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The Ancient Wisdom of Matchmaking & Loving Y.O.U.
"Know Thyself" Plato Isn't it curious how just about everything in this material world comes with an operating manual; one specifically addressing the care and maintenance of its make, model and style? I don't care if it's a computer, a car, a refrigerator or a package of flower seeds, we always seem to get a description in ten or more languages of how to operate or nurture the item of concern. Well, human beings also require some operating instructions if we are to understand one another. All too often we judge based on our own design rather than acknowledging that which stands before us. It's obvious that we come in many shapes, sizes, and nationalities. These obvious characteristics offer us some clues as to what make, model and style we are. If we choose to investigate further, one can get even closer to understanding those that walk along side us. To date, no two of us are alike. At least not yet. Given this reality, wouldn't it be great to know what you were looking at and what it's identity means in terms of how it operates. The term "operates" when applied to humans addresses how we think, move, and feel. Wouldn't it be great to know if someone was a suitable partner on sight? Wouldn't it be wonderful to know how to bring out the best in a relationship, based on obvious visual clues? Think about it. We know that a cactus doesn't grow well in the forest. Wouldn't it be great to know that some of us don't grow well in the forest either while others do? Knowing who we are allows us the opportunity to genuinely love ourselves and those around us. It grants us the privilege of making fewer mistakes and recognizing which path or direction is in our best interest. Getting to know ourselves takes some serious study. In fact, philosophers, anthropologists, and psychologists have made careers out of studying the human condition. Consequently, there are thousands of typing systems and evaluative theories categorizing our humanness; all in an effort to catch a glimpse of who we are and where we fit into this wondrous tapestry of life. And while all of these systems are good and helpful, we rarely get a clear picture by simply visually taking notes of one's mode of operandi. The reason for this is because we do not have a general understanding of the language that affords us this gift of comprehension. The language I am speaking of is the same language that Kings and Queens used to use in planning healthy marriages for their successors. It is older than the I Ching, the Bible and Astrology. It is thought to be at least 3000 years old and unfortunately has only made it into the hands of the elitist? until now. It is called the language or rather the Knowledge of Y.O.U. (your own understanding). It reveals how we spend our energy and where we should spend it based on our style and refinement. It is very revealing in describing why it is we do the things the way we do and the way in which we are wired slightly differently when it comes to reasoning. It also further describes how polarity affects us and the importance of responding to magnetic influences. All of this has proven to be very helpful in creating perfect relationships with family, friends, acquaintances and mates. Just imagine if you could recognize your perfect mate on sight? You could if you had the knowledge. Knowledge is power and this knowledge is the power of Y.O.U. . I came across this information in 1995. I had just ended a 20 year marriage and felt the need to reinvent myself. Since all of my adult life had been spent in this marriage, I still subscribed to an identity that was now null and void. Consequently, I set out on a quest for self-knowledge. The first thing I realized was that I needed to get really clear about my capabilities and my limitations as they applied to the vehicle that served as home for my spirit. Yes, my body of the flesh was essentially the chosen vehicle for the remainder of my life's journey and I needed to be very strategic in deciding which direction to go with it. Now, not unlike the cactus and forest, I knew that I was not wired for camping. And while some of my dearest friends did it so well it still did not change the fact that I just don't grow in a campground and a cactus simply isn't designed to grow in the forest. You are no different. There are many things that we try as children to fit into and fail miserably at. This is because we are not honoring our vehicle's operating instructions and worse yet, our parents didn't receive one with our arrival. The harsh reality is that we get all kinds of instructions for judging, valuing and complying with humanity as it relates to love, life, and religion but nothing in the way of objective practical human identification and application. What does this mean? This means that we have lost our sensibilities when it comes to common sense. Just for a minute, imagine an early prehistoric caveman walking the earth; one of a few human inhabitants. How does he protect himself? How does he assess his needs for survival? How does he reason when there is not yet an intricate verbal language from which to express himself? The answer to all of these questions and more is, "He manages to survive by tuning into the obvious". The "obvious" is something that has been lost over centuries. It is that which blatantly stares us in the face but goes seemingly unnoticed. It has become masked, muffled, diluted, embroidered upon, distorted, contrived, reformed, repackaged and marketed to the masses; so much so that common sense in its original debut has essentially mutated. What kind of repercussion does this de-evolution produce? It produces confusion. We know longer know what we are looking at but instead subscribe to what we are being sold. We no longer know the truth even when it stands before us in all its obvious glory. Now the final question is "what is this glory"? The glory is the knowledge of Y.O.U., knowing thyself. We are really a very simple lot. In fact I like to think of us as a parking lot on an auto dealer's property. "Welcome to Earth Autos." Each one of us exemplifies an automobile with certain features and options. Jaguars aren't designed to go up the side of mountains like a Jeep with four-wheel drive and many of us are not designed to go camping. The wonderful thing about