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How to Start a Conversation With a Woman
Last week I had the easiest pick up and seduction of a woman in my life, and it all started with me walking by a random girl and saying (using a clear, resonating voice and disinterested, but relaxed and sexual, body language), "Hey." She looked up, expecting me to say something interesting. My follow-up was simply, "Do you know where the smoothie place is? I'm in the mood for a smoothie." After that, she kept the conversation going. Simple, right? Here was the key: I always made sure that she was reacting to me more than I was reacting to her. When I first started speaking to her, I frankly couldn't care less about what she thought of me. My mindset was, "I'm just going through my day. But hey, if some beautiful woman wants to earn my attention, that's cool. If not, I'm going to enjoy my day just the same." I've coached a lot of guys, and the mistake I most often see a guy make when he opens a conversation with a girl is that he tries to get a response from her. Maybe he tries too hard to make her laugh. Or he starts asking her weird questions that he shouldn't be interested in when speaking to a total stranger (e.g., "What's you major?" or "How has your day been today?") This sets her up with a higher value than him. You see, whenever you set a girl up with a higher value than you (like when you're trying to win her approval), this causes her to lose attraction for you. In every conversation, there is always one person who is reacting more than the other. The person who reacts less is the more dominant, or alpha, person. The person trying to win the other's approval is the one who's more attracted. So a girl will struggle to make small talk and keep the conversation going as long as your value is higher than hers. Women are attracted to men who are a challenge for them. If at some point it becomes clear that you're trying to win her approval, then there's no longer a challenge for her and she loses interest. Keep your alpha male status and stay in control of the situation right from the beginning. Make sure to not ever react too much to what a girl says. So the answer to the best way to begin a conversation with a woman is this: Don't try. Don't care what she thinks. Just say whatever you want. John Alexander is author of "How to Become an Alpha Male," a dating success guide for men which you can find at http://www.becomingalpha.com
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Save Your Relationships (5 Easy Steps To A Winning Relationship) We all enter relationships hoping they will make us happy. Each person has a shopping list of hopes and expectations, secret demands he/she makes on their partners. When those hopes are fulfilled, they consider that they've won ? the relationship is successful. However, this approach to relationships usually brings disappointment in the long run. Not only do our hopes, needs and expectations change, but constantly making demands upon our partner can only lead to relationship burnout. A truly winning relationship is built upon a different basis. Breaking Your Relationship Pattern, Part 4 Finally, after all of the hard work you have done completing your past, here is a way to break your relationship pattern. What is a Red Flag The focus of many of the last few articles has been on what is does a dangerous person look like, who you should avoid, but did you know that we all have personal red flags available if we just listen to them. Red Flags are signals that we all have, although they may differ just slightly. For some of us they are internal mental grumblings, for others of us it a sinking feeling you get inside, and for some when our bodies are really giving a message it is giving us a physical signs. Relationship Advice: Two Tips for Great Relationships Relationship Tip 1 Here Come the Questions Why is it that even though I am not positive if I like a guy, because of course it's only been a week, that when he doesn't call for 3 days it becomes a dramatic incident, and all of a sudden its Fiona Apple time? There is no reason for him to not call; everything was fine last we spoke. With the time frame we are discussing here in the first place it shouldn't even phase me that a man decides to not call for 3 days, or possibly (gulp) never again. I never slept with him, I never drunkenly made a fool of myself over him or around him, in fact we had a lovely first date, probably one of the most successful I have ever been on considering this particular date including shopping. On top of that we spoke multiple times this week. Now it is Sunday night and I have heard nothing from the adorable Mr. Foley, it shouldn't matter. But it does. Add Trust To Your Relationship Trust is something that is important to every single relationship you have. No matter if it is a relationship of friends, family, or even a relationship of lovers; trust must be there to make it successful. So, if you are noticing a lack of trust within your relationship, how can you get trust back into your relationship? How can trust be incorporated into your life, daily? How can you trust if you've been hurt in relationships before? Whats Up With Unconditional Love? To tell you the truth, I'm a little disillusioned with the term unconditional love, lately. It's just not "natural". The phrase has been used for decades, by psychologists, therapists, A.A. types and the overall spiritually