Fruit-Bearing Christians

This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. JOHN 15:8

Can you imagine the fruit of six million lighthouses across America praying for, caring for, and sharing Jesus Christ with their neighbors, friends, and family?

I can imagine it, but there was a time when I couldn't have. Early in my Christian life, I had little faith as I prayed for one particular person. But, by God's grace, this person received Christ. Then my faith grew, and I could pray for two who received Christ. The more I understood the attributes of God and recognized His blessing on my witness for Him, the more I could trust Him for greater fruit. Later, as our Campus Crusade for Christ staff grew in number and as we trained more students and laymen, we began to pray for millions to receive Christ. God honored our faith and prayers with many millions of recorded decisions for our Savior in more than 182 countries. Now we are helping to train millions of Christians on every continent. We are associated with thousands of Christian organizations and churches of all denominations. Now I have the faith to pray for a billion souls to receive Christ. As I have come to know our Lord better, I have learned to trust Him more.

Faith is like a muscle-it grows with exercise. The more we see God do in the lives of His children, the more we expect Him to do. We glorify God when we bear much fruit. Too many Christians are satisfied with modest efforts and modest results. Yet the better we know God and His Word, the more we grasp His vision and His bur-den for all people throughout the world.


As lighthouses for Christ, there is no greater privilege than bearing fruit for God our Savior. The truly Spirit-filled believer has faith that God will provide the opportunities and draw others to Christ.

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