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A God I Can Live With
God, the Puzzle Maker While some rise before the sun to do their daily prayers, I head off to Starbuck's and the New York Times crossword puzzle, seven days a week. So, in the best tradition of seeing God in our own image, my God is the Great Puzzle Maker, and my work lies in trying to solve some piece of the Grand Puzzle, to contribute to the unraveling of the whole. I have good company in this quest; Albert Einstein spoke of trying to understand the mind of God; he spoke of great scientists as people who stand in "rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law." This harmony is not always beautiful; quite often, its consequences are ugly. I have, for example, written about the Terrible Dance Of Power in which one group has a vision of a better world (through fascism, communism, manifest destiny, Christianity, Islam, a new world order, or some other such inspiration) only to find some THEM who stand in the way of this vision, and then a predictable story unfolds, like a dance, of oppression, death, and destruction. There is a terrible beauty to this story as different factions arise and interplay with one another - moderates and radicals, gradualists and extremists, liberals and conservatives ? escalating from disagreement to debate to confrontation to minor skirmishes to colossal destruction. Makes for great drama. Here is how I make sense of the awesome beauty and the equally incredible ugliness and unfairness of the world, and how this worldview informs my spirituality. As I see it, God, in whatever manner inconceivable to me, gave us a powerful gift, the possibility of awareness and choice, but just the possibility; and then God stepped back from the world and has not been heard from since. Whatever else has transpired is the result of how we have handled or botched that gift. Organizational life, where I do most of my work, may seem to some like a relatively barren locale for spiritual growth; it is however rich with opportunity. So much can go wrong. "Stuff" happens: unwanted complications come your way; the service you've been waiting for is long delayed and when it does comes it is unsatisfactory; your working conditions are poor and "they" are not fixing them; try as you might you don't seem able to satisfy anyone; this one is angry at you, that one is disappointed, and the other one is not paying you the attention you feel you deserve. So many opportunities. When these conditions hit, it is as if we are standing before two doors: Door A and Door B. Right away there is a problem: We don't see any doors. Door A is all there is, and when it is all there is, there is no awareness and there is no choice. We go blindly through Door A, sucking up responsibility to ourselves and away from others, whining and complaining, making up stories in which we are either the hero or the victim, taking revenge, doing less than our best, comforting ourselves in righteousness, diminishing ourselves, diminishing the quality of our relationships with others, diminishing our contributions to our organization and to the world. The beginning of spirituality, and the solution to the puzzle, comes with the awareness of Door A, when we see it not as the way things are but as a choice. And then there is Door B. Stepping through that door we abandon all victimhood and righteousness; we accept responsibility for our condition and for the condition of our systems; we accept our place as co-creators of these conditions. When we go through Door B - how can I say it? - we become better persons in and of ourselves, in our relationships with others, and in our contributions to our organization and the world. Door A is predictable, but it is not inevitable. Door B is not predictable, but it is a human possibility. Every day organizational life gives us countless opportunities for spirituality: to be aware, and to choose. So that has been my puzzle. Why are we built this way: with both reflexive blindness along with its negative consequences and the possibility of awareness and choice? And who or what built us this way? The great Puzzle Maker? Barry Oshry Chief Theoretical Officer Power + Systems, Inc. http://www.powerandsystems.com
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The Coming War with Russia The Coming World War III [with Russia] What Is Faith? 1. Faith is a "spiritual substance" on the inside of you that can either grow or wane (decrease). The Bible says that: Let Her Be Covered Part One Several weeks ago, while shopping in a grocery store, my wife was approached by a woman who appeared to be very refined -- very courteous manner. She indicated that she had a question that possibly she could answer. She and her husband had observed that some women wear coverings similar to the one that my wife was wearing. Why are they worn? Her husband's opinion was that it signifies marriage. She herself did not concur with that opinion. But why DO you wear it? That was her question. In response, my companion assured her that the wearing of the headcovering is a Biblical teaching recorded in 1 Corinthians 11. To her that was news. She seemingly was not aware that this was a Bible teaching, and with gratitude in her voice, she promised to go home and read for herself from 1 Corinthians 11. Octopussy The graven image exclusion as told in the Bible certainly wasn't followed by the Popery people. Never has there been a system with so many icons and such a multitude of a Heavenly Host. Yet they call it monotheism. There are well over 1500 saints, archangels, and the other godly cretins including Laddio, Daddio and Spook. Soon there will be many more as the current regime of Luciferians is having many more canonized, including the Pope who did not ex-communicate Hitler (even as they shortly thereafter did so to Ivan Illich). There is only one God if there is any at all. Biblical Hermeneutics ? Part 2 Should we be tempted to believe that our system of interpretation is the only system that has ever existed, Ramm makes it very