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Five Tips for Breaking Free of The Drama Habit and Developing a Healthier Arguing Style
We all feel angry from time to time, but feeling angry and acting like a raging, out-of-control child during moments of anger are two very different things. And when anger "crosses the line" in the context of an intimate relationship, it can cause extensive-and sometimes even irreparable-discord and damage. Because rage is such a primal emotion-indeed it is a feeling that we have all been familiar with almost all of our lives-most of us can tap into our reservoirs of anger in the blink of an eye, often without even reflecting on what we are doing, or why we are doing it. Moreover, to put it rather bluntly, "drama lovers" or "dramaholics" will sometimes pick fights with their partners or friends or relatives just to experience the high or the rush that an agitated, worked up, melodramatic state seems to provide for them. (I should know, because in my younger days, I used to be quite a drama queen myself). Drama addicts feel-or, more precisely, they claim to feel-"more alive" when they are in the process of stirring up trouble, because trouble-or drama, or emotional upheaval-just happens to be the one thing that really gets their blood pumping and their hearts racing. Of course, the biggest problem with throwing temper tantrums whenever we feel like it-just as we did when we were very small children-is that whenever we succumb to this particular temptation, we are actually allowing ourselves to take the easy way out. It can be difficult to break out of the drama habit, and it can require a considerable amount of discipline and practice, but the effort is well worthwhile, because out-of-control drama and rage have led to the unfortunate and untimely demise of far too many relationships that were once very loving and happy. That said, here are five practical, tried and true techniques to help you "drop the drama habit" and argue more constructively with your significant other (or anyone else, for that matter): 1. When arguing with your partner, keep the discussion focused like a laser beam on the matter at hand, and don't deviate from your main points. Let's say a husband and wife are having a tense argument about who does what around the house, and the wife feels that she does far more housework than her husband. In such a case, it is not only appropriate, but it is actually incredibly important for her to speak her mind, rather than allowing her feelings to fester and grow into a huge, seething ball of resentment over the course of time. However, it is just as important for her to keep her statements focused on the matter at hand, namely, the housework. This cannot be emphasized enough. In other words, no matter how angry she may be feeling inside, it would be unfair, inappropriate, and potentially quite cruel of her to allow a heated (but focused) conversation about the division of labor in the household to degenerate into an insult-ridden, full-scale attack on her husband, in which she rattles off all of his flaws and every mistake he has ever made during the course of their marriage. An example of straying wildly (and cruelly) from the point in an argument that is supposed to be about housework might involve saying something like: "I do all the housework around here. You are unbelievably lazy. Actually, you're the laziest person I've ever met in my entire life. If I didn't clean up after you all the time, you'd be content just to wallow in your own filth like the big, fat, disgusting pig that you are." In contrast, an example of staying on point in an argument about housework might involve saying something like: "I feel I do most of the chores around here, and I really need you to pitch in more than you have been doing." People who keep their arguments with their partners clean, narrow, and focused like a laser beam on the matter at hand understand that by not hurting their partners' feelings, there is a much greater chance that the argument can be defused quickly, and the problem can be resolved to everyone's satisfaction 2. Don't fight "dirty." That is, never lunge for your partner's "Achille's Heel" or emotional "soft spot" in an argument. It's too easy, and frankly, it's too mean. We all know how to push our partners' buttons, but just because we know exactly what their vulnerable points are does not mean that we should use our knowledge of their particular vulnerabilities to our advantage in the midst of an argument. To that end, any type of unfair, cruel, overly aggressive, hypercritical, going-straight-for-the-jugular style of arguing can be considered a form of fighting dirty. It is almost never justified, and it certainly is never dignified, and it's a classic example of throwing the Golden Rule right out the window at the exact moment when we need it the most. The ongoing practice of the Golden Rule (treating others-and in this context, your significant other-exactly as you wish to be treated) is the cornerstone of all healthy