7 Myths About Good Guys

It is every woman's dream to meet a "Good Guy" who will sweep her off her feet and transform into her knight in shinning armor. It is quite interesting to talk to women and listen to their ideas of what a "Good Guy" is. It is after listening to some close female friends that I decided to clear the air by busting some of the myths surrounding what Good guys are all about. Here are some of the myths and the truths about good guys:

1. A good guy will never cheat on me no matter what. It is true that a good will not usually cheat on you. However if you do not give this kind of guy the love and attention he deserves, he will eventually stray just like the bad guys. The only difference is that he may be a little bit more patient with you before he finally crosses that infidelity line. Once he crosses over to the other side and starts getting what you should have been giving him, it will be extremely difficult to get him back. Is your Good Guy cheating? You can certainly find out if he is cheating, and catch him.

2. Good guys never get angry or upset ? Good guys are human, too. They will get angry, if you don't understand their pet peeves. They just take a longer period of time to let their anger take over their thoughts and actions.

3. All the good guys are taken ? Nothing could be farther from the truth. When you think about all the single guys you know, there are probably a few people you can point to that are decent and still looking for their Ms. Right. Sometimes, you may have to redefine what a good guy is to you and you will start seeing them coming out of the woodwork. Good guys are not just those guys that work on Wall Street, lawyers, doctors, and engineers. They also include policemen, carpenters, bus drivers, bricklayers, etc. A Good Guy is a nice man that can relate to you on many levels ? someone you are compatible with.

4. Good guys will fall in love ? Not necessarily. If the good guy you meet is in an "I want to be in a relationship" mode, then there is a chance he will listen to you pour out your heart about how long you have had a crush on him. Good guys will indulge in one-night stands, if they are not in that relationship mode.

5. Good guys are soft on the inside ? Not necessarily. Yes, good guys tend to be more easygoing, but you will be sadly mistaken if you interpret their niceness for weakness. Nice guys can be very stubborn, especially when they know that are right and you are wrong. They may be patient with you, but when you push them to the limits of their patience, they will let you know that you cannot take advantage of them.

6. A good guy will never leave me ? Wrong. Let me explain. A good guy will leave you if you do any of the following ? abuse him, take him for granted, cheat on him, or disrespect him.

7. Good guys are romantic and affectionate ? Not always ? I have a great friend - the most respectful and loyal friend you will ever find, but his mate's complaint is that he just does not know how to be romantic or affectionate. And there are lots of good men like him who will give you the shirt off their backs, but do not know a thing about being romantic or affectionate.

In conclusion women should simply come to grips with the fact that good guys are not saints. They are just mere mortals with bigger hearts, more tolerance and patience. Now, having said all of this, should you still hold out hope that you will find your own good guy, who will be the kind of man you have always dreamed of? Of course you should. You may even already have him in your life now, but may not be doing all the right things to unleash the passionate love in his heart.

If you want to find out exactly how to unlock the love in a man's heart, then you will need "Passion Keys", and you can only get it at http://www.smartwomansguide.com.

Steve Ubah is the author of Passion Keys ? A Woman's Ultimate Guide To Unlocking The Love In A Man's Heart. To find out how you can make your man fall madly in love with you, please visit http://www.smartwomansguide.com

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