minded to describe how one should cope with impossible behavior." The original principle behind the concept, was to help the person who is being abused accept the circumstances and not have to live in a perpetual state of resentment towards their partner. You, as the codependent (ie the one who is always hurt) is supposed to see your partner as "sick" and not blame him or her for their actions. You're supposed to love and care for the adulterer, batterer, gambler, manic depressive or alcoholic the same way you would someone who has the flu. Husband comes home drunk? Sober him up with cups of black coffee and a dose of your eternally burning, unconditional love. Boyfriend unfaithful? That's O.k., because you have unconditional love for him that will last for an eternity. Girlfriends rack up your credit cards again with her compulsive shopping? You'll take care of the bills because you're love for her is undying and unconditional and you've told yourself ""I'll always love her no matter what ...." How to Tell If Your Boyfriend or Husband Is Cheating On You The word infidelity brings with it fear to every woman I've ever had the opportunity to speak with. While many make the claim that their spouse would never cheat on them they realize that is false hope and that it could very well happen to them. Adultery as Sexual Addiction: Should You Stay Married? I outline 7 kinds of affairs in my E-book, "Break Free From the Affair." One affair, "I Can't Say NO!" is characterized by addictive tendencies. Infidelity (as well as pornography, strip clubs, online chatting, compulsive masturbation, etc.) may be a part of the sexual addiction. How Not to Compromise With Your Partner Do you ever disagree with your spouse? Or your boyfriend or girlfriend? Of course not ? she/he/it is perfect, right? My Life My sister is 45 and having an affair with an old boyfriend from her youth. She says she loves him, he loves her, and they wish to pursue a life together. They are both married, though he is separated. My sister has a wonderful husband who is devoted to her even after discovering the affair. The Egoistic Friend What are friends for and how can a friendship be tested? By behaving altruistically, would be the most common answer and by sacrificing one's interests in favour of one's friends. Friendship implies the converse of egoism, both psychologically and ethically. But then we say that the dog is "man's best friend". After all, it is characterized by unconditional love, by unselfish behaviour, by sacrifice, when necessary. Isn't this the epitome of friendship? Apparently not. On the one hand, the dog's friendship seems to be unaffected by long term calculations of personal benefit. But that is not to say that it is not affected by calculations of a short-term nature. The owner, after all, looks after the dog and is the source of its subsistence and security. People ? and dogs ? have been known to have sacrificed their lives for less. The dog is selfish ? it clings and protects what it regards to be its territory and its property (including ? and especially so - the owner). Thus, the first condition, seemingly not satisfied by canine attachment is that it be reasonably unselfish. Ending a Relationship Gracefully Ending a relationship is never easy. When you feel you must end a relationship most people find it challenging as they have feelings towards their partner and do not wish to hurt them. Cheating Wives and Cheating Husbands Give Different Reasons for Having Extramarital Affairs Infidelity studies indicate that the percentage of cheating wives is fast approaching the percentage of cheating husbands wives. But the studies also reveal that men and women who are cheating on their spouses give different reasons to justify their extramarital affairs. Bedroom Treason Just a note to ask if there are other married women and men who are happy in their marriage and in their affair at the same time? I am fulfilled at home, in the bed and emotionally, with two men meeting my needs. Gay and Lesbian Relationships America has a reluctance to accept relationships between people of the same gender. This reluctance follows a similar pattern to the hostility towards interracial relationships. Although increasing, acceptance of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgendered persons' relationships are not widespread in America today. The stereotype remains that these groups practice promiscuous lifestyles. E-Love at Easter - Part Two The next week was a whirl. The first quarter of the year was ending. The girls worked hard to stay on top of their businesses. A Kiss is Never Just a Kiss! "Kiss: a secret told to the mouth instead of to the ear." Edmond Rostand How to Kiss and Make Up Was it a hectic day for you, or did you have one of those slow days that seem to drag on forever? Well, hopefully when you get home, if you are not home already, you will not have some drama you don't need waiting for you. If you do, we have some ideas about how to quench the drama, deflate your anger and get back to your fun self. Say, Whats On Your Mind, Partner? Stan is an incurable romantic. Ever since he started courting Marge seriously, he has been sending or bringing her flowers. During the couple of weeks leading up to their wedding, he sent her a different arrangement every day. He continued this practice every Friday for a long time thereafter. ![]() |
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