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Confession of the Egoists!
Hamlet has given this generation an awfully amazing and defensive quote "to be or not to be". This article is not at all a serious philosophical one but the humor in life has given birth to a new philosophy. From the age of sweet sixteen girls and boys start searching their soul mates and are in chaos of discovering the hidden one. Whole by whorl?. thanks heaven they aren't searching for an onion which won't be left by the end of spiraling session. I have plenty of real stories with me of some of my friends who wish to be or not to be the initiator! Its been always thought the boys are the ones who are supposed to start the ignition in affirming the fact of liking and confessing but here are few real pieces of news in which they got fire without alighting the explosion. Who is more egoistic in confessing the likeness; girls or boys and what is the best to ignite the fire of love amongst them. Hmm yeah means who is supposed to be the initiator generally and ethically. As per our customs mostly guys start off but here with the traditional way a guy after 5 years of his friendship went up to the same girl whom he used to like a lot since the good old school days. The girl got pissed off as she wasn't interested in him and yelled at him that he has ruined the friendship?. this was a slap on his face as he was compelled to confess by his friends. This is one case poor chap went in the traditional way got led to the same situation of being "to be or not to be". When girls confess wow guys really do like it but they pay less importance to the acts of a girl as they got what ever they wanted and the journey ends here. They are in continuous search of a shell, which is to be open by risks and then, a pearl jammed in it. It's in boys' nature to get things after loads of efforts hmm that might be a reason why girls hardly dig roads. That's commonly seen when usually girls express their 'pasand' they are taken on that express way from which they usually get answer ' you were a dear friend of mine and I can never think of getting along with you as I am not worth of your love', said an over whelmed boy who was recently been spotted as the apple of a lovers eye. No worries this girl went on with her life and waited for another trademark thing to happen. What is broad-spectrum psyche of the most egoistic personas? Do they hide from the reality TV or some personal experiences have made them as obstinate as a mule. By unremitting rejections are their faces not responsive or they pretense that they are the paramount and creditable of some thing beyond love. These are the questions of identity. People become helpless as, no matter they confess or not, they have genuine problems with their beloveds. Who shall initiate first???? If a girl is being very choosy about her beloved's choice before confessing, guy will say she is just trying to impress me by her fake acceptance of my choice. As she is coming close to me then no charm in life will remain to strip off the hidden charisma of finding your mate. When guys confess and do all the materialistic things that a girl wants, she will vocalize that he is being close to me, as he wants to extinguish the burning desire. Oh where the world is leading! Is this the result of too much exposure of life's bitter realities in early stages or it's just the education brushing up people's thought. Negative approach or to be more exact the fear of rejection should not be made the masters of your emotions as the feeling of guilt kills you and this should be an open affirm being a 21st century generation. Tum nahee tu koyee aur sahee koyee aur nahee tu koyee aur sahee. Be and Let others be! With Blows of Zephyrs i whisper Goodbye in Your ears!