relationships. Therefore, it is precisely during moments of intense conflict, anger and tension when we need to take extra precautions about how we express our feelings to our significant others (and all of our loved ones and friends). As any elementary school student who has spent any time on the playground can tell you, words can be wielded like weapons, and all mature adults -even adults who are right in the middle of a big argument with their partners-have both a responsibility and an obligation not to make weapons out of their words. Individuals who are already in the positive, constructive habit of staying on point during their arguments tend not to hurl personal insults at their partners. They know that personal attacks resolve nothing and almost always result in hurt feelings and thwarted goals. Moreover, from a totally practical standpoint, people who stay on point in arguments with their partners usually get what they want, and best of all, they achieve that objective without resorting to cruelty. (It's a bit like that old saying about honey attracting more flies than vinegar). To put it simply, there is never any need for a straightforward, solution-focused discussion about housework to escalate into a nasty, full-blown, insult-laced fight about everything under the sun. Another point to consider is that partners who deliberately make an effort to conduct their relationships according to "The Golden Rule" tend to have far fewer hostile arguments than their drama-addicted, fight-seeking peers. They are also generally able to resolve the conflicts that they do have with fewer tears and heartache. Because their lives with their intimate partners tend to be more harmonious and peaceful overall, they often find their relationships-and many other facets of their lives-to be significantly more satisfying on the whole. And as an added benefit, they also tend to have better self esteem because they have worked hard to develop the necessary skills and resources to resolve their conflicts in a calmer, kinder, and more mature manner. 3. Avoid engaging in "Extreme Fighting" or "Ultimatum-Based Fighting" with your Partner. On a related note, extreme fighting or ultimatum-based fighting are both closely related to the insult-based, attack-style dirty fighting that I have just described above. Extreme fighting is to couples what extreme sports are to athletes. People who enjoy extreme sports such as bungee jumping, sky diving, and black diamond skiing tend to be self-professed thrill junkies who only seem to find satisfaction in pushing themselves beyond their athletic limits. In a very real sense, they feel almost addicted to the adrenaline rush associated with performing death-defying stunts. Notably, the same people who crave the rush that they get from dangerous, adrenaline-producing sports might just as easily be hooked on picking fights and creating needless drama in their love lives. Often extreme fighters (much like extreme athletes) find ordinary life too boring and bland, so they feel the need to create a little added spice and excitement by fighting in an extreme, overly dramatic manner. Also, some extreme fighters have a tendency to issue ultimatums at a moment's notice. For instance, in a household where extreme, ultimatum-based fighting is actually the norm (as opposed to the exception), a minor argument about who is supposed to take out the trash can quickly escalate into a massive fight, with the extreme fighter in the relationship dramatically shouting that if the other partner does not take out the trash "right this minute, then it's time for a divorce!" Sometimes the partners of extreme fighters are also extreme fighters themselves, meaning that both partners in the pair are equally addicted to melodramatic conflicts. But interestingly, some extreme fighters have partners who are quiet and not at all interested in drama, and who actually feel quite bewildered each time a minor disagreement suddenly escalates into a massive blow-up. Once again, just like with dirty fighting, the "takeaway message" about extreme or ultimatum-based fighting is that an insatiable craving for drama (on the part of one or both partners), often proves to be the main culprit in ending far too many once-happy relationships. 4. Try not to displace your anger at someone else on your partner. If you're mad at your colleague, your sister, or your friend, then express your feelings (calmly, rationally and appropriately, of course) to the person who has made you angry. Do not-I repeat, do not -take out your anger on your partner, as it is extremely unfair to do so. Think of a man who gets furious at a store clerk who has been rude to him, but instead of expressing those feelings to the clerk, he goes home and yells at his wife and children for an hour. It's just not right. 