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Does Society Need a St. Bernard?
You all know the big dogs that carry rum to save Swiss or alpine skiers caught in a storm or some other trouble. That is not the St. Bernard I am contemplating but you might think this St. Bernard to be an even bigger dog once you get to know him. "The intellectual and institutional evolution of these reform movements during the almost exactly one thousand years between Benedict of Nursia (who founded the monastery of Monte Cassino in about 529) and Martin Luther (who entered the monastery of the Augustinian Hermits at Erfurt in 1505) is a story of inestimable importance for the history of Europe and of the world. (13) Over and over, it was the primitive model of Christ as Monk, and of the monk as the imitator of the model, that animated these reform movements. There is in some ways a depressing repetition of pattern, as each monastic reform in its turn protests against decline and stagnation in the monasteries, sets up new administrative and disciplinary structures to reverse the downward trend, prevails for a century or two, and then proves itself vulnerable to the same tendencies of stagnation and decline. Benedict of Aniane in the Carolingian period; Odo of Cluny and the Cluniac reform movement a century or so later; about a century after that the monastic reformation that began at Citeaux, which through the powerful life and Christocentric thought of Saint Bernard spread the Cistercian message throughout Europe; then the friars of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries in their new dedication to the renewal; and, in reaction to the Protestant Reformation and under the inspiration of an intensified Christ-mysticism in sixteenth-century Spain, the Society of Jesus." (14) How much is Pelikan aware of in regards to the Alumbrados, Hibernian (Cathar/Troubadour), Iona Druidic sell-out and other higher order intrigues within the Luciferian or Heliopolitan through line since Tuthmosis III? I have addressed these things in many ways in other books and this book is going to try to flesh some of it out in greater detail. But clearly the Reformation did not just happen when the anti-Semite Luther saw a problem with popery and the other trappings of power. His image of Christ as monk is similar to the far more disciplined Monastic Order of Iona or 'The Isle of Druids' which had large operations in the area of Greece as well as Ireland where the likes of St. Columba were taught. Iona maintained this high discipline over four centuries at least and I would not be surprised if it was then co-opted into the Cistercian Order. But John Dominic Crossan points out that Christ was a Cynic and wore the garb of the Cynic. Still one can see the Cynic is like the Druid too. In all cases they are indeed more mystical. 13) From Jesus Through The Centuries, op. cit.{Jaroslav Pelikan of Yale}, pgs. 116-7 we have, The chapters "The Religious Orders" and "Fringe Orders and Anti-Orders" in Richard W. Southern, Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages, vol. 2 of the Pelican History of the Church (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1970). pp. 214-358, occupy nearly half of that small book. 14) Ibid. Author of Diverse Druids
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A Commonsense Guide to Exorcism Bloodshot eyes stared at the crucifix six inches from his nose. Leather restraints lined with lamb's wool fastened his arms and legs to the chair. The demon-possessed man lunged at the hand holding the holy symbol. Gnashing teeth struggled to bite the outstretched wrist. Surviving Eternity Matthew 24:34-24:35 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. Call No Man Father Matthew 23:5-23:10 Beauty Some people say beauty is only skin deep, others say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I like to wonder who proclaim beauty and who decided what is or what is not beauty. Let's see what the Bible says. Look at Eccclesiastes 3:11 it says He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from the beginning to the end. I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live. That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toll-this is the gift of God. I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that men will revere him. Heroes & Villains in the Quest for Spirituality: 100 Significant Characters of the Hebrew Bible Why Cardinal Ratzinger Chose the Name Pope Benedict XVI Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected to the papal throne on April 19, 2005, the second day of the conclave. He chose to be known henceforth as Pope Benedict XVI. The cardinal from Germany is the 265th pope in the Catholic Church history. Worship and Praise in Charismatic Churches This article was in response to an email about someone being a little uneasy about the praise and worship in charismatic churches. Armor-bearer Coach: Step Into the Ministry of Assisting I am with you heart and mind... Straight Talk about Homosexuality In the mid 90's, a Presbyterian minister named Steve Brown conducted an interview with the lesbian Pastor from the largest Gay Church in America. Steve had already laid the ground rules for their dialogue regarding the expected, conservative, fundamentalist stance on homosexuality. Essentially, he agreed not to state the obvious and refused to "go there." Instead, Steve displayed one of the most loving, concerned examples of a Christian that I've ever seen as he interviewed this woman. In so doing, I heard her say, softly and sincerely, that gay people sin just as any other Christians sin. She explained that when a person becomes convicted of their sins, godly sorrow leads to repentence from those sins. She admitted that, as a Christian homosexual herself, she simply has not been convicted...condemned, yes, by other believers...but not convicted by the Holy Spirit. Steve replied, "You realize you sound somewhat like a heretic in the gay community by saying these things...." She nodded, "Well, it's the truth." Rebuilding Society and The Tax Protest Movement Rebuilding society and the tax protest movement: A Biblical Opinion and Strategy By Jack Kettler A God I Can Live With God, the Puzzle Maker End Time Events and the 2nd Coming of Jesus In part 1 of this series of end time articles, I am going to go ahead and outline all of the main events that will be occurring that will be leading up to the 2nd coming of Jesus to our earth. This will be a basic overview of the main end time events. I will then go into additional parts giving you a bit more detail into some of these specific events. The Bible once again, very specifically and very explicitly, lays out exactly what is going to happen before Jesus returns back to us for His second coming. Gays and Lesbians Attempt to Distance Themselves From Catholic Priests There is a new term being thrown around "phenophilia", no one can spell it and I cannot even be sure if this is the correct spelling. Even fewer know what it means; it is the molesting of teenage boys, which is different then that of pedophilia, which is the molesting and petting of children. Homosexuals are saying that in fact phenophilia is not homosexuality and they do not want to be confused with what the Catholic Priests have been doing to adolescents for the past 2000 years. Zombies The Caribbean is the site of another thing which some would call a mystery. Until a few years ago I would have been inclined to put it in the paranormal control of soul category and I still believe that is part of it. However, we have scientifically identified the use of sea urchin extract as the agent which allows apparent death and subsequent use of a body by means as yet mysterious to scientists who negate the possibility of ESP type brain connection or possessions. Choosing the Christian Path - 147.5 million Americans claim affiliation with a religious group The Christian Community Tries To Take Back What Belongs To Them! "See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." Is. 43:19 Christian Books and Supplies Christian books and supplies can be found at places that specialize in these types of material. Depending on what kinds of Christian books and supplies you are looking for, there is sure to be a business that offers what you need. If you are interested in Christian books and supplies that deal on topics such as finances, there are resources available; you just need to know where to look. Following Instructions To The Letter The dictionary explains wisdom as having good judgement, understanding, comprehension and intelligence. It also explains wise as being perceptive, intelligent, and knowledgeable. It is written in Psalm 111:10 it says The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise. Prayer Secret #1 - Your Relationship with God This, in my opinion, is the #1 "secret" for getting your prayers answered by God the Father. Here is the Scripture verse that completely captures this principle. Why Me Why Me ![]() |
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