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Prince Charles and Camilla - The Greatest Love Story Of Our Time
Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles have loved each other for over thirty years. Their love story is the greatest love story of our time. It's a wonder that more people do not see it this way. Although the public loved the late Princess Diana dearly, this does not diminish the great love story that belongs to Prince Charles and his true love, Camilla Parker Bowles. Whenever they are together in public, you can see in their faces how deeply in love they are. After over thirty years, they want to be together all the time. How many couples can say that? A lot of people want to scorn Prince Charles, but I have long thought that he is wonderful. In his younger days, he entered an ill-advised marriage with Diana, in large part because the woman he truly loved, Camilla Parker Bowles, had already married someone else while Charles was away. The beautiful, innocent Diana seemed like a good choice, and she was indeed a lovely person. But sadly, Charles and Diana had nothing in common except their two sons. Charles and Diana were such vastly different people that their marriage was hopeless before it even started. Throughout their marriage, Charles maintained his friendship with Camilla Parker Bowles, and eventually they did commit adultery. Of course, this is not anything to be condoned. In fact, their own wedding ceremony contains a centuries-old prayer for forgiveness (and as we all know, Princess Diana also committed adultery). It is not hard to "forgive" Charles and Camilla for their sin, because their adultery was not borne of lust, but instead of genuine, lasting love. Camilla is the love of Charles' life. Prince Charles is the love of Camilla's life! Now they are finally going to be able to make this legal, and live openly together as a married couple - after more than thirty years of waiting. HOW ROMANTIC IS THAT?? Their love has stood the test of time, pressures and problems. The worst incident of all was when their very private words became public. That was indeed a scandal, but unfortunately, this is a reality of having such a public life. Did this embarrassing event stop them? Of course not. Has public scorn and ridicule stopped Prince Charles from being true to his love, Camilla Parker Bowles? No. Prince Charles is utterly devoted to Camilla, now and forever. To the inestimable credit of Prince Charles, Camilla Parker Bowles is not some twenty-something babe. If the Prince wanted to, he could find many such "babes" to date and marry. But the Prince is not like that. He loves a real woman - a woman who is in her fifties. A woman who is attractive but who is not a supermodel - she's the real thing. He adores her because of who she is on the inside as well as the outside. They are soulmates and the love of each other's lives. What was all this talk that Princess Diana would jinxing the wedding day from beyond the grave? What utter nonsense. In spite of Diana's resentment toward Camilla during her marriage, at this point, the Diana most people remember would have moved on long ago. She would wish now Charles well in his marriage to the woman he adores. There was also idle gossip that things like bad weather on the wedding day would be laughable, and a sign that the wedding was to be scorned. Why? Why should Charles and Camilla endure any more of this? They so obviously love each other. They have waited eight years since the death of Princess Diana. Is that not long enough?? They have in essence waited until the children grew up. Prince Charles and his love Camilla deserve our highest well wishes and joy. We should all wish Prince Charles and his lady Camilla the very greatest happiness. Finally, after all these years, they are married. Bravo! Sarah Tanner is a writer about relationships and charm. Visit her website, http://www.howtohavecharm.com, and sign up there for her unique emails about charm and relationships. You will receive free ebooks on relationships and self-improvement with each email! You are welcome to reprint this article if you include this resource box with all links unchanged.
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How to Build Solid Relationships Using the Power of Words We may not be aware of it; but the words we utter daily may have different interpretations, even if you think that they mean the same thing. How To (Wo)man Your Boundaries The first time I ever heard "boundaries" mentioned, it was by my then husband. He informed me that I had to protect and hold his boundaries. (There was nothing that man wouldn't dump at my door!) The Relativity of Your Life We live in the world of the relative. What and whom we surround ourselves with, how we spend our waking hours, and the type of person we become is in direct relation to all that surrounds us. An Introduction to Relationships "Love makes the world go around" was true when it was first uttered many years ago and remains just as true today. Love is what everybody is after. So much time is spent discussing love, reading about it, watching movies about it and singing about it that if all that time were spent on any other problem, it would surely have been solved a long time ago. Relationships with others are the vehicle through which people find love and, hopefully, preserve it. The Ancient Wisdom of Matchmaking & Loving Y.O.U. "Know Thyself" Plato Improve Relationships With Style Have you ever felt that relationships are messy? These messes, are they inevitable? Is there anything to do to minimize the mess? Can cleaning a messy relationship be possible? How do you manage a relationship with some many different kind of people? Interview with Tigress Luv: How To Get Over A Breakup Recently I had the opportunity to interview my personal favorite ebook author, Tigress Luv. She is a relationship expert who is widely known for her internet community. I asked her specific questions about what people can do to endure a painful breakup of a relationship. 10 Clues of an Online Affair 1. Your spouse or partner spends excess time on-line. Who doesn't use a computer today? I know a few people. They are excellent for paying bills, staying in touch with family, friends, customers, finding street locations, and a host of other productive endeavors. We can not live without them and shutter when a lighting storm threaten our usage. Just look at kids and their instant messaging. They will go without dinner just to keep in touch with their circle of friends. Try to pull them away, it's no easy task. Does your spouse resemble your kid's magnetism to the computer? Discover why this need is so powerful before it's too late. Relationship Conflict - Blow Up or Blow Through Every now and then I hear a "relationship expert" say that they have never had a argument with their spouse. This is when I find myself thinking this person is either lying or certainly can't relate to me. Is Your Soulmate an Idiot? Lately, I think people are investing too much energy in the idea that they "must find their soulmate." Where do we get this idea that we are somehow not complete unless we are connected to another person? What are you? An electrical outlet waiting