5. Steer Clear of Passive-Aggressive Behavior with Your Partner. Another way that people sometimes inappropriately show their rage to their partners is by engaging in what's commonly known as passive-aggressive behavior, which is generally defined as the indirect expression of anger. For example, rather than saying something clear and straightforward, such as: "I'm angry at you about such-and-such, and we need to talk about it," a passive-aggressive individual may try to sabotage his partner's lunch date with a friend by calling her on her cell phone every two minutes just to bother her and disrupt her meal. Because it is so subtle, sneaky and underhanded, passive-aggressiveness is one of the least healthy ways to express anger, and it should be avoided at all costs. In fact, passive-aggressiveness may not be as loud or as obvious as picking a huge, dramatic fight, but it can actually be just as harmful and corrosive to an intimate relationship. In conclusion, none of us behave perfectly with our significant others every minute of every day. In fact, we all have times when we feel so angry with our partners that, in spite of our best efforts, we momentarily forget about "The Golden Rule" altogether, and we end up saying something that we instantly regret. The key is not to allow a pattern of negative behavior to become the norm in our relationships. Therefore, we all need to pay very close attention to our personal arguing styles. Those of us who repeatedly fight dirty (by hurling personal insults and attacks), or engage in too much over-the-top, extreme or ultimatum-based fighting, need to put a stop to such destructive behavior immediately. Fortunately, we all have the power within us to improve our arguing techniques, to show our partners the love and respect that they deserve, and to expect the same love and respect in return. Rachel Greene Baldino, MSW, LCSW, http://www.rachelbaldino.com, is the author of "The New Age Guide To Loving Simply: Eliminating Drama From Your Intimate Relationships." She earned her graduate degree from The Boston College Graduate School of Social Work and has worked as a therapist in a variety of settings, including a substance abuse treatment facility and a mental health clinic. Ms. Baldino's relationship book has been mentioned in "The Boston Globe," and she has been quoted about relationships and other topics in "For Me Magazine," "The San Francisco Bay Guardian," "The Albany Times Union," "The Tallahassee Democrat," "The Worcester Telegram & Gazette," "The Community Advocate," "The Shrewsbury Chronicle," "Match.com," "Babyzone.com," "Momstoday.com," "The Newhouse News Service," and "Indianapolis Woman." Her first book, "Welcome to Methadonia: A Social Worker's Candid Account of Life in a Methadone Clinic" was published in 2000. She lives in New England with her husband of fifteen years and their two young children.
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Is There Romance In The Zodiac? Many people know that the zodiac is a circle in the sky which is charged with twelve distinct energy fields. Astrologers have called these energies "signs." But few people understand that each one of us is a miniature zodiac filled with these dynamic energies. These unique energies, which each of one us has inherited from birth, is either in harmony or in discord with the energies of other people. Essense of Infidelity On one very popular web site there were 260 posts from both sexes commenting about forgiving and forgetting infidelities. I read every one of them. With one exception, the perception conveyed was that one party was an innocent victim of the other's philandering. It seemed to me that everyone was looking at adultery as a cause of marital discord. From my perspective, there are only rare exceptions to the fact that adultery, cheating, or affairs are SYMPTOMS of long standing marital problems. The cause occurred possibly even before the marriage vows were uttered. Friendship Advice for a Shrinking Planet Ahh, friends. The people we pick up along the proverbial bus ride of life. Some hitch a ride and get off after a couple stops, and others hang on for the long haul. As our world grows ever smaller, the friendship pool extends ever wider. But does it grow shallower, too? Wow, Grandma Is Dating! Wow, Grandma Is Dating! Why We Chose The Person We Love "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." -- George Santayana To Love Forever Emotionally healthy men and women almost always share their lives with lovers whose happiness is crucial to their own fulfillment -- even if they failed to understand the reciprocal nature of mutual satisfaction while they were young. In our youthful years we may be so filled with such intense sexual desires that we forget it really does take two to tango successfully for any length of time. If either lover feels deprived, the music soon loses its ability to charm us. As we learn to love a person deeply, we want both to be personally satisfied -- while also becoming a pleasing lover. Our sexual pleasure remains second rate unless the lover becomes a full partner in the intimacy. Of course, some neurotic persons use sex in a power play for ego benefits that have little to do with love. We insist -- all psychospiritually