Romantic Tips ? Gift Giving

I believe that we have all heard of the standard romantic gifts. Chocolate, flowers, and jewelry, but there is something to be said for the man who thinks out side the box when gift giving holidays roll around.

I had the absolute best birthday this past year. You see, my husband has a difficult time picking out gifts for me and he has been known to give me things like a vacuum cleaner for Christmas. However, he really did a great job this year. You see, my children and my husband kept asking me what I wanted. I told them all that I've been saying things that I want for the last year and if they can't remember at least one of them then there was something wrong. Ok, I didn't say that to my children but, I did say it to my husband.

Off to the store they went. They came back with a potted indoor tree, a potted flower, and an office chair. To some women that may not seem too romantic. But to me it was just perfect. My oldest daughter picked out the tree. She remembered that I had just said a few weeks before that we needed more green inside our home and that I wanted to get a tree when we had the money. My youngest daughter picked out the potted flower. She is always bringing me hand picked "flowers" only to be dismayed a couple of days later when they are dead. I have explained to her why this happens. The fact that she remembered this explanation and decided that I should always have a beautiful flower to look at spoke volumes.

Now, my husband and the office chair. I'm sure many of you are trying to figure out how in the world I could consider that a romantic gift. It was actually quite a surprise. I was expecting something like the new release of the Charmed DVD, after all, that is what I had been desperately wanting (I even asked for it for our anniversary). I don't recall saying that I wanted an office chair. However; I do recall complaining quite frequently about the little task chair that I had. I sit at my computer all day long and that little task chair was quite uncomfortable and left me with many aches and pains. My darling husband remembered my complaints and decided to solve my problem. Now that is romantic!

When it comes to gift giving it's almost always better to think outside the box. Try to get your partner something that they have been wanting. Try to refrain from giving appliances for the gift giving holidays, even if it's something your partner has said they would like to have.

Brandi Simon is the owner of where she offers articles and information for those suffering the effects of an extramarital affair and other relationship. Brandi is an affair survivor who has successfully rebuilt her marriage from the ashes and offers advice to those who are recovering. To learn more about the website or Brandi, please visit

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