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The Type of Woman Men Fall in Love With
I'd like to shed some light on something that women have been puzzled about for centuries, and that is the type of women men fall in love with. There have been so many books written on this subject, yet most have not delivered the common sense answers I am going to share with you in this issue of Smart Woman's Guide Newsletter. Without wasting much time, I will get right to the point. I am going to give you 10 personality attributes that men love to see in the women they fall head over heels in love with. Men are attracted to women that have: 1. Intelligent ? This attribute ranks very high, after men have gotten past your looks. Men love women that are smart, opinionated, and articulate. Most enjoy speaking to women who have their own point of view on subjects and are passionate in discussing affairs of the day. Men love to debate, and if you can make them believe, or at least respect, your point of view, then you have a man that will see you as an equal, and not as an ornament to be displayed to the rest of the world until the next best ornament comes his way. 2. Good Humored ? If you can laugh at your man's crude jokes or take his wisecracks, you become someone he wants to get to know better. But if you're the type that easily gets upset when he jokes about your raggedy hair or sloppy dressing, men will not find your personality as attractive as one who possesses this quality. 3. Confident ? When you have your own opinion and can defend it, are comfortable in your own skin, regardless of your body size or whatever else Mother Nature has thrown your way, then you have what it takes to attract men that will fall head over heels in love with you. 4. Supportive - Men find it easy to fall in love with women that encourage and support positive undertakings they embark on. Men love women that have the ability to see what they see in the goals they pursue. Men believe that when you support their dreams and goals, you believe in their ability to accomplish those things that are dear to their hearts. And when you support that which is dear to a man's heart, you essentially have the key to unlock his passionate love for you. 5. Accommodating ? When you understand that men are not perfect, and you are able to easily forgive them for their imperfections, then you possess one of the most admirable qualities men seek in their love interest. However, if you are the type that will nitpick every single thing they do or nag them at the drop of a hat, then you will not have a man hanging around you for very long. 6. Patient ? This attribute is quite similar to that in #5. When I speak of patience here, I am referring to a woman's ability to be in a relationship with a man without pressuring him into making a serious commitment he may not be ready to make. Now understand that there is a way to let a man know that you are interested in settling down, without coming across as desperate or overbearing. Women that show men that they are willing to wait for them to propose a committed relationship are apt to be more attractive to men than those that come across as impatient. 7. Sensual ? A woman that is not sensual is not attractive to any man. To be attractive to a man you must be perceived as someone who is very comfortable with her sexuality and knows how to initiate sex spontaneously. If you believe that men should always be the first to make the move when it comes to bedroom and lovemaking matters, you may be doing yourself more harm than good when it comes to your ability to attract men. Improve your ability to initiate intimacy, and you will see how much more attractive you will appear to your guy. You can improve in this area tremendously if you are open to what Michael Webb, a bestselling author, reveals in his exciting e-book, "500 Lovemaking Tips & Secrets". 8. Honest ? Men find authentic and honest women quite attractive. If you are the type that tells it like you see it, men will find this aspect of your personality very attractive. "Say what you will do and do what you say" ought to be your motto. Just as you respect and love men that tell you the truth no matter what, men feel the same way when they meet a woman that does not waste their time with fibs. In a nutshell, men are attracted to women that are honest and down to earth, women that do not pretend to be who they are not. 9. Open-minded ? The willingness to explore other possibilities, new ideas, etc. is an attribute that men seek in the women they want to love. Being open-minded does not mean that one has to compromise one's personal convictions, but rather is able to see another point of view and respect it, even if it is not one that you share. 10. Health conscious ? Women that take care of themselves are generally more attractive than those that do not. After all a good physique is the first thing that attracts men, even before they get to know how wonderful and exciting you are. Men are attracted to women that exercise, eat right, take care of their hair, nails, and dress well. To attract the best you must look your best ? it is that simple. To find out how to make your man fall madly in love with you, please visit: http://www.smartwomansguide.com. Steve Ubah is the author of Passion Keys ? A Woman's Ultimate Guide To Unlocking The Love In A Man's Heart. To find out how you can make your man fall madly in love with you, please visit http://www.smartwomansguide.com A note to all publishers: Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine, newsletter or website as long as the article's content is not modified and all links as well as the author's resource box are included.
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