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Improve Your Relationships Through Vastu
Do you want be in a relationship that brings you deep fulfillment and love? Or perhaps you want a more satisfying connection with that one person already in your life? Would you like to have a deeply rewarding relationship with yourself? From a Vastu perspective, if your home is not in proper balance, those things that you desire most in life can elude you causing sadness, disappointment, and lost opportunities. Relationships, like other areas of your life, can be compromised when your home is not in balance with the natural forces that permeate the world and our Universe. In nature all five elements (earth, water, fire, air and space) are in balance. When building, very little attention is placed on the importance of creating a structure that benefits the well-being and happiness of the inhabitants or that brings in support from solar and magnetic energies. Have you ever experienced walking into a home that made you feel uncomfortable for no apparent reason? Or entered a home where you felt wonderful and relaxed? It is the subtleties in our world that have great impact on us. Some people are attuned to the environment and can sense this harmony or disharmony more readily. But for most, we are not as aware of the impact our surroundings have on us. We are conscious of the symptoms of disharmony ? unhappiness, stress, arguments, and discontent, but rarely if ever do we consider that the underlying causes could come from our environment. Vastu Shastra is the architectural science that can create maximum harmony in a relationship through a unique process of balancing the five elements in your home. It allows for the beneficial energy to be readily available to support your desire for peace, happiness, and fulfillment. Here's how it works: As a part of this earth, we live in a sea of electromagnetic and stellar influences. Every shift produced in the atmosphere has the potential to affect our actions. Every particle of energy is linked to the next particle. According to Vastu, the sun produces different qualities of energy on its path from east to west and can influence our daily life. Each of the five elements is associated with a direction and each direction has a particular influence on us. Different aspects of relationships are most optimally supported in a specific direction. When there is stress caused by finances, sexual imbalances, overwork, inability to communicate, children, and health challenges, relationships do not thrive. The northeast area of your residence is associated with the water element and influences the growth of your relationships. The northeast is good for entrances. If this area has proper Vastu, your finances will be good and this aspect will have a positive affect on your relationships. If there is a toilet, a missing corner, clutter, heating or lighting systems, or blockage in the northeast, growth of your relationships will stagnate. If your bedroom is in this area, there will be a lot of tension. The southeast area of you home is associated with the fire element. The southeast influences the energy needed to have lively relationships. Kitchens, heating and electrical systems work well in the southeast. If this area is balanced according to Vastu, there will be passion in your life and relationships. If there is a cut or blockage in this area, your relationships will suffer. If the master bedroom is in the southeast, there will be quarreling. The southwest area of your residence is associated with the earth element. The southwest influences the stability of your relationships. The optimum place for the master bedroom is in the southwest. Whether or not this is possible, having your bed in the southwest area of your bedroom with the head of the bed on the south wall is very beneficial for positive relationships. If this area has proper Vastu, your relationships will be very solid and grounded. In this area, if there is a missing corner, toilet, or heating source, there will be some obstacles to your relationships. The northwest area of your home is associated with the air element. The northwest influences the ability to create and communicate. Toilets and guest bedrooms work well in the northwest and support mental stability, attraction, and clear communications. If there is a missing corner, no windows, or very little space between your home and another building, there will be mental instability, poor communication, and a lack of attraction between people. The central area of a residence is associated with the space element. If this area is open there will be good communication in relationships. If there is clutter, toilets, a kitchen or no open space in the central area of a home, there will be disagreements. As you can see, stress can occur within your environment that can impact your life. This can be easily remedied by having a Vastu analysis done on your home (or office). Vastu Creations will help you create balance and harmony in your home and life. About The Author Michael and Robin Mastro's synergistic approach successfully assists people in living in peace and harmony with themselves and others, and in creating balanced lives filled with unlimited possibilities. Visit us at www.VastuCreations.com
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