this ancient language is that each car or rather individual possesses certain strengths and weaknesses. Some go really fast and others are designed to cruise. If we come to learn that lions roar and cats meow, then we will likely quit trying to change the lion into a kitty. We know when we look at a Lion that he's not going to meow. We know that when we get into a Jaguar we aren't going to traverse sand dunes. Each of us can be described in detail by our very obvious features. Our hair color, skin tones, eye color, physique, skin texture, mannerisms and dress all reveal who we are and what direction we are designed to move in. Unfortunately, we have not been taught this language. Thus, we are the only objects on the face the Earth without an objective universal descriptive language. We have many psychological subjective typing systems and astrological devices that require questionnaires and inquiries as to when and where we were born and how we grew up and who influenced our lives. But rarely are we seen and accepted at face value. When we see a Ford Mustang GT, we know it's a Ford Mustang Gt. We don't concern ourselves with where or when it was manufactured or if it had a tragic past (unless of course we are wanting buy it). We are looking for the car that can perform according to its design and providing it has been well maintained, the likelihood of that happening is good. Humans are no different. I guess one of the reasons this knowledge has proven to be so helpful is that it insists I accept everyone in this instant. It pleads with me to love myself and those around me. It also reaffirms that each of us is designed to be with someone. We have physical laws that support this theory and when we tamper with Mother Nature we only serve to undermine our own significance. The irony in all of it is that it's the fear of insignificance that man fears most, yet we do very little to understand the self that transports the fear. Once one masters the language, the need to spend precious energy analyzing can better be used for promoting one's significance. Since this promotional task requires energy or as some prefer to call it, Life Force, we need to take responsibility for managing it. I like to think that our life force as being similar to a glass of water. According to science we are 70-90% water. We expend this energy or become dehydrated during travel on life's journey. When we cling to things, over analyze, or scatter ourselves about frenetically, we essentially expedite diminishing the very life force that could be used in finding the love of our life. The earlier we find this love, the sooner we rise to our full potential. This potential is accessible if we come to understand that which is closest to our creator. That would be thyself. Outside of you and your God, who and what is the love of your life? When you know thyself, the answer is easy. It's this answer that holds the key to happiness. It's the process of putting forth the effort to find it that brings you the answer. For me to give you the answer would rob you of the gift. Thus, I ask that you begin by Loving Y.O.U. By simply doing this, you will have the understanding that allows you to embrace your the differences of others effortlessly. Zannah Hackett Rev., BAE, MA Zannah Hackett Rev,BAE,MA is today's answer for single women in search of the perfect mate. Zannah has been training men and women in body, mind and spiritual fitness for over 30 years worldwide. Her experience includes professional modern and ballet repertoire dancer, Area Training Director for The Fitness Institute, Director of Health Services Development for Samaritan Hospitals, Personal Trainer for the famous Golden Door Fitness Resort, author and television/radio talk show hostess, and a non-denominational minister ordained by The ADL, Alliance of Divine Love. She currently devotes her time to sharing the hidden knowledge that she has tailored expressly for single women, matchmakers, therapists, relationship experts, personal trainers, designers, casting directors and life coaches. It has most assuredly produced new hope for mankind. Zannah has spent nine years mastering this incredible language of love for purposes of bringing men and women together for all the right reasons.
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How to Spot a Cheater Is your man the cheating type? Here are some clues to help you find out if he is cheating. Please note that just because you feel your man is cheating, does not mean that he really is. Make sure you have some hard facts before you make a decision that could ruin a relationship, It may just need a little bit of work and some trust on your part. But if you suspect that he is cheating, here are some clues that could help you decipher what your man is really up to: Don?t Snuff Out Expressions of Liking It is hard to express all the emotions to somebody whom you love the most. Although one wants to share all those things which he/she has in his/her heart. But one can do nothing, whenever he/she goes to the person whom he/she loves the most. Link Romantic Feelings To The Sight Of Your Face Anchoring is an NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) term used to describe the mind's tendency to associate two unrelated events or experiences, especially when a strong emotion is present. Do Men Just Want Mommy? Accomplished women are losers in romance claims NY Times columnist Maureen Dowd in her column titled "Men Just Want Mommy." She says powerful men want to marry women who are caretakers like secretaries, assistants, nannies, flight attendants, etc. Are powerful women really at a disadvantage in the marriage market?A University of Michigan study found that men prefer to marry women in subordinate jobs than womem who are supervisors. Another study by British researchers suggests that successful men would rather have traditional wives, more like their mothers. They also reported that the higher a woman's IQ, the less chance she has to marry.Dowd wonders does this mean "the more women achieve, the less desirable they are?" Despite the somewhat alarming conclusions we might draw from these trends, the answer is a resounding NO!Accomplished women can be winners in romance, but they have to set their sights on a different kind of man. The worst partner a powerful, ambitious woman can choose is a man who is just as powerful and