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Cutting the Cord
Sometimes, after a relationship has ended, many of us have problems letting go. A lot of my clients often complain of feeling haunted or even possessed by the dearly departed (who probably isn't even thinking of you at all and is busy happily running away with his or her new partner.) It's like the person has left an indelible imprint upon your heart and many of us feel that we can't go on until the ex returns. The energy of the ex might be manifesting itself in all sorts of ways --- in what you perceive to be little omens or reminders that occur in every day life (such as a phrase or song lyric) or even as a visitor in your dreams. There are all kinds of cures for this phenomenon, (everything from burning bundles of sage to clear the room of the ex's vibe to throwing out every single reminder of him or her, including the bed.) Yet before you ditch the Sealy Posturepedic, I suggest you try this little exercise called "Cutting The Cord." The idea behind this is that whenever we connect to someone we connect to him or her at the point of our solar plexus, the area just below your diaphragm. When we first meet someone and fall in love, we spend a lot of time building up this energy which lightworkers say looks like a rope of light that connects two people. However, even after one person disappears, the rope can still remain. Often, the person who is left behind spends a lot of time fortifying that rope with his or her own psychic energy in an attempt to bring the person back. The ex can compare to a psychic vampire, who is gleefully sucking back the energy that the dumped person is sending them. It doesn't even matter if you are sending them bad thoughts or resentment. That energy is often translated to them in the purest form of astral energy -- and they use it to transmute and feed their new relationship. So in order to prevent yourself being sucked dry by the psychic vampire, oops I mean the ex, I suggest you try this: Lie down on the bed, breathe deeply and become as relaxed as you can. Now picture the other person and the cord of light that you created when you thought the both of you would be connected for all eternity. Visualize that cord as best you can and examine it. How thick is it? What colour is it? What is it made of? Now choose your weapon. What will you use to cut this cord? Do you need a knife or is the connection so strong that it can be broken only by hacking at it with a machete? If a machete doesn't work, try a buzz saw. My favourite is a huge pair of golden scissors. Now, in your mind's eye, snip, hack chop, sever ... do whatever you have to do to cut the cord. Picture the other person floating away from you like a helium balloon let loose in the sky ... and smile and wave "bye bye!" Oddly, one of the side benefits (or drawbacks depending on how you look at it) is that the other person senses the detachment. Like a greedy psychic vampire, they will come back to see where their source of energy has gone. So not only does this exercise your astral health, but it often brings the ex back. That is, if you even want them back at all. Samantha Steven's articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. If you wish to buy Samantha's books about metaphysics click here http://www.insomniacpress.com/author.php?id=110 You can meet Samantha Stevens at http://www.psychicrealm.com where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at http://www.newagenotebook.com
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Second Time Around the Block Divorce happens. I'm not going to debate the causes or the moral and ethical implications of that here. Even if you're the innocent one who stuck to your vows and got dumped anyway, you still have to pick yourself up and move on. So let's start from that place. At some point you will wrestle within yourself and within your spiritual and religious beliefs as to whether or not you will date again. This article is for those of you who have decided that yes, you are going to date again and maybe even get married again. You've decided to give love a second chance. Power Struggle! The greatest asset we have in human existence is our soul growth, but somehow we have that confused with becoming powerful. Power does not bring growth unless we understand the essence of sharing that power. Love - Entrepreneur Style For many of us, love has become a distant ideal. Often, we don't don't even spend much time thinking about sharing our lives with anyone else. 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