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How To Make Hooking Up With Your Ex More Thrilling Than It Ever Was Before!
Now I really have seen everything. The other day, I saw a television show with a very curious premise: They found a good-old Southern boy who was such a charmer, 6 of his ex-girlfriends (some, who had been flat-out "dumped" by him) were willing to line themselves up in front of a camera for 120 minutes, and go through various and sundry interviews, to see whether or not they could pass muster with him, the second time around. The one's who got dumped (again) were heart-broken and their eyes swelled with tears. And the winner? You'd think she was happy, but she was bawling her eyes out too. So, what's all this got to do with you making money? Well, what about all your "ex's"? Your "ex-customers" that is. You know, people you've sold something to, but you haven't kept up a relationship with? In my article "The Most Profitable Product In The World You Can Ever Sell", I talked about the different additional (and insanely huge and cash-generating) information products you could offer to your customers, either as part of their initial purchase, or on the "back-end", after their first sale has been made. And it got me thinking: I just finished working with a client who has 2,000 people on his list (and at least he's smart enough to capture his customer's information -- many business owners aren't). He's been in business for 3 years at this particular location and guess what? After each one of these 2,000 customers came into his store... They Never Heard From Him Again! Yep, he's never sent them anything! Then this morning, I got off the phone with a prospect looking to hire me to write some copy. I asked him how many of his business opportunity products he's already sold. His answer: "A little over 2,000." While about 7 or 8 different thoughts were racing through the back of my mind, about all the back-end products he should be offering to these 2,000 people on a regular basis, I asked him if he's stayed in touch with any of them. His answer: "No. But I guess I should have, right?" Come here and listen very closely to what I am about to say: NOT staying in touch with your existing customers is... A Cardinal Sin! Do you know how much easier it is to sell something to someone who's already lined your pockets with cash, then it is to try and get someone to give you money the first time? And without staying in touch with your clients regularly, do you know what happens? Well, like most things you're not thinking about regularly, you become "yesterday's news" to them. And this is... Not Good! Now maybe you feel "awkward" about contacting someone just to try and sell them something, when you haven't spoken to them in a while. (And you should.) So what I'm going to do right now, is show you a simple and easy way to get back in touch with your "ex" clients and customers, so you're not seeming to be "pushy"... "offensive"... or more to the point: Using Them Just To Get Money! Anyhow, without further adieu, here's the letter I'd send them: Wednesday, 11:18 a.m. Dear Gil, A few days ago I was rummaging through some papers scattered across the top of my desk, when suddenly I stopped-dead-in-my-tracks, right where I was. A thought came to me: I haven't heard from you in a dog's age. So I called out to my overworked assistant Stella and I said "Hey Stella! What the heck ever happened to Gil Stevens? As far as I know Gil, you're still alive and kicking. But because I hadn't heard from you in a while, I was wondering, "What's going on with Gil?" The answer's important, because right now, I'm giving you a FREE "Daily Newspaper Retriever" that'll bring your paper in from outside your house, every morning like clockwork, as part of a limited-offer I've got going on. What's this all about? Here's the deal: blah-blah-blah, yakety-yakety-yakety... Then you go on and talk about what you're selling and give old Gil more benefits and reasons to buy from you than he would've ever thought existed, in his wildest imagination. And just in case you're confused, the FREE "Daily Newspaper Retriever" is just something I made up to give you as an example. In your letter, obviously you put in whatever you want. You see, the thing is, if Gil had been hearing from you consistently, since the day he first became familiar with you, this wouldn't have been so difficult. That's why you must stay in front of your customers and prospects at least every month, more if it's appropriate. Anyway, the point is... if some sleazy man-bait on TV can get his ex-girlfriends to come crawling around him like wolves circling a wounded deer in the forest, an upstanding ethical business-owner like yourself shouldn't have any problem doing the same thing with your existing customers. Provided... You've done an outstanding job of making them happy the first time around... You've been staying in front of your existing customers on a regular basis, giving them good solid quality information and enriching their lives whenever you can... and... You've actually got something to offer them, that's worthwhile in the first place. P.S. If you're doing these things, you've got the makings of a sure-fire winner on your hands... each-and-every time, and back-end sales won't ever be a problem for you. Craig Garber is America's Top Direct-Response Copywriter. You'll find hundreds of marketing tips to increase your sales, and his insanely popular FREE Unconventional and Irreverent Daily Direct-Response Marketing Tips, on his website, http://www.KingOfCopy.com
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Is Your Relationship Worth Fighting For Sometimes when a relationship has gone sour, our efforts are used trying to repair it, or "get it back", while the best thing to do might be to look at things in a different perspective. Is the relationship worth fighting for or is it truly a lost cause. There are a few things you can think about while trying to sort things through. Rekindling An Old Flame Dr. Nancy Kalish, a psychology professor at California State University, Sacramento, is the only researcher of couples who reunited with former sweethearts. Her book, Lost & Found Lovers: Facts and Fantasies of Rekindled Romances, 1997, is based on her first four years of research (now 11 years). Questionnaire responses were included from 1001 participants, ages 18 to 89, in all 50 states, and 35 countries. In addition, the book contains the lost love stories of the couples in their own words. Importance Of Background In A Relationship Should coming from the same background be a major issue in a relationship? In the 90s, one of the major things we sometimes overlook in a relationship is our partner's background. To us, 'what's love got to do with background'? But the truth is that coming from the same background can enhance a relationship. Our background develops our values and ideas about love, life and relationship. Destroyers of Relationships Communication and listening is very important in any relationship. For it says in Amos 3:3 Do two walk together unless they agreed to do so? Honesty is another factor in a relationship in Colossians 3:9 it says Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. Sex is another factor, it says at 1Corinthians 7:3 The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. Prince Charles and Camilla - The Greatest Love Story Of Our Time Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles have loved each other for over thirty years. Their love story is the greatest love story of our time. It's a wonder that more people do not see it this way. Although the public loved the late Princess Diana dearly, this does not diminish the great love story that belongs to Prince Charles and his true love, Camilla Parker Bowles. The Womans Guide to Younger Men I often awake to find Beverly, my older wife, wrapped around me like a Virginia creeper. In the nineteen years since we met, she has shown me what true love is, and I couldn't live without it. For the first time, I have someone who wants me as much as I want her. Why Its Important to Stay in Contact with Your Friends when Youre in a Relationship So often when we begin to enter into a new relationship, it is very easy to get swept up by the romance, and leave behind our friends. With the wonderful bliss that you feel when you enter into a relationship it's easy to understand why we forget our friends and our everyday relationships. Is this the best way to handle a new relationship? Most likely not, sometimes in the tidal wave rush of new love we get swept away, and can forget the ties, and our desires that make us the special people we are. To Love Or To Be In Love What is the basic difference between loving someone and being in love with the person? Before we can be sure that we have found true love, we need to be sure what these two terminologies mean. Frugal Ways To Show Your Love At one time, I would have never wanted to share my frugal ideas for showing love to those around you. My reason for keeping it to myself? At one time I thought that no one would be interested. After all, we were the only couple not buying each other expensive gifts, jewelry, roses, and more, right? Reality check! I have grown up a lot over these last 10 years and I have learned that I am not the only one clipping coupons and cutting my children's hair myself. There are lots of other families out there just like my husband and I, who have to watch our spending. Gay and Lesbian Relationships America has a reluctance to accept relationships between people of the same gender. This reluctance follows a similar pattern to the hostility towards interracial relationships. Although increasing, acceptance of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgendered persons' relationships are not widespread in America today. The stereotype remains that these groups practice promiscuous lifestyles. 3 Stone Diamond Rings ? Three Times As Nice! It is said that the stones in 3 stone diamond rings represent the past, the present and the future. Just as a couple unite these things when they join together in marriage, so three stone diamond rings represent perfectly all that has made each partner what they are today, the present moment that they share, and the future into which they now walk together. Just like the ring itself, the three stones in 3 stone diamond rings celebrate the timelessness of your relationship. Lifelong Partners, Lifelong Growth Many people, maybe even you, think there is only one life partner for each of us in our lives. I've got good news ? we all have many, many life partners. A life partner doesn't have to be a romantic partner. A life partner is anyone with whom you share long term growth, internally and externally. Relationships in which you can grow with another person as change inevitably occurs are life partnerships. So the pressure is off -- you don't have to look for "the one" anymore. Jinxed Relationships -- Are Yours? Do you consider yourself unlucky in love? Have your relationships all been ending on a sad note lately? Perhaps you've come to the conclusion that you are jinxed! Before you give up on love, or decide that it never existed in the first place, please join me; let's take a look at loving from a different perspective. Relationship Conflict: Lock Horns or Lock Arms One of my favorite comic strips growing up was "The Lockhorns." Not so much because it particularly funny (although it was), but because it seemed like a great model for how not to do love relationships. Men Love Women Who Initiate Sex ? 4 Fun Ways to Do It This is a sizzling hot topic for a lot of women ? How to initiate sex. If you are having a lot of trouble in this area, do not despair. You are not the only one. Most women typically wait for the man to take the lead. These days, men are excited about the prospect of their babe initiating sex. I am not talking about jumping your man's bones the minute you set eyes on him, but creatively letting him know that you want him between the sheets. Here are some tips you can use to get him to give up the goods: Why Men Cheat "Big, little or short or tall, Wish I could have kept 'em all, I loved 'em every one" - T.G. Sheperd, I Loved 'Em Every One How We Define Our Relationships? We can fall into the habit of complaining about our relationships, but do we really take the time to evaluate them? Maybe not, because well, we're always right! He or she never listens to ME or does things the way I think is right (the human EGO speaking loudly here!). Great Relationships: 4 More Dumb MIstakes and 4 Smarter Moves to Make 1) Treat the family you have come from as more important than the family you are creating. Put your parents' opinion and happiness above those of your spouse. Spend more time with them than you do your own family. Invite them into marital disputes. Share private knowledge with them. How To Open Up While Staying Safe When you've had your heart broken in a relationship, it can be difficult to open up to love again and entrust your heart to another person. Boston Lawyers, DC Lawyers and Individual Rights Looks like everyone wants to sue someone right? Well, I suppose you have the right. Let me tell you my point of view on a couple of interesting current issues. With the way our ethical Christianity society has progressed, challenging the gay adoption thing now on the world stage is a little disconcerting. Our society is not ready for that yet, if two gay people wish to adopt, go ahead, but do not make a scene about it. Realize there will be opposition based on how our country was founded and how it has progressed. Yes there will be people to stand in your way; yes you can sue and find a kick butt Boston Lawyer. If you choose to do adopt, do it without fanfare. It is better for the kids too that way. And then prove everybody wrong when your adopted valedictorian stands up and graduates top of the class. That is how you do it. Otherwise if everyone is watching and making a big deal about it the kid will grow up self-conscience and ridiculed by fellow class mates. If it does take a village to raise a child, then do not piss off the village and expect everything to go your way. And if you are making an issue of this simply to get headlines and make money in a lawsuit, shame on you once again for dragging kids into it. ![]() |
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