A Kiss is Never Just a Kiss!

"Kiss: a secret told to the mouth instead of to the ear." Edmond Rostand

"The decision to kiss for the first time is the most crucial in any love story." Emil Ludwig

"A Kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous." Ingrid Bergman

"Kiss: a thing of use to no one, but prized by two." Robert Zwickey

"On the list of great inventions, kissing ranks higher than the Thermos bottle and the Airstream trailer; even higher than room service, probably because the main reason room service was created was so that people could stay in bed and kiss without starving." Tom Robbins

"Few men know how to kiss well; fortunately, I've always had time to teach them." Mae West

I don't really know what the origin of kissing is. Perhaps it has been around as long as humans themselves, but few would argue that kissing is a very important part of how we connect with those we love, especially that special someone.

What makes a kiss really good and what does not? We have all had kisses that lingered long after the lips have departed. Those are the ones we long to have again. Here are a few simple rules to remember if you want your kisses to be memorable.

First and foremost, be present! The person who is fully present in the moment and engaged in his/her partner is very sexy and quite irresistible. Like a musical instrument, you may have the skill, but the true artist plays with soul. Kissing is no different. When you are fully focused on your partner and what is happening between you, your kiss will convey much more than the physical sensation of your lips touching.

Another important part of kissing is the amount of tension in your lips. Too much tension and you can't merge, too little and it's like a limp handshake. Full lips or thin does not matter. It is technique that is most important. Move your lips around a bit, don't stay static, movement is much more interesting. But be careful here. Too much tongue or too much of an open mouth in the beginning can be a turn off. Also, pay close attention to what your partner is doing and mirror it. Reflecting back his/her actions is one of the best ways to send the message of connection.

If you are kissing someone you really like or kissing a lover, don't be afraid to show how much you are enjoying it by nuzzling the neck or with groans, moans or sighs. These expressions of delight tell your partner what you like and that you are truly enjoying this kissing experience.

Avoid quick pecks on the lips or what I like to call "stamp" kisses. Pecks on the cheek for fun are fine, but if you are going to kiss on the lips, linger a while and give the kiss time to develop. Which reminds me, slooow doowwwn. What's the hurry? Take your time. Whether this is a first kiss or one with a long time partner, kissing is one of the most important and sensual ways we begin to make connection with a lover. Take it slow and enjoy the ride!

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For private one-on-one coaching contact Deb Melton, Singles Coach at 303-986-2223 or deb@denversinglescoach.com

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Deb Melton, Certified Fearless Living Coach and Singles Coach lives in Denver and coaches singles all over the country to help them find thier soulmate. Deb's philosophy is, "It's never too late to find the love of your life and live the life you love! Deb also offers teleclasses and seminars on a variety of subjects for singles of all ages. Never been married or receintly divorced, Deb's coaching and classes are interactive, fun and full of helpful information! Go to her website to learn more http://www.denversinglescoach.com

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