healthy women and men want to please the sweetheart with whom they share physical, emotional, and spiritual intimacy. Anything less is selfishness -- is prima facia evidence that one is still an emotional adolescent, grasping what he or she can in a short term relationship. Sexual selfishness and the potential for abuse that follows is always the result of one's serious emotional and spiritual failures. Very Old Secret To Melt The Heart Of Your Beloved My Dear Lover, Communicate through Body-language! Consider a person very important to you. He or she keeps on talking to the extent of boring you and make you feel like escaping from that place. To prevent the annoyance or boredom showing in your face, you may use gestures, smiles and gazes to pretend that you are listening to that person! It may even be an important business deal. We call it a non-verbal way of communication or the "body-language"! Improve Your Relationship by Taking Care of Yourself First It's important for you to take care of yourself before you try to fix your relationship. The old saying 'You can't give away what you don't have" applies here. Until you are peaceful and happy, you won't have a peaceful, happy relationship. A Friend in Need Here's the scenario: Julie, a hardworking secretary, lent money to her good friend Ray; $1300 to be exact. Ray had just moved to a new town and claimed that he needed two new suits: one for an upcoming wedding and one to wear on job interviews. Ray lived in a beautiful penthouse. He had a degree in Computer Science and was accustomed to the finer things in life ? designer labels, frequent travel, and spa week-ends. When Ray told Julie he would repay her and signed a paper promising to do so, Julie didn't think anything of it. What Went Wrong? When Relationships Go From Hot To Cold Everything was great. Relationship Quiz - Copasetic, Caution, or Conundrum? This quiz is based on key areas of communication and intimacy in relationships. The easiest way to take the quiz is to print it, so that you can circle your responses and add up the results. Use the scale below to gauge the health of your relationship. Great Relationships: What to Do When You Have Drifted Apart Picture, if you will, the following scene: Why Some Men Dont Want To Commit If you are dating, engaged, or still trying to find Mr. Right, then this week's message is for you - Why some men do not want to commit or find it very difficult to commit to women they supposedly love. This topic is quite puzzling to most single women. You feel that a man who professes to love you ought to commit to you with ease. Here are some of the reasons why some men behave this way: The Sponge Pattern Relationships. They're complicated, right? At least that's what we've been told, well, since childhood, girlhood, womanhood?whatever. The point is they're not easy. Growing up, adults try to explain away the differences between men and women in every way imaginable. "Boys tease you because they like you." "Women are more in-tune with their emotions than men." When I was in my first relationship, my dad (yeah, that's right, my DAD! Ughh!!!) gave me this book by a doctor named John Gray. Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, was the name of it. I'm sure you've heard of it, or perhaps even read it (I, myself, only made it through about 30 pages or so). Even if you haven't read it, even if you didn't know it was actually a book, I'm sure you've heard that "men are from Mars, women are from Venus" thing used in conversation, on TV, somewhere, everywhere. Well, it certainly seems sometimes, (all right?all the time), that men are from a different planet. But, what happens when you start dating guys that are all not just from Mars, but from the same country in Mars, state, even city? What happens when every guy you end up with, seems, well, like the same guy? Communication Tips for Heart Healthy Relationships It doesn't matter how old we are, matters of the heart go on forever. It is well known that a healthy diet, exercise, and attitude are powerful determinants of a healthy heart. But, knowing how to give and receive love and appreciation may still be the heart's best medicine. Since healthy relationships are so vital to living our best life, as a Life Coach, relationships often naturally integrate themselves into whatever life change my client is trying to make. Relationships are a big part of our personal Spirit, Mind Body landscape and affect every part of our being. Good or bad-how they play out in our life, and physical, mental and spiritual health, is up to us. And no, if we are not happy with our relationships, it's not the other people you need to change -there's no place for blame in a healthy relationship-it's us. It is often at midlife that we finally realize that having healthy relationships is up to us and no one else. Once a client has accepted this, the real work can begin. Taking a holistic approach, here are some ways to prevent problems in, or refresh relationships, that I've found helpful for