Sometimes You Got to Spy ? Dealing with Online Infidelity

Online infidelity is more prevalent than you think. This includes chatting with unknown faces and watching or seeing porno. This is a real issue and it is completely addictive. Unless you stop now it is going to be a real issue developing into a big monster that is going to swallow your relationship, your friends and family. Ask yourself if your spouse has the same tools that you have to cheat as well and can you take it easy if they do? Infidelity is not worth the few hours you get to enjoy. Soon you have to spend hours spinning out webs of lies and more webs of lies to protect the lies. Finally you fall down because of the lies you spun out. The lies are more damaging than the act itself. You need to get a counselor and start talking about this problem. Deal with this now before it is too late.

The other side of the coin is finding out if your spouse is cheating. This is a double edged sword which can mend or break a relationship. There are sophisticated tools out there that can help you spy on your spouse and get first hand information. You have to research on the right tools to find out whether they are cheating on you or not. Please bear in mind the same tools are available to them. If they find out that you are spying on them and they are not really cheating on you? You can understand the problem it will cause. The best thing is to make sure you are confident that your suspicions may be right. Don't go with just the gut instinct. This can cost your relationship. The other side of the story is they will know that you don't trust them and this will be a lifelong scar on the relationship. This may lead them to act and behave differently and they may cause further errors that will make you believe they are cheating. You may come to a conclusion that your spouse is cheating even though they really aren't.

There are some tools in the market that will help you find real proof. Don't decide yet or bring forward that costly fight yet. You got to get real proof like saved conversations of chat sessions or records of phone calls or may be recorded conversations. Some of the techniques lie on that yellow line of legality. So beware. As I said earlier real life cheating is more damaging than online. You can suggest corrective measures. There are ton of articles and resources on this topic on and other good sites like the one listed in the resource box. There are situations you got to go aggressive and there are times where you have to make that passive positive change. You may want to create a habit of being in the same room as your spouse when they spend more time on the internet ALONE. Take a book or newspaper and be with them in the room. Get into small conversations. Make them understand you are ready to talk about any aspect of life and you are their best friend. They will stop those hour long chats and talk with you more and build a strong healthy relationship.

You can find great tools for dealing with Infidelity in Author does freelancing through no fee free Freelance website

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