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Sacred Relationships: Divine Source
Questions and Answers from Divine Source Through Barbara Rose 1. What is a "Sacred Relationship"? 2. How does this differ from the relationships we have had in the past? 3. Why is this change taking place? 4. How can I change my perspective to adjust to this new paradigm? 5. What will happen if I make this adjustment? 6. How are the roles between men and women changing now on the Spiritual level? THE ANSWERS 1. What is a "Sacred Relationship"? A Sacred Relationship is one where all of the encoding on the cellular level from the eons of conditioning among humanity are now evolving to "catch up" to your spiritual evolution. What this means is that the roles men and women have played are now coming up to the Light to be "re-adjusted" and awakened on all levels. This is a time of great transition, as the old and outmoded ways of belief and actions are consciously replaced with a spiritual harmony, respect, and gender neutral preferences. What I mean by "gender neutral preferences" is that you are to view each other as pure spiritual beings, without all of the games and programming that have not served you well in the history of humanity. This is a time where "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" plays its greatest role. There will be more of a shared sense of purpose, a shared spiritual service in whatever form of service you chose to come into this life to express, however, in this new relationship paradigm or view, you will no longer have a "war between the sexes" but will honor each other as equal spiritual beings. The games of old no longer work, and quite frankly, the reason why they never worked was because many of your societies and cultures have conditioned you to react and respond, rather than be and be pure, transparent, and genuine with all of your intentions. So in this new relationship view on Earth, you can have more open telepathic communication, more of a "knowing" that does not need words to be expressed, and more of a spiritual intimacy that transcends the purely physical intimacy, however, physical intimacy will continue to be as delightful and pleasurable, even more so as you share purely. 2. How does this differ from the relationships we have had in the past? Typically, chaos and discord seem to precede newfound clarity and resolution. So you might see an increase in the divorce rate, as you outgrow the one you may be with, while you are aligning with your Higher purpose, and your partner does not support your spiritual growth. Many of the relationships you have had in the past seemed to require "vows" ? forever. In this new view, the relationships will allow for personal freedom on all levels. "Faithfulness" will come from one's genuine heartfelt desire to be with you, rather than a legally imposed order ? that as you may surmise, has not really worked in your societies anyway. As you and your partners awaken on all levels, you will not be able to keep secrets from each other, because you will literally be able to read the other person's mind. So there will be a special level of intimacy that will be experienced as your genuine desires are both known, and respected. During this transition, it is imperative that you learn how to verbally communicate anything that you may feel, so that it can be cleared up immediately. Another area will be sexual preferences and desires. Certainly sex will continue to be most pleasurable, however, you may not feel the "need" for as much physical sex, however, when you DO have sex, it will be a sacred and spiritual merge, and quite powerful to say the least. The "power" will come from its purity. The passion will erupt, and you will engage in sacred sexuality that transcends they now typical "one night (empty) stand." Know that it will be and feel far more powerful and real than what has previously been the norm with respect to your experiences, which will make it that much more delightful. However, in some cases, you may not feel this "need" to merge on this more physical level, but when you desire to do so, expect it to be more powerful. 3. Why is this change taking place? Because you are awakening to your spiritual nature, and as a result your physical experiences will evolve and awaken along with your spiritual experiences. Once you grow and awaken on a certain level, you really cannot go backwards in your evolution or awakening. All is motivated by pure love. Being that your essence is pure love, you (as humanity) are awakening to your highest expression of Self, and are more consciously becoming one with Divine Source, so naturally as you become more conscious or awakened, your physical life, and relationships are naturally going to follow suit. This is a positive awakening, and you did choose to come into this world of form to awaken on all levels, to know that you are not, nor could you ever be separated from Divine Source, so you will begin to experience more of a pure, unconditional love for all, equally, and transcend the view that "your partner" is more "special" than any other spiritual being. As you awaken to this fact, ALL of your relationships become sacred, because you are all One. 4. How can I change my perspective to adjust to this new paradigm? View every single being as if you are viewing yourself. Make no separation between "you" and "them" because there is no separation that is all within the erroneous thought system stemming from ego. So as you act towards another, first before any action, or non-action, ask yourself just one question: Would I like it if this person behaved this way towards me?" That is the ONLY question that you need to ask yourself, and this will spare you from much unnecessary discord, confusion, and it will certainly spare you from most of the pain you go through in the outmoded views that have been lodged within your cellular memory that you have carried over from lifetime to lifetime. If you can remember to simply view each person, as if it were YOU, then you will adjust to this new paradigm, and you will find much more inner peace and joy with respect to all of your relations, with every sacred spiritual being on Earth. 5. What will happen if I make this adjustment? You will come to know an inner and outer peace that you may have never experienced before. You will feel a sacred connection to all people, and will feel the oneness that you share with all of humanity, as you may have felt this shared sense of "oneness" with just one "special" person. Now, you will feel this interaction with all people, and it will bring you a great deal of joy with respect to how you both relate to, and are treated by others. Please realize that all "others" are truly a part of you. It may take many to adjust to this new view, however, this is the next step into awakening to your Divine heritage while still in a physical life. In truth, you are all One, so now you can play this out on the physical level, and marvel at the results that come from Love on every level of your life. 6. How are the roles between men and women changing now on the Spiritual level? They are becoming more of a shared spiritual experience. They are beginning to be perceived as spiritual humanity, rather than "man and woman." This is the truth, and as all truth is eternal, you will come to find that as your views begin to evolve and awaken, the "war between the sexes" will cease. You will look for common ground in your spiritual heritage, that will carry much more meaning than motives based on physical means to the ego's trap of a perceived victory or end. So you will slowly adjust and actually LOVE the awakened way much more so than they ways of old that were created by your egos. As a result, you will feel much more inner peace, and the confusion that used to prevail in relationships will be transformed to a spiritual sacred shared experience, which will help you to experience the bliss and joy of Home, that is within your soul memory. You will begin to feel "at home" again while in your physical life, and that feeling is one of PURE BLISS, heart-centered Joy, and Divine Love that will permeate every level of your life. So as you awaken to this level, naturally the roles between men and women will transform to match your new awakening, and what a Joy that will be for you, and for all of humanity! © Copyright by Barbara Rose. All Rights Reserved. The above is a partial chapter excerpt from the book "Stop Being the String Along: A Relationship Guide to Being THE ONE" by Barbara Rose, Published by The Rose Group Barbara Rose is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation and spiritual/human potential. A pioneering force in incorporating Higher Self Communication the study and integration of humanity's God-Nature into modern personal growth and spiritual evolution. A #1 relationship best-selling author of Stop Being the String Along: A Relationship Guide to Being THE ONE, Barbara's other highly acclaimed books include, If God Was Like Man, and Individual Power: Reclaiming Your Core, Your Truth and Your Life. Her public speaking events, tele-seminars, webcasts, articles and private intensives have transformed the lives of thousands across the globe. Barbara is known for providing life-changing answers, quick practical coaching and deep spiritual wisdom to people worldwide. She is the founder of IHSC ? Institute of Higher Self Communication, inspire! Magazine, Rose Humanitarian Alliance, and The Rose Group publishing company. Barbara works in cooperation with spiritual leaders, to uplift the spiritual consciousness of humanity. http://www.borntoinspire.com
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