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Your Next Relationship - Heaven or Hell?
We've all had relationships that we've looked back on and thought, "What was I thinking?'' Problem is, you weren't thinking. You based your decision strictly on chemistry and first impressions, and in the words of Elvis Presley, "That's when your heartaches begin." Would you like to make better choices in the future? This is your lucky day. Imagine you have an empty wall over your sofa and are looking for the perfect piece of art to fill it with. Let's make believe there's a gallery in town that is known for having great paintings. There's only one problem. All of their artwork is covered up except for one small corner. If you decide you like something, you can either buy it without seeing what the whole thing looks like, or you can go back each week as a bit more of it is revealed. Do you get where I'm going with this? Most people fall for a corner of the painting and immediately decide this would be the perfect piece of art for a wall that has been bare for far too long. Instead of returning each week to the gallery to learn a bit more, they make up their mind on the spot and only weeks or months later when the cover is off do they see what they are really dealing with. I doubt anyone would ever buy art in this fashion, yet that is exactly what you're doing when you first meet someone and either instantly or within days or weeks decide you want them to be your partner. You're only seeing a corner of the painting. If you had waited to see what the rest looked like, you may have chosen to move on instead. What's the solution? When meeting someone new, your motto should be, "SHOW ME WHO YOU ARE AND I'LL DECIDE WHERE YOU FIT INTO MY LIFE, IF ANYWHERE". Instead of trying or hoping to have someone in your life, let the person show you who they are, by their words, actions and non-actions. Then you can decide what category to put them in. Let's say you're looking for a committed relationship. You meet someone and at first everything seems great. Then they start to become unreliable, don't call when they say they will, cancel dates, show up 2 hours late, are verbally abusive, etc. You've just been shown that they are not to be taken seriously. If you've already brought them home and placed them on that empty space above your sofa (your heart), it will be more difficult to walk away, than if you had just gone to the gallery each week to see who they were. Ce n'est pas? There was a guy that had been trying to get my number for several months, but I wasn't interested, so I didn't give it to him. One day he mentioned that he had been tanning at a friend's pool. I thought it might be fun to go with him sometime, so he gave me his number. I called on a Saturday afternoon, to see about going on Sunday. Well, this guy that was so interested in my number beforehand, didn't call back. When I saw him the following Monday, I said, "What happened? You never called back." He responded, "I had a crazy weekend". Does that mean he couldn't find 5 minutes to call back? I doubt it, but it did show me who he was and if I wasn't interested before, I was even less interested now. Let people show you who they are and then you can decide if they fit into your life. Lucia is a dating and relationship expert, columnist, lecturer and host of the TV Show "The Art of Love". With over 20 years experience on the relationship market, Lucia has dated men of all nationalities in six cities, four countries and two continents. Her practical know-how makes her the perfect candidate to dispense relationship advice ? after all, in almost every dating dilemma she has been there, done that and lived to tell about it. For more articles or to ask Lucia a question, go to: http://www.theartoflove.net To speak to Lucia, go to: Ask Lucia
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Relationship Conflict: 5 Deadly Mistakes and What to Do Instead While conflict in marriage is inevitable, fighting is optional. The Evolution of Dating at 40 and 50 I am sick of the dating scene at 40. The hassles of trying to meet someone is grating over my nerve cells. Why bother with the countless times of being alone, and wondering if he's going to call today? It's a headache on top of a headache. Let me tell you why. Why Do Men and Women Misunderstand Each Other So Much Joke from a Woman to another Woman "Some husbands are living proof that a woman can take a joke!" When Your Relationships Turn Abusive - What You Can Do Sometimes the people who are the closest to us, our friends and our mates, the ones who should be liking us the best, are the ones who hurt us the most. Should I Give Up Me To Not Lose You? How far can you afford to bend your values to preserve your relationship? How far can you go in giving yourself up to avoid losing your partner? How much of yourself can you afford to sacrifice to not lose someone you love? How do we find the balance between maintaining our integrity and bending our values? Happily Ever After/Real Love I was 43 years old and still looking for love. I guess I was searching for love in all the wrong places. I just wasn't finding the man of my dreams, my soul mate, prince charming and mate for life. I thought I had that with Bill, but he turned out to be a poor excuse for a man. The bottom line is you can't change a man. You can only change yourself in the process. Great Relationships: How to Solve Problems and Have Fun Too I recently came across this quote: Managing Miscommunication - Asking The Agreement Question? A man and woman were trying to move a couch in their home one fine morning, and were not meeting with much success. With mounting frustration in her voice, the woman said "Honey, I don't think we are ever going to get this couch out of the living room." To which he responded, "Out of the living room? I thought we were trying to get it into the living room!" Ive Gotta Hand It to You What would I do without my wife? Not much. What would I do without my best friend? Even