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46 Clues Your Partner is Having an Affair
Some of these signs of a cheating spouse are "tongue in cheek" while others are tell tale signs that commonly appear with a cheating husband or cheating wife. There is no copyright. Feel free to forward to those who might be interested. But please don't change anything. Signs of a Cheating Spouse: 1) You find birth-control pills in her medicine cabinet, and you've had a vasectomy. 2) Mutual friends start acting strangely toward you. (They either know about the cheating or have been told stories about what a horrible wife or girlfriend you are.) 3) Your cheating husband or wife stops confiding in you and seeking advice from you. 4) Sets up a new e-mail account and doesn't tell you about it. 5) He leaves the house in the morning smelling like Irish Spring and returns in the evening smelling like Safeguard. 6) She joins the gym and begins a rigorous workout program. 7) She buys a cell phone and doesn't let you know. 8) He sets up a separate cell phone account that is billed to his office. 9) The cheating husband carries condoms, and you are on the pill. 10) Begins to delete all incoming phone calls from the caller ID. 11) Deletes all incoming e-mails when they used to accumulate. 12) He becomes "accusatory," asking if you are being true to him, usually out of guilt. 13) Raises hypothetical questions such as, "Do you think it's possible to love more than one person at a time?" 14) He buys himself new underwear. 15) He insists the child seat, toys, etc., are kept out of his car. 16) The cheating wife stops wearing her wedding ring. 17) Has a sudden desire to be helpful with the laundry. 18) Has unexplained scratches or bruises on his or her neck or back. 19) Suddenly wants to try new love techniques. 20) He/she fairly suddenly stops having sex with you. 21) He/she suddenly wants more sex, more often. 22) Supposedly works a lot of overtime, but it never shows up on the pay stub. 23) Picks fights in order to stomp out of the house. 24) You find out by accident he or she took vacation day or personal time off from work - but supposedly worked on those days. 25) Shows a sudden interest in a different type of music. 26) Spouse's co-workers are uncomfortable in your presence. 27) Has a sudden preoccupation with his or her appearance. 28) Spends an excessive amount of time on the computer, especially after you have gone to bed. 29) He throws up a lot because he just ate at his mistress's house and had to eat the dinner you prepared when he got home. 30) Your spouse is away from home, either nights or on trips, more than previously. 31) His/her clothes smell of an unfamiliar perfume or after-shave. You see lipstick on your husband's shirt. 32) The amount of money being deposited into your checking account drops off. 33) You find items of intimate apparel or other small gift-type items that you did not give your spouse. 34) Your spouse seems less comfortable around you and is "touchy" and easily moved to anger. 35) You get calls where the caller hangs up when he or she hears your voice. 36) He/she loses attention in the activities in the home. 37) Your intuition (gut feeling) tells you that something is not right. 38) He/she has a definite change in attitude towards everyone in the home. 39) She uses a low voice or whisper on the phone or hangs up quickly. 40) She has a "glow" about her. 41) Atypical erratic behavior. 42) He sneaks out of the house. 43) She sleeps with her purse by the bed. 44) She goes to the store for groceries and comes home 5 hours later. 45) He tells you that you can get hold of him at a different telephone number. 46) The telltale sign of a cheating spouse? Having to ask that question in the first place. Dr. Robert Huizenga, The Infidelity Coach, has helped hundreds of couples over the past two decades heal from the agony of extramarital affairs and survive infidelity. Visit his website at: http://www.break-free-from-the-affair.com
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Great Relationship Advice: How to Balance Your Hear at Work with Your Heart at Home Remember the Tom Cruise movie "Jerry Maguire?" The Big Secret of Age Think back to when you were a child. Pick a time when you were aware of the world and starting to notice things around you, perhaps 10 or 11 years old. Most of us had aging individuals in our lives: grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers. We may have loved them dearly but they were different to us: they were old. As we grew up, inevitably some of those people died. We were sad that they had gone but comforted by the knowledge that they had enjoyed a good, long, interesting life. Our unspoken assumption was that they felt old, were ready to go, were prepared for the end. Why He Left Me After...? The next morning he /or she is gone. And because this is a man's privilege, I'll try to give some answers to the women. Washroom Break Picture yourself at a bar with some of your buddies. Everybody is having a good time. Suddenly your friend stands up and asks you to go to the washroom with them. What Keeps Couples Together There are several things you can do, especially when your relationship is loving and happy, to ensure that it remains this way for the long term. The first principle of a lasting relationship is your clear intention to preserve your mutual affection, respect and friendship. Dr. John Gottman, a towering figure in couples counseling, achieved this insight after more than thirty years in the research and study of couples. In his bestselling book, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, he discusses why most marriage therapy fails, concluding that resolving conflicts and improving communication is important but not, of itself, what keeps couples together. Rather, he finds that "friendship fuels the flames of romance." However intense or frequent their battles, the couples that last have never lost their fondness and respect for one anther. After describing the kinds of behavior that undermine mutual regard, Gottman describes seven things that happy marriages have in common, then he shows you how to introduce those seven principles into your own relationship. If ever you feel that the ties that bind are weakening, this would be a good place to start looking for things you can do to rekindle affection. This material is also available in audio or video format. Other factors that contribute to relationship success include learning to express your feelings, both positive and negative; learning to disagree in ways that are not destructive; and learning to accept things you can't change. Beyond self-help Beyond information in books, tapes and videos, there are couple workshops. Some might find it more effective to go directly to a good couples counselor. If one of you is allergic to the idea of counseling or therapy, look for a couples coach, which might be more acceptable. Enter "couples coach" into Google and see what comes up, or ask a recommended therapist to serve as a coach. Many religious organizations have trained conciliators who work with couples and many clergy are trained in couples counseling. In any case, you should only work with someone who is trained, experienced and certified to do the job. The important thing is that you not sit on your hands if one of you begins to feel that your mutual regard is fading. If