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Relationship Advice: Closeness and Connection
In my work with couples, certain themes have emerged that can help us understand how a couple that was once close can drift so far apart. How couples drift apart 1) Life got in the way. Somehow, in the midst of the hustle and bustle of everyday life, couples seem to forget about each other. The initial closeness they once felt has been damaged by focus on work, the bills, the kids, you name it. 2) Each takes the other for granted. This can slowly eat away at any connection a couple might feel. What makes it worse is that it is so very easy to do. Keeping priorities straight in our stressful lives can be very difficult. We get so caught up in simply living that we forget about making a life with our partner. 3) Each stops treating the other well. Somehow we succumb to the notion that all the things we used to do that brought us together are no longer necessary. It's like the old joke about the couple that had been married for several years and one day the wife said to the husband, ``You never say you love me anymore!'' The husband responds with, ``Well, dear, I told you I loved you on our wedding day. If anything changes, I'll let you know.'' 4) Resentments are held. Old grudges, hurts and resentments are a cancer that can eat away at the closeness of a couple. 5) Communication stops. This is the most frequent reason given by couples as a factor in their drifting apart. Once a couple stops communicating, it's just a matter of time before the roommate syndrome sets in. If you recognize your relationship in the above examples, hang in there; you are not alone and there is a way out. Couples don't plan on growing apart, they simply drift apart over time. Just the opposite is true about growing closer again. You don't just drift into it, you intentionally take action designed to grow closer together. Here are some tips from the couples I've worked with that have helped them grow closer again. How couples can get close again 1) Have a conversation about how you first met and what first attracted you to each other. 2) Talk about the times you have felt the most connected. Then list the things you did that helped create that closeness. Then do those things again. 3) Mention something your partner did that you enjoyed. For example, "I loved it today when you gave me a break from the kids/ held my hand/ hugged me/helped me at the office, etc." 4) Discover what your partner's "love language" is. Do they most need to see it, hear it, or feel it in order to feel most loved? If you don't know, ask. 5) Ask your partner what their "perfect day'' would be like and then create as much of it as you can. 6) Renew and/or rewrite your vows. Who says we can say these important words only once? Renewing vows, commitments and words of love can rapidly and powerfully bring a couple closer together. These are just a few suggestions for the road back to closeness and connection. I would love to hear from couples about how they have made the journey back to closeness after drifting apart. If you would like to share your secrets, just drop me a line. Visit SecretsofGreatRelationships.com for tips and tools for creating and growing a great relationship. You can also subscribe to our f*r*e*e 10 day e-program on how to enrich your relationship today, from relationship coach and expert Jeff Herring.
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We all heard the report of a prisoner escaping after his wife shot and killed the correctional officer transferring him to another jail. Relationship Conflict - Blow Up or Blow Through Every now and then I hear a "relationship expert" say that they have never had a argument with their spouse. This is when I find myself thinking this person is either lying or certainly can't relate to me. Q & A: Reuniting With a Lost Love >1. Who are the prime candidates to rekindle a romance? 7 Power Skills that Build Strong Relationships A strong, healthy relationship is one in which the partners show respect and kindness toward each other. The relationship forms a rewarding and enduring bond of trust and support. Here are seven power skills that will help you form stronger alliances and bring more closeness, authenticity and trust to your relationships. Relationship Red Flags Do Appear Early On So often in the bloom of a new romance we set aside a few "minor" character flaws to let the relationship continue, where sometimes we really should just end it early, and cut our losses. I'll make a list of a few of the ones that often come up. Unfortunately, individuals that have these red flags are often the most charismatic people in the room. So be careful when you are starting out, so you can disengage before you are too involved. 1. Do they make all of the decisions for you? They chose where to go, what to eat, who you will be with? 2. Must they know where you are all of the time? Are the calling too often to check up on you? Are they calling you eleven times in an hour because you couldn't get to the phone? (Calling that often isn't cute, it's controlling.) 3. Do they force themselves sexually too early in the relationship? Are they pushing for intimacy too early? Are the pushing you in other intimate areas you do not want to go. 4. Do they lie? If they lie about minor details, they will lie about more, later on. This will happen. It is one thing to lie about small social things, lies about marriages, children, jobs, housing, finances, and past experiences is not acceptable. 5. Are they physically aggressive? Are they mean to your pets or other small animals? Do they hit the walls? 6. Are they kind to other people? Do the run down other people? Stay away if they fail these tests. You will be their subject when you are not in earshot. Maybe not today, but one day, this will happen. 7. Are they putting you down in private or public? We build up people we love; we do not tear them down. 8. Do they want you to slow down other social contacts and be with them instead of others in your social circle? 9. Do they forget important details in your life, or interests that you really hold near and special to you? If they gloss over them, they really think more of themselves than you. 10. Do they fail to acknowledge your areas of expertise? Are you a fantastic cook and they won't let you cook? This is really a short list, listen to your gut, your natural instinct, if something feels funny, stop and evaluate it honestly. Ask yourself if your close friend was describing these events and what they would do. If it sounds odd what you're telling your friend, guess what, it is odd. End the new relationship while it is early, before you give that person your heart. Improve Your Relationships Through Vastu Do you want be in a relationship that brings you deep fulfillment and love? Or perhaps you want a more satisfying connection with that one person already in your life? Would you like to have a deeply rewarding relationship with yourself? Cutting the Cord Sometimes, after a relationship has ended, many of us have problems letting go. A lot of my clients often complain of feeling haunted or even possessed by the dearly departed (who probably isn't even thinking of you at all and is busy happily running away with his or her new partner.) It's like the person has left an indelible imprint upon your heart and many of us feel that we can't go on until the ex returns. The energy of the ex might be manifesting itself in all sorts of ways --- in what you perceive to be little omens or reminders that occur in every day life (such as a phrase or song lyric) or even as a visitor in your dreams. Are You Living An Illusion Romance Like Lisa Snowdon and George Clooney? My Dear Lover, ![]() |
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