for a plug, so you can finally light up the world? Frankly, when I hear the word "soulmate" I tend to give a little shudder, especially when I think about some of the people in my past that I have considered to be my soulmates. Quite frankly, most of my soulmates were idiots! The Buddha would say that they were also my teachers -- people I have known in a previous life time who have come back in this lifetime to teach me a lesson. Boy did they, but unfortunately, it sometimes takes several soul mates to teach us just one lesson. (Hint, hint -- I think the lesson is supposed to be about "letting go" and stop trying to control, or own people -- a common problem in this society.) Spice Up Your Relationship Tonight Every relationship needs relief from the same old bedroom routine now and then. Here is a collection of tips to boost the Scoville units in your romance. Relationship Advice: Closeness and Connection In my work with couples, certain themes have emerged that can help us understand how a couple that was once close can drift so far apart. What Does a Dangerous Man Look Like? When you are dating you try to keep from a dangerous man. What do they look like? Why is when you are dating people that some guys just manage to slip through the cracks before revealing their true colors? What are they looking for in a woman? What can you do to protect yourself from a dangerous man? Friends and Friendship - Who are Friends, What is Friendship A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. (Proverbs 17:17) What Keeps Couples Together There are several things you can do, especially when your relationship is loving and happy, to ensure that it remains this way for the long term. The first principle of a lasting relationship is your clear intention to preserve your mutual affection, respect and friendship. Dr. John Gottman, a towering figure in couples counseling, achieved this insight after more than thirty years in the research and study of couples. In his bestselling book, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, he discusses why most marriage therapy fails, concluding that resolving conflicts and improving communication is important but not, of itself, what keeps couples together. Rather, he finds that "friendship fuels the flames of romance." However intense or frequent their battles, the couples that last have never lost their fondness and respect for one anther. After describing the kinds of behavior that undermine mutual regard, Gottman describes seven things that happy marriages have in common, then he shows you how to introduce those seven principles into your own relationship. If ever you feel that the ties that bind are weakening, this would be a good place to start looking for things you can do to rekindle affection. This material is also available in audio or video format. Other factors that contribute to relationship success include learning to express your feelings, both positive and negative; learning to disagree in ways that are not destructive; and learning to accept things you can't change. Beyond self-help Beyond information in books, tapes and videos, there are couple workshops. Some might find it more effective to go directly to a good couples counselor. If one of you is allergic to the idea of counseling or therapy, look for a couples coach, which might be more acceptable. Enter "couples coach" into Google and see what comes up, or ask a recommended therapist to serve as a coach. Many religious organizations have trained conciliators who work with couples and many clergy are trained in couples counseling. In any case, you should only work with someone who is trained, experienced and certified to do the job. The important thing is that you not sit on your hands if one of you begins to feel that your mutual regard is fading. If you are committed to your relationship, you need to make it a priority, meaning there will be times when you have to put extra effort into it--get information, go to a workshop, get help. Above all, try to discuss things you can do to increase mutual regard and affection and decide together what steps to take. Relationship Resources The companion CD that's included in my book Legal Essentials for California Couples has a fine article, How to Get the Most From Couples Therapy. Appendix B in the book lists relationship resources that professionals have told us they recommend to their clients. One we like is The Five Love Languages, by Gary Chapman, who points out that people have different ways of expressing and receiving love, so that one person might be expressing it in a way that the other does not get, as where a man works hard to earn material things for his loved one and buys her gifts, but she craves touching and nice words. It's a matter of getting your signals straight. Other resources include the highly regarded Couple Communication workshops, which have trained over 600,000 people and are conducted across the U.S. by thousands of certified instructors. To find an instructor near you, visit www.couplecommunication.com. Then there's the respected Marriage Encounter with nation-wide programs for troubled couples that are based on Judeo-Christian concepts, though you need not be religious to participate. You can find more information about them at www.marriage-encounter.org. There's a mountain of good books, tapes, videos and workshops out there that you can use besides the examples I've given. Time spent on this subject will be richly rewarded. That's the whole point--to make the effort. The most innovative parts of the Couples Contract, featured in Legal Essentials for California Couples, are the agreements you make to take these kinds of actions when your relationship needs some help. The Couples Contract can be used by couples in any state with some minor revisions. To learn more about how the Couples Contract can protect and preserve your relationship, visit www.nolocouples.com. Copyright 2005 Ed Sherman The 4 Deadly Mistakes of Wife Seduction When a guy gets turned down over and over again (during the seduction process) in his relationship with his wife (or girlfriend) he often attempts to make adjustments. You are about to learn the 4 deadly mistakes guys make when attempting to correct the problem with their "not in the mood" female partner. Stop, Look, & Listen: The 3-Step Approach to Understanding Your Partner Introduction Dont Avoid Conflict and Confrontation with Your Spouse "I just let him handle things his way." Power Struggle! The greatest asset we have in human existence is our soul growth, but somehow we have that confused with becoming powerful. Power does not bring growth unless we understand the essence of sharing that power. Top 10 Ideas to Revive a Fizzling Relationship Love is exciting, and when a relationship is new, almost everything you do together is fresh and alive, and keeps you enthralled. Then time begins to pass, and while the love is still there, the relationship may have lost some of its sparkle, whether it's because you now have a family or not. Here are some of the top 10 ideas to revive a fizzling relationship that might just put some of the bubble back into the champagne of your life. ![]() |
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