you are committed to your relationship, you need to make it a priority, meaning there will be times when you have to put extra effort into it--get information, go to a workshop, get help. Above all, try to discuss things you can do to increase mutual regard and affection and decide together what steps to take. Relationship Resources The companion CD that's included in my book Legal Essentials for California Couples has a fine article, How to Get the Most From Couples Therapy. Appendix B in the book lists relationship resources that professionals have told us they recommend to their clients. One we like is The Five Love Languages, by Gary Chapman, who points out that people have different ways of expressing and receiving love, so that one person might be expressing it in a way that the other does not get, as where a man works hard to earn material things for his loved one and buys her gifts, but she craves touching and nice words. It's a matter of getting your signals straight. Other resources include the highly regarded Couple Communication workshops, which have trained over 600,000 people and are conducted across the U.S. by thousands of certified instructors. To find an instructor near you, visit www.couplecommunication.com. Then there's the respected Marriage Encounter with nation-wide programs for troubled couples that are based on Judeo-Christian concepts, though you need not be religious to participate. You can find more information about them at www.marriage-encounter.org. There's a mountain of good books, tapes, videos and workshops out there that you can use besides the examples I've given. Time spent on this subject will be richly rewarded. That's the whole point--to make the effort. The most innovative parts of the Couples Contract, featured in Legal Essentials for California Couples, are the agreements you make to take these kinds of actions when your relationship needs some help. The Couples Contract can be used by couples in any state with some minor revisions. To learn more about how the Couples Contract can protect and preserve your relationship, visit www.nolocouples.com. Copyright 2005 Ed Sherman Is Your Relationship Worth Fighting For Sometimes when a relationship has gone sour, our efforts are used trying to repair it, or "get it back", while the best thing to do might be to look at things in a different perspective. Is the relationship worth fighting for or is it truly a lost cause. There are a few things you can think about while trying to sort things through. Players: How to Deal with Them Eventually, we'll all either play or be played. I'd like to give the inside scoop on how to handle these guys. Yes, I'm going to make this gender specific. Can women be players too? Absolutely, but they usually aren't. Even if they are, most guys won't care. Five Tips for Breaking Free of The Drama Habit and Developing a Healthier Arguing Style We all feel angry from time to time, but feeling angry and acting like a raging, out-of-control child during moments of anger are two very different things. And when anger "crosses the line" in the context of an intimate relationship, it can cause extensive-and sometimes even irreparable-discord and damage. Because rage is such a primal emotion-indeed it is a feeling that we have all been familiar with almost all of our lives-most of us can tap into our reservoirs of anger in the blink of an eye, often without even reflecting on what we are doing, or why we are doing it. Why Some Women Are Desperate I asked Dave how he was doing since it was the anniversary of his wife's death. He replied, "It's rough, but what is even worse, is women won't leave me alone! I don't want to hurt their feelings, but they phone me too so I can't even have peace in my own home." Zodiac Love Match ? Can the Stars be Right? As a somewhat older gentleman (but still fairly good looking and somewhat romantic?) I have always enjoyed good relationships with the younger folk ? Oh! The times I have been called upon over recent years to inspect and give an opinion on some poor new prospective boyfriend. Discerning The Loving Heart How often have you had the experience of connecting with someone ? a friend or a potential partner ? who turns out to be an uncaring person? At first you think this is a really good person, and then down the line you discover that the person is self-centered, narcissistic, angry and uncaring. You wonder how you could be so wrong, and what can you do differently next time? What Men Hate in Women Without wasting much time, here are some of the personality traits men hate in women: When A Two-Salary Income Fails While this may not apply to everyone, you may find that a second salary brings in substantially less than you thought it would. In the beginning, Rachael thought that since she and her husband were just about breaking even as a couple, that staying home with the new baby would not work -- infant needs seemed endless. So she went back to her old job. Three Qualities of a Good Relationship All relationships have some adjustment periods, but being hurt shouldn't be part of being in love. Loving relationships have good qualities, such as support from your partner, a willingness to communicate, a desire to compromise, and open an honest communication. When you do not have these fundamental qualities in a relationship, that relationship isn't likely to grow, and become something that you desire. Happily Single v Happily Married Have you noticed how so many people spend their lives wishing they were something they are not? Russian Brides - Who Are They? In recent years, thousands of young Russian and Ukrainian women have come to the USA and European countries by means of marriage and were unkindly labeled "Russian mail-order brides". But who are these women, really? Why are they prepared to leave everything behind, to go to an unknown country and live with an unknown man? Can a Russian bride really be a good solution for a Western man? We will attempt to demystify the phenomenon of mail-order-brides. Infidelity: Difference Between a Rage and Revenge Affair The fifth affair I outline in my book, "Break Free From The Affair" is called: "I Want to Get Back at Him/Her." This is the revenge affair. Setting Up Boundaries in Relationships Setting up personal boundaries is important in all types of relationships, but in intimate ones, it is all the more important. As with the closer the relationship will become it is easier for those lines to blur. You may ask yourself what is a boundary and why setting, or recognizing them do for me. Boundaries are personal limits we have with other people emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Often we already have these built-in, but sadly we often ignore them because we were taught to be nice to everyone, or that our desire to be in a relationship may outweigh how we behave. Stop Making Relationship Mistakes! Avoid Another Unhappy Relationship! It is possible for women to steer clear of an unhappy relationship. However, it will require taking an honest look at themselves and their relationship mistakes. Are the Neighbors Next Door Secretly Swinging? The swinging lifestyle does not discriminate against race, body type, sexuality, social standing or financial stability. There are people successfully living the lifestyle from all walks of life. ![]() |
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