career path. Many of your friends are either married or in committed relationships. You have grown weary of the singles scene ![]() |
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