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Fruit-Bearing Christians
This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. JOHN 15:8 Can you imagine the fruit of six million lighthouses across America praying for, caring for, and sharing Jesus Christ with their neighbors, friends, and family? I can imagine it, but there was a time when I couldn't have. Early in my Christian life, I had little faith as I prayed for one particular person. But, by God's grace, this person received Christ. Then my faith grew, and I could pray for two who received Christ. The more I understood the attributes of God and recognized His blessing on my witness for Him, the more I could trust Him for greater fruit. Later, as our Campus Crusade for Christ staff grew in number and as we trained more students and laymen, we began to pray for millions to receive Christ. God honored our faith and prayers with many millions of recorded decisions for our Savior in more than 182 countries. Now we are helping to train millions of Christians on every continent. We are associated with thousands of Christian organizations and churches of all denominations. Now I have the faith to pray for a billion souls to receive Christ. As I have come to know our Lord better, I have learned to trust Him more. Faith is like a muscle-it grows with exercise. The more we see God do in the lives of His children, the more we expect Him to do. We glorify God when we bear much fruit. Too many Christians are satisfied with modest efforts and modest results. Yet the better we know God and His Word, the more we grasp His vision and His bur-den for all people throughout the world. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY As lighthouses for Christ, there is no greater privilege than bearing fruit for God our Savior. The truly Spirit-filled believer has faith that God will provide the opportunities and draw others to Christ. Bill Bright Products Books, Music, Videos up to 30% Off! Earn Income, Ministry Funding, Answer God's Calling!
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Do You Have Disciples? Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." That was the command of the master, Jesus of Nazareth when he walked the face of this earth to two fishermen, Simon and his brother, Andrew. End Time Events and the 2nd Coming of Jesus In part 1 of this series of end time articles, I am going to go ahead and outline all of the main events that will be occurring that will be leading up to the 2nd coming of Jesus to our earth. This will be a basic overview of the main end time events. I will then go into additional parts giving you a bit more detail into some of these specific events. The Bible once again, very specifically and very explicitly, lays out exactly what is going to happen before Jesus returns back to us for His second coming. Reading the Bible A friend of mine had asked my thoughts on how one should go about reading the Bible. I would first read the New Testament in its entirety in order to keep in the "flow" of it. After that - I would then start with the Old Testament - starting from the very beginning. It's long. I don't know how much you can read at a time. Does Society Need a St. Bernard? You all know the big dogs that carry rum to save Swiss or alpine skiers caught in a storm or some other trouble. That is not the St. Bernard I am contemplating but you might think this St. Bernard to be an even bigger dog once you get to know him. The Coming War with Russia The Coming World War III [with Russia] Christians versus Mormons Please read the passage carefully and note all the pejorative words and ways they demean without fair reportage. Do some research and study hard or you will continue to be made more of a sheep for the paradigm. Ask yourself what role the Masons had in all of this on both sides of the issue including the Mormons, Hitler and other real mind control cults like Scientology. The Use and Abuse of Mysticism in The Song of Songs The incorporation of Aristotelian thought into the dogma of Catholicism was not the first attempt to have alchemy co-opted or hermeneutically imbued into the whole system of thought. The fact that Aquinas did this under the tutelage of a Dominican Bishop who is regarded as the forbear of Goethe and Illuminized thought has not escaped me. Frater Albertus Magnus is a name still to be reckoned with in the present day as a person by that name heads the International Alchemical group in Salt Lake City. The fact that Melchizedek and Solomon or others in the family of Jesus are adept esotericists and alchemists should not surprise any real scholar. But let us assume Jesus had good intentions and later scriptural or priestly manipulators sought to bring his real and deep understanding more completely into the Christian model of spiritual growth. Here is a report from Pelikan about a fraud or attempt to do this which was accepted as church dogma for a millennium until the Thomist ideologues made the great furtherance of this under the Jesuit teaching system. Heretical Chinese House Churches One of the more insightful warnings Christians can receive bears on relationships with other Christians. It goes something like this: Do you want to ignore what other Christians say and do? That's like giving your charitable donations to donkeys and reindeer. Rebuilding Society and The Tax Protest Movement: Part Two Part Two continued Freedom of Religion We were all taught in school that our forefathers left England to escape religious dictatorships. Okay, there was a lot more to it then that, but it was a big enough deal that they made sure it got honorable mention in our rulebook. They clearly made the point that we were to have freedom of religion here in America. They also used the word "God" in some of their formal paperwork and even on our money. I don't want to argue politics here, but rather semantics. They didn't say "freedom of Christianity," they said "freedom of religion." The boys who wrote up all of our formal paperwork were wordsmiths and they debated long and hard to find the perfect set of words to