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Living Without Blueprints
Some people look at the biblical book of Revelation as a blueprint for the end of time. It tells exactly when the end will come, how it will come and who will be punished when it happens. Those with this perspective buy up apocalyptic fiction like the "Left Behind" series and confidently pronounce that we are in the "end times." They may even associate certain modern day figures or happenings with supposed end-of-times events. There are three basic problems with this perspective: (1) It is counter to the pronouncements of Jesus himself; (2) It ignores the long history of people who have tried to use Revelation in this way; and (3) It is counter to the nature of faith itself. Let's look at these three problem areas more closely. First of all, a carefully laid out blueprint for the end of human history is counter to the pronouncements of Jesus. Jesus clearly says about the time of the end, "But about that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father" (Mt. 24:36, NRSV). Jesus then goes on to say what we should do about this: "Keep awake therefore, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming" (Mt. 24:42, NRSV.) Jesus' parables of the ten bridesmaids waiting for the bridegroom (Mt. 25:1-13) and the unfaithful slave who beats his fellow slaves because his master is delayed in returning (Lk. 12:41-46) underscores this idea of his coming as at an unexpected time which catches people off-guard. So we see that Jesus did promise to return to this world, this plain of existence. He will do so to bring to completion God's plan to redeem creation. Included at that time will be a judgment against those who are being abusive to others, and hence are not ready for this return. But there will be no flashing warning signs. Jesus even spoke against those who go around looking for such signs. He told the scribes and Pharisees, "An evil and adulterous generation asks for a sign?" The alternative Christ called for was for people to live a life of constant submission to God and readiness to have our lives called into account. Looking for a blueprint or exact timetable for Christ's return also ignores the long history of people who have sought to use the book of Revelation in this way. The current movie "Kingdom of Heaven" portrays some of the apocalyptic thinking behind the Crusades, an effort that cost many lives and put a black mark on the Christian faith which remains to this day. One of the earliest writers to expound extensively on Revelation was 12th Century Italian monk Joachim of Fiore. He divided history into three periods, the period of the Father (the Old Testament), the period of the Son (the New Testament and early church) and the period of the Holy Spirit (which dawned with the coming of the Antichrist). He believed the Antichrist would come in his lifetime or shortly thereafter. Thomas Muentzer assured his followers that their struggle against the landowners, rulers and leaders of Germany in the 1520's, was a divinely ordained struggle, and that in the war that would follow God would intervene. When the final showdown came in 1525, the peasants were arrayed against the German princes and their army, and Thomas Muentzer continued to assure them, even at the last moment, that Christ would intervene on their side. This would be the apocalyptic moment foretold in Revelation. They were singing hymns and awaiting a glorious triumph. Muentzer even assured them that he would catch the cannonballs in his shirtsleeves. It turned into the slaughter of five thousand ill-equipped peasants. Protestant reformers like John Wycliff and John Foxe identified the Pope with the Antichrist. John Foxe was the author of the "Left Behind" of his era. He wrote a work that is popularly called "the Book of Martyrs", in which he proclaimed that history was divided into five periods, and