less. Engaged, In Love, and In Limbo Well, here I am very much in love and starting to plan my August wedding, when Murphy's Law sets in. Adultery as Sexual Addiction: Should You Stay Married? I outline 7 kinds of affairs in my E-book, "Break Free From the Affair." One affair, "I Can't Say NO!" is characterized by addictive tendencies. Infidelity (as well as pornography, strip clubs, online chatting, compulsive masturbation, etc.) may be a part of the sexual addiction. Feel Like a (Romantic) Kid Again If the start of the school year makes you a little nostalgic about your own school days, why not take a little trip: back to your own childhood! Make a date with that special someone and act like children again. You'll soon see that this child-like fun can be just as romantic as a grown-up date (and a whole lot easier on the budget!) When Are You Ready to Move onto a New Relationship? Breakups can be painful and difficult on so many difficult levels. The ending of a relationship, a close friendship, and the dreams that you shared with your significant other are just a few of the things you lose. So, when are you ready to move forward to a new relationship without any of the ill effects of your past relationship? You can ask yourself these questions. How to Build Solid Relationships Using the Power of Words We may not be aware of it; but the words we utter daily may have different interpretations, even if you think that they mean the same thing. Are You Relationship Ready? So, you want to fall in love? You are certainly old enough and moving well along your chosen career path. Many of your friends are either married or in committed relationships. You have grown weary of the singles scene 8 Keys to Lasting Love My granddaughter, Merritt Miles, was the inspiration for this CD, 8 Keys to Lasting Love. When Merritt was five years old I read a fairy tale to her and was very disturbed by the ending, "And they lived happily ever after." As she could not read yet, I took the liberty of changing the ending to "They began the work of creating a very good marriage." I didn't want Merritt to think that marriage was so simple or that it just happened that you lived happily every after, as so many of my clients believed. As a marriage and family therapist for thirty years, I have seen the pain people experience on their honeymoon when they wake up and realize they have married a mere mortal. Preteen Relationships Even preteens have relationships that are important to them. In this critical time, though, the most important preteen relationship is always with parents. It is up to the parents to provide for them the foundations of a good relationship. For those that dare not do provide this relationship in a positive manner, well, they are simply asking for their preteen to rebel against them. There are other preteen relationships, though, that are also important to preteens. Relationship Red Flags Do Appear Early On So often in the bloom of a new romance we set aside a few "minor" character flaws to let the relationship continue, where sometimes we really should just end it early, and cut our losses. I'll make a list of a few of the ones that often come up. Unfortunately, individuals that have these red flags are often the most charismatic people in the room. So be careful when you are starting out, so you can disengage before you are too involved. 1. Do they make all of the decisions for you? They chose where to go, what to eat, who you will be with? 2. Must they know where you are all of the time? Are the calling too often to check up on you? Are they calling you eleven times in an hour because you couldn't get to the phone? (Calling that often isn't cute, it's controlling.) 3. Do they force themselves sexually too early in the relationship? Are they pushing for intimacy too early? Are the pushing you in other intimate areas you do not want to go. 4. Do they lie? If they lie about minor details, they will lie about more, later on. This will happen. It is one thing to lie about small social things, lies about marriages, children, jobs, housing, finances, and past experiences is not acceptable. 5. Are they physically aggressive? Are they mean to your pets or other small animals? Do they hit the walls? 6. Are they kind to other people? Do the run down other people? Stay away if they fail these tests. You will be their subject when you are not in earshot. Maybe not today, but one day, this will happen. 7. Are they putting you down in private or public? We build up people we love; we do not tear them down. 8. Do they want you to slow down other social contacts and be with them instead of others in your social circle? 9. Do they forget important details in your life, or interests that you really hold near and special to you? If they gloss over them, they really think more of themselves than you. 10. Do they fail to acknowledge your areas of expertise? Are you a fantastic cook and they won't let you cook? This is really a short list, listen to your gut, your natural instinct, if something feels funny, stop and evaluate it honestly. Ask yourself if your close friend was describing these events and what they would do. If it sounds odd what you're telling your friend, guess what, it is odd. End the new relationship while it is early, before you give that person your heart. But Its Just the Guys -- The Importance of Sacrifice in Relationships If it's a long-term relationship you want, you absolutely must be willing to make a few sacrifices to invest in your happy future with the woman of your dreams. You simply cannot continue to live the happy-go-lucky life of the single guy and expect to make your partnership with a woman succeed. It just doesn't work that way. ARC of Understanding In relationship we all make mistakes and sometimes we are insensitive to the needs of others, especially those very close to us All this leads to disappointments and resentments. The answer to handling disappointments is understanding. ![]() |
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