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How to Spot a Cheater
Is your man the cheating type? Here are some clues to help you find out if he is cheating. Please note that just because you feel your man is cheating, does not mean that he really is. Make sure you have some hard facts before you make a decision that could ruin a relationship, It may just need a little bit of work and some trust on your part. But if you suspect that he is cheating, here are some clues that could help you decipher what your man is really up to: Has his work routine changed dramatically? It will be very easy to assume that his late nights at the office could mean that he is having an affair, but that is not always the case. Find out why your man has to spend additional time at the office. Does he have a project coming up, or a major report with a tight deadline? Call him at the office and see if he will answer his office phone. If he does not, it could mean that he is up to something. If his office is close to your home, take a drive without telling him you are coming. When you get to his office, try to locate his car. If you cannot, call him and tell him to come outside to get a takeout dinner you have for him. And be sure you have actually bought some food, so that you can use it as your excuse to drop by his office unannounced. Is he still affectionate toward you? Has there been any change in the way he shows his affection? Is he pulling back from you for no just reason? If your guy is not under any kind of pressure from his job, and you have not quarreled with him lately, but he seems to be holding back his hugs and kisses, there may be cause for you to have your antenna up. If he starts criticizing things he never criticized you about in the past, then you need to have your eyes and ears open. Does he want to hang out with the guys more these days? If he suddenly starts going out on weekends to party with his friends, without asking you to come along, then you know that there could be more to his sudden need for weekend excitement. When he tells you he wants to go out, ask him about what specific club he wants to go to. You may have to do a little stalking to get to his real motive. When he leaves, give him about a thirty-minute head start, then make your way to the place he says he will be with his friends. Look for his car in the parking lot. If he is there, go in and find a hidden corner of the place to spy on him from. If he has a woman in his arms, then you know the likelihood of his cheating on you is quite high. If he is just having fun with his friends, just quickly find your way home. If you find him in a compromising position, do not confront him or the person you have caught him with, and never let him know that you had followed him to the place he told you he was going to. If you look for his car and do not find it, it may be that he has dashed over to his new love's home to get his affair on. Does he not want to pick up certain calls on his cell phone in your presence? Does he frequently avoid taking certain calls that come to his cell phone when you are around? It is normal to not pick up every single call that comes to your cell phone, but if this kind of behavior happens more often when you are with him, then it is possible that he is avoiding speaking with a new love interest. If it happens more often than you can bear, then ask him directly why he seems not to want to take calls on his cell phone, and watch for his reaction. If he acts a little nervous or gives you that nervous laugh, you can bet that there is something he is trying to hide. Does he get upset more often over little things? Is he starting to get upset over little things that never upset him in the past? Does he want to start a fight with you, just so he can stomp out of the house and stay out for a long time? Does he seem to get easily irritated when you put his things out of place, especially when things like that really never bothered him in the past? Has he started talking often about getting tired of you and the relationship? When you have small disagreements does he bring up the fact that he is getting tired of you? If he starts suggesting that perhaps you should break up or give each other a break for some time, especially when you have not done anything serious that warrants such a drastic action, then you may be right in suspecting that he may be itching to start something new with a silent love interest. Whatever you do, be sure not to conclude too soon that your guy is cheating. The important thing is to watch the changes in your guy's behavior, and try to see if there are any inconsistencies between his words and his actions. Be certain he really is cheating before you take any action. If you think he is cheating on you, there is a proven way to catch your cheating lover. There are some interesting things you can do with your computer to gather the information you need to nab a cheating lover. Did you know that there is a way to secretly record everything that is typed on your PC by anyone at any time ? emails, chats, instant messages, etc? Good luck. You don't have to wait until your man starts cheating on you. You can make him fall madly in love with you. There is a way to do this, and you can start today by visiting: http://www.smartwomansguide.com. Steve Ubah is the author of Passion Keys ? A Woman's Ultimate Guide To Unlocking The Love In A Man's Heart. To find out how you can make your man fall madly in love with you, please visit http://www.smartwomansguide.com A note to all publishers: Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine, newsletter or website as long as the article's content is not modified and all links as well as the author's resource box are included.
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When those hopes are fulfilled, they consider that they've won ? the relationship is successful. However, this approach to relationships usually brings disappointment in the long run. Not only do our hopes, needs and expectations change, but constantly making demands upon our partner can only lead to relationship burnout. A truly winning relationship is built upon a different basis. ![]() |
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