govern ourselves by. It wasn't decided that we had the freedom to choose whichever form of Christianity that we liked, but whichever form of religion. Religion is in and of itself a much broader concept then Christianity. "God" can mean a lot more then just the Christian definition too. Teamwork in Ministry: Pauls Sense of Partnership in the Gospel In the pursuit of his Christian ministry, the Apostle Paul had a keen sense of teamwork, teamwork with God and with his brothers and sisters. This awareness he expresses by using compound Greek words that begin with the prepositional prefix, sun-. With an object in the dative case, sun means "together" or "with." This same prepositional prefix has carried over into English, occurring in such words as "symbiotic," "symphony," "synergy" (the Greek sun-, represented by sym- or syn-). What follows is a brief survey of the words Paul employed to express this sharing of ministry. You will discover that such sharing continues among 21st-century Christians. No Word Yet on Pedophiles With New Catholic Pope The new Pope is not expected to break ranks with his fellow Cardinals or Army of Priests any time soon and come clean on the issues of child molestation and pedophilia. We all know and it is no secret that Catholic Priests around the world are pedophiles and child molesters. Not all but enough to be alarming as the problems are so wide spread it might be safer to take your kids and drop them off for the weekend at 'Never Neverland Ranch' then to leave them alone with the local Priest. Some argue and defend the church others know these things have been going on for over two thousand years. White Sun - Tao of Heaven; What is Wisdom? To be awakened to the realization of one's True Self is wisdom. A person becomes awakened when he realizes that his True Nature is that of God. He longs for returning to God's kingdom and dedicates this to practise Tao. He makes sure that whatever he says, acts and thinks are faultless. He maintains tranquillity in his sensual organs. He gives convenience to others. He makes no distinction between himself and others. He conveys the truth to others so that all including himself can return to the Land of Bliss, Heaven. Pope John Paul II, The Right Man at the Right Time The world has been blessed to have Pope John Paul II for the past 27 years. Many people have called him The Man of the Century. Pope John Paul II was certainly one of the best known and most revered men on earth. Treachery in the Midst of the Land The term Scripture uses to describe the activities of those who attempt to sell-out Israel comes to mind. "Treacherous!" No Ishmaels Please I want to say a word about faith. Recent events in my own life have driven home just how easy it is to loose sight of what we say we believe. Just like Abraham of old, we often try to bring about results through our own efforts. For those of you not familiar with narrative found in the book of Genesis, let me summarize. Abraham had been given the promise by God of having a son in his old age. God, in fact made a covenant with Abraham, sealing the promise in the blood of sacrificial animals. Typically this looks forward, for those of us who are New Testament believers, to the blood of Christ through which we are made partakers of God's eternal covenant. But, back to Abraham. Certainly after such a dynamic demonstration (Genesis 15) of God's covenant promise, we would think that Abraham would have not doubt that God would fulfill his part of the agreement. But, instead of waiting patiently on God as he should have done, he listened to his wife, Sarah, and tried to help God out, by having a son with his handmaiden (as was the custom of the day), since his Sarah was barren. He did have a son with his handmaiden, but that was a cause of much sorrow to him, and is the cause of much conflict even today. For, you see, this son, Ishmael, is the father of Arab nations. Oh, God was still with Ishmael and provided water to keep him alive after Sarah had thown out the handmaden and her son. But Ishmael was not God's first choice for Abraham. Thus, later, God did fulfill his promise and give Abraham a son through his wife, Sarah. That son, Isaac, is the father of the Jewish people. We are all aware of the Arab-Israeli conflict which continues till today. Yet, God was gracious, and Abraham is remembered today as the Father of the faithful, and in the hall of faith, Hebrews 11, his faith is mentioned but not his lack of it in that one moment of weakness. (Thus, I don't feel that I should share the particulars of my recent Ishmael experience with you, as I know God has put it in the sea of forgetfulness.) Often we may be tempted to do what Abraham did and take matters into our own hands, instead of trusting God explicitly. But, this can only result in the production of an Ishmael, which, although God may still bless, will mean trouble for us and cause us to deviate for a time from our primary God-given goals and purpose. However, when that happens, we may be assured of God's grace in getting us back on track. May God ever keep us from producing Ishmaels. But if we do, may we run to Him for His mercy and grace and know that He is still in controll and we will not be remembered by him for our Ishmaels, but for our Isaacs--the fruit of our faith. If you feel you have no faith, perhaps you this will be a first step for you. If you feel you need more faith or need to use your faith more, perhaps this can also be a starting point for you in that direction. Priesthood is Not a Profession - Does this Attest for Unprofessionalism? 1 INTRODUCTION Have You Neglected This Righteous Cause Of God? As believers, we have a responsibility to care for those who have been left without a bread winner, which begins with the responsibility of caring for our own family and relatives who may be in distress. The Freemasonic Order of the Golden Centurion I think most people who will read this will not accept what I am saying here without doing a lot of checking into the facts. Why Me Why Me ![]() |
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