clear in his discussion of the "historical schools" that this is not so. The "Battle for the Bible" may have, in fact, been born as the second century Christian exegetes, who were influenced by Jewish Biblical scholarship, espoused a literal reading of Scripture which assumed its historical accuracy and included a healthy respect for questions of context. Around the same time these interpreters (referred to by Ramm as the School of Antioch) were not exclusively concerned with the Bible's literal sense; they were equally concerned to interpret Scripture at a level that transcended its historical-literal dimension. This school of thought judged Scripture to be reliable and true on the basis of its conformity to orthodox Christian doctrine. In essence, Scripture judged the church, but it was the church who judged what was scriptural; and at this point the church was still involved in the process of assessing the value and authority of many Christian documents, only some of which made it into the canon. The Athiests Enigma As an ancient African-American gospel song laments, life is filled with complications, sorrows and defeats for everyone. At times life can become an unmitigated horror as the world slowly but surely converts every plant that grows and ever creature that is born into fertilizer to feed future doomed generations. Truth or Consequence Prime probability: Are You Doing the Good Part? Just compare yourself to these two sisters. What Is Perfect Love? Today, sitting in my pink armchair, reading about how a world-famous medium was able to communicate with the spirit world and our physical world and end the grief of those who had been left behind, I became even more aware of how love is the central theme of the universe itself. This was what the departed passed on to those who remained on earth. Their major regret was that they had not loved or expressed their love when they were alive. Church Retreat and Church Retreats Church retreats are an excellent way to involve the church in an important part of church involvement. Offering a church retreat creates community and support with the people closest to you spiritually. Planned correctly, a church retreat can be excellent for the church's overall well-being. Spring Into Gods Love Spring is springing here in the Pacific Northwest the plants and trees are blooming. We are fast approaching the Christian celebration of Easter Sunday and if my Catholic is correct we should be in Lent right now. Jesus in Wales The next few days were as hectic and exciting as any days Jesus could remember. The never-ending stream of people who wanted to meet him actually increased each day. Taliesin (Perhaps the author of the Hanes Taliesin which tells the story of the Merovingians back to Melchizedek.) and others spread word of the most interesting young man who already knew so much, but was there to learn from their own great teachers and adepts. People felt a presence when they were in his company. Sometimes he would say little and listen but ask the most insightful questions and occasionally they would hear a sentence or two when he was challenged by someone else's questions that shone an entirely different light. His passion was immediately felt when his eyes lit up and few who spent much time around him as he traveled with Mary and her father were ever left with any feeling that the legends growing around him were anything less than true. But he hungered to spend serious time in the schooling of Ogham and the healing arts of the Beth-Luis-Nion from Diancecht. The Freemasonic Order of the Golden Centurion I think most people who will read this will not accept what I am saying here without doing a lot of checking into the facts. What Did I Do To Deserve This? "You must have done something awful for this to happen to you." Has anyone ever said that to you? Have you said it to yourself? How to Study the Bible 5 Keys This article was inspired by a book by E. W. Bullinger called How to Enjoy the Bible, it was written in the early 1900's and has inspired me to devote a lifetime of research to the Word of God, I hope this will inspire you too. A Comparison of ISLAM and CHRISTIANITY Hi, Brief History of Jerusalem; Part 1 Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel.....it is the city of hope.....a city sacred to the Jews, Christians and the Moslems. The city existed before David captured it.In the days of Abraham the Holy city was called Salem " peace". Gen 14:8 and it was called Jebus. Judges 19:10. It is called Zion ( IKings 8:1); the holy city ( Neh 11:1); the city of God ( Ps. 46: 4)...... A brief outline of this city's 3000 years of history King David captured the city of Jebus, that is Jerusalem ( Judges 19: 10), the stronghold or fortress of the Jebusites round B.C 1010/ B.C 1000.II Sam 5: 6 - 9. He then took residence in the fortress ( fortress of Zion, also known as the City of David). No Word Yet on Pedophiles With New Catholic Pope The new Pope is not expected to break ranks with his fellow Cardinals or Army of Priests any time soon and come clean on the issues of child molestation and pedophilia. We all know and it is no secret that Catholic Priests around the world are pedophiles and child molesters. Not all but enough to be alarming as the problems are so wide spread it might be safer to take your kids and drop them off for the weekend at 'Never Neverland Ranch' then to leave them alone with the local Priest. Some argue and defend the church others know these things have been going on for over two thousand years. Choose Your Friends Carefully For those of you who have entered into a true Spirit-filled, surrendered walk with the Lord where God and Jesus are now leading and directing your life in the direction They want it to go in - one of the first things that you will find happening to you is that God will start to prune out the people that He does not want in your life and start to bring in the people that He does want in. Compassion and Plenty He Showed 'Compassion' ![]() |
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