driven as she is. High-powered men are smart to marry women who will support them, not compete with them.Successful women today need to discover that men who are willing to play a more supporting role make perfect partners for them. It's tough for most men to accept a woman who is more successful than they are, but not all men feel that way. More men than you think would be happy to be the head cheerleader for a powerful woman.The thing that keeps powerful women miserable in relationships is our own outdated beliefs. We've all been conditioned to want a husband who's rich and successful. However, as Gloria Steinem said, "Some of us are becoming the men we wanted to marry." If we continue to think that we should have an equally high-powered man for a partner, we are setting ourselves up for failure. Put together two strong personalities who both like being in charge and you have a recipe for relationship ruin.It took 30 years and 3 divorces before I discovered the truth about this for myself. Now I am happily married at last to a man who supports me and is proud of my accomplishments. He is happy to let me be the leader at home as well as at work. He does all the housework, too! So what if he earns less. The only difficult part for me was accepting the fact that he likes me to be in control. And that he is no less of a man because of it. With that acceptance I have settled comfortably into the best and longest relationship of my life.As more women out-earn their men the woman led marriage will become more common. That's why my husband and I are coming out of the closet about our relationship. Powerful women need a different kind of partner and a different kind of relationship to be happy. Rid yourself of those old stereotyped beliefs and learn how to pick the right kind of man. Accomplished women can be winners in work AND in love. Shattered Visions Sometimes it takes a girlfriend in order to have a really good shopping trip. It takes having someone who knows you very well either urging you forward on a contemplated splurge--or holding you back before you plunge ahead on one she knows you'll live to regret. Why He Left Me After...? The next morning he /or she is gone. And because this is a man's privilege, I'll try to give some answers to the women. Simple Love Spells Here are some very simple rituals, some old, and some new that might help you achieve your romantic intentions. 8 Keys to Lasting Love My granddaughter, Merritt Miles, was the inspiration for this CD, 8 Keys to Lasting Love. When Merritt was five years old I read a fairy tale to her and was very disturbed by the ending, "And they lived happily ever after." As she could not read yet, I took the liberty of changing the ending to "They began the work of creating a very good marriage." I didn't want Merritt to think that marriage was so simple or that it just happened that you lived happily every after, as so many of my clients believed. As a marriage and family therapist for thirty years, I have seen the pain people experience on their honeymoon when they wake up and realize they have married a mere mortal. What You Should Know About Domestic Abuse What is domestic abuse? Lists, Lists, and More Lists Every person that thinks something is amiss in their relationship wants to know, what are the signs that my partner is cheating on me. Well guess what! These signs can leave you with more doubts than anything else. You've seen some. Shoot, if you've subscribed to The Injured Heart you've even seen a list of signs on this website. I included them as a thank you for subscribing to my newsletter because they can be beneficial and get you thinking about things you might not have thought of. However, some of the lists that I've seen both here on the web and in magazines has just left me with a hundred more doubts. My husband spends a lot of time on the computer. Does that in and of itself mean that he is cheating on me? Also, just because he may increase the amount of time he spends on the computer, does that mean that he's cheating on me too? Stop, Look, & Listen: The 3-Step Approach to Understanding Your Partner Introduction Coping with Your Abuser How to cope with your abuser? Relationhip Advice: 10 Magic Words Just about every night at our house, we read a book called "Say The Magic Words Please" to our young son. The story has lots of magic words, such as "please," "thank you" and "excuse me." True Love - Part 1 True Love! We all dream of being in love with that significant other, at some point in our lives. Is it better to have loved once than not to have loved at all? If this is really the case, then how do we actually find true love? How can a man or a woman really get to the core of the whole relationship game? What are the rules of such a game? Relationship Advice: 9 More Must-Know Tips for Couples The Law of Two Questions Your Beloved Soldier Is Coming Home ? Now What? Your Beloved Soldier Is Coming Home ? Now What? 60 Words and Phrases that Make Men Fall Deeper in Love The interesting thing about getting the love you deserve is that you have a great deal of influence in the kind of love you get. Most times, the love one gets is a function of the kind of love one gives. And when it comes to love, communication is the fuel that fans its flame. The words you choose can be the difference between a relationship where there is constant drama or one that is nurturing, blissful and romantic. What Do the Words ?I Don?t Love You Anymore? Really Mean? Have you been blindsided by an unhappy spouse who suddenly announced, "I don't love you anymore"? If so, then you know that these words can split a marriage wide open, along with the heart of the partner who may not have suspected that anything was wrong. Are Men and Women Really from Different Planets? Are men really from Mars, and women from Venus?'what women want,' is still left unanswered to men. Even when we reflect upon the 2000 film, What Women Want - lead character, Nick Marshall (played by Mel Gibson) seems to have all the answers. But does he really? Amaze Your Lover - 16 Romantic Ideas To Keep Them Happy Some people have a natural ability to romance the oppposite sex and others seem like they don't even know what it means. However, everyone should know how to make their partner's heart melt because it's one of the finest acts of seduction. ![]() |
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