myself and my clients. Unprofessional Conduct Direct Answers - Column for the week of June 14, 2004 What Keeps Couples Together There are several things you can do, especially when your relationship is loving and happy, to ensure that it remains this way for the long term. The first principle of a lasting relationship is your clear intention to preserve your mutual affection, respect and friendship. Dr. John Gottman, a towering figure in couples counseling, achieved this insight after more than thirty years in the research and study of couples. In his bestselling book, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, he discusses why most marriage therapy fails, concluding that resolving conflicts and improving communication is important but not, of itself, what keeps couples together. Rather, he finds that "friendship fuels the flames of romance." However intense or frequent their battles, the couples that last have never lost their fondness and respect for one anther. After describing the kinds of behavior that undermine mutual regard, Gottman describes seven things that happy marriages have in common, then he shows you how to introduce those seven principles into your own relationship. If ever you feel that the ties that bind are weakening, this would be a good place to start looking for things you can do to rekindle affection. This material is also available in audio or video format. Other factors that contribute to relationship success include learning to express your feelings, both positive and negative; learning to disagree in ways that are not destructive; and learning to accept things you can't change. Beyond self-help Beyond information in books, tapes and videos, there are couple workshops. Some might find it more effective to go directly to a good couples counselor. If one of you is allergic to the idea of counseling or therapy, look for a couples coach, which might be more acceptable. Enter "couples coach" into Google and see what comes up, or ask a recommended therapist to serve as a coach. Many religious organizations have trained conciliators who work with couples and many clergy are trained in couples counseling. In any case, you should only work with someone who is trained, experienced and certified to do the job. The important thing is that you not sit on your hands if one of you begins to feel that your mutual regard is fading. If you are committed to your relationship, you need to make it a priority, meaning there will be times when you have to put extra effort into it--get information, go to a workshop, get help. Above all, try to discuss things you can do to increase mutual regard and affection and decide together what steps to take. Relationship Resources The companion CD that's included in my book Legal Essentials for California Couples has a fine article, How to Get the Most From Couples Therapy. Appendix B in the book lists relationship resources that professionals have told us they recommend to their clients. One we like is The Five Love Languages, by Gary Chapman, who points out that people have different ways of expressing and receiving love, so that one person might be expressing it in a way that the other does not get, as where a man works hard to earn material things for his loved one and buys her gifts, but she craves touching and nice words. It's a matter of getting your signals straight. Other resources include the highly regarded Couple Communication workshops, which have trained over 600,000 people and are conducted across the U.S. by thousands of certified instructors. To find an instructor near you, visit www.couplecommunication.com. Then there's the respected Marriage Encounter with nation-wide programs for troubled couples that are based on Judeo-Christian concepts, though you need not be religious to participate. You can find more information about them at www.marriage-encounter.org. There's a mountain of good books, tapes, videos and workshops out there that you can use besides the examples I've given. Time spent on this subject will be richly rewarded. That's the whole point--to make the effort. The most innovative parts of the Couples Contract, featured in Legal Essentials for California Couples, are the agreements you make to take these kinds of actions when your relationship needs some help. The Couples Contract can be used by couples in any state with some minor revisions. To learn more about how the Couples Contract can protect and preserve your relationship, visit www.nolocouples.com. Copyright 2005 Ed Sherman Valentines Day Gifts Can Expose a Cheating Husband If you have the uneasy feeling that your husband is having an extramarital affair, Valentine's Day is the ideal time to confirm what you suspect. The Valentine's Day gift he gives his mistress or the gift he receives from her in return, can provide you with proof of his infidelity. Typecasting, Candice Bergen and Family Relationships I'm experiencing some challenges in my relationship with Candice Bergen. ![]() |
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