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Can We Still Be Friends? Excerpt From The Relationship Handbook: How to Understand and Improve Every Relationship in Your Life by Kevin B. Burk Secrets To Get To The Heart Of Your Loved One The other day, I was home with my sweet love when my sister called. She was in a bad mood because she was babysitting my cat (I was out of town) and my cat had made a mess in her sofa. I was sorry that happened. I went in the bedroom to think it over in silence. 7 Myths About Good Guys It is every woman's dream to meet a "Good Guy" who will sweep her off her feet and transform into her knight in shinning armor. It is quite interesting to talk to women and listen to their ideas of what a "Good Guy" is. It is after listening to some close female friends that I decided to clear the air by busting some of the myths surrounding what Good guys are all about. Here are some of the myths and the truths about good guys: When Groucho Marx Got It Right Groucho Marx was, I believe, a comic genius; a linguistic virtuoso, offbeat, wacky and insanely funny. He was also rude, abrasive and these days he'd qualify as verbally abusive. In film after film Margaret Dumont was on the receiving end of his scathing humour. She would fall for his iconoclastic charm and we the audience would fall about laughing at the sheer improbability of plot and seduction. Making New Friends How do we make friends? More importantly if dropped into a new city or a new job or a new school, how do we go about making a new friends? Most of us don't really think about it, but just sort of allow people to float in and out of our lives without really paying any attention to how we pull new people into our lives. Relationship Advice: 6 Secrets for Great Relationships The Law of Content When A Two-Salary Income Fails While this may not apply to everyone, you may find that a second salary brings in substantially less than you thought it would. In the beginning, Rachael thought that since she and her husband were just about breaking even as a couple, that staying home with the new baby would not work -- infant needs seemed endless. So she went back to her old job. Great Relationships: How to Create a Nag-Free Zone Q: My wife and I have a good marriage that is being destroyed by nagging. I've tried to get her to stop and even begged her to stop. She won't stop, and it just makes me less willing to do the things she is nagging about. How can I get her to stop nagging? The Five Minute Relationship Miracle "They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel." Carl W. Buechner 7 Unfailing Laws of Happy Relationships Most think that relationships exist to make them happy. When they find that special person, they believe that love will naturally grow. But in relationships we encounter everything, challenges, joy, fulfillment, loss. Yet, despite all training in life, we seldom learn about the knitty gritty of relationships, how to build the relationship in a way that brings out the best in all. Understanding Your Teen Relationship Teen relationships are touchy things. Girls are often ready for serious commitments within their relationships while boys want something more laid back in their relationship. Of course, this is never a definite scenario either. Teen relationships are just that, unpredictable. If you are in a teen relationship or have a teen in a relationship and are worried about them, you need to understand how things work, so to speak. Why Do Men and Women Misunderstand Each Other So Much Joke from a Woman to another Woman "Some husbands are living proof that a woman can take a joke!" Rhubarb Romance: A Little Honey Works Wonders Spring is in the air. It is a time of new life. There are green grass, kittens, puppies, and rhubarb. A Recipe For Romance So, tonight's the night. You want to have a Romantic evening with your Lady. What's this, hesitation? O.K. your nervous, what if you can't pull this off? Well, let me help! I'll walk you through a complete Romantic Day fit for a Queen. Your sweetie will feel so loved, she will be amazed with all the effort you put into this one day just for her. Now, as explained in my book "the Ultimate Online Dating Handbook" you need to start planning this a few days in advance. Lobster - The Food Of Romantics Summer has arrived! Woo-Hoo! Do you know what always comes along with summer? Well, besides the bugs! Weddings! Yeap, that's right, Weddings. But I've got an other one for you. Years after all those wedding what else comes in summer? Nooo, not divorce, Anniversaries. All those people who were married are now going to celebrate their Wedding Anniversary. Congrats! Breaking Your Relationship Pattern, Part 1 When you were little, you looked up to your parents. You imitated their mannerisms, words, and actions as you learned about life by watching them. This applies to relationships as well - you leaned about relationships by watching them. Maybe Not Bones, But Hearts...And Worse: The Destructive Power of Simple Speech Out of the blue, slap bang in the middle of a working day, an unexplained sensation inside your mouth breaks your concentration. Coping With A New Culture: Problems And Solutions Coping with a new culture has never been the easiest job of one's life, for, not only that you miss your friends and family in the new place, you also miss your very own culture. And culture, as the social anthropologists say, is exactly what we do in our life. Going by this definition, you tend to miss everything, everything that you have done since the time you have taken birth, everything that you are used to ? foods, customs, attitudes, languages ? every little thing. Friendship Advice for a Shrinking Planet Ahh, friends. The people we pick up along the proverbial bus ride of life. Some hitch a ride and get off after a couple stops, and others hang on for the long haul. As our world grows ever smaller, the friendship pool extends ever wider. But does it grow shallower, too? Society?s Misconception of Soul Mates - Divine Source through Barbara Rose Society's current conception of the term "soul mate" is completely contrary to what the term really means. Imagine two gallons of water taken from the Atlantic Ocean. Both gallons consist of the same energy because they were both part of the same ocean. Yet each gallon will have its own experience separate from the other. Now imagine a soul in the nonphysical realm that chooses to experience different aspects of itself by inhabiting two different people. Those people consist of the same energy as that one soul: they are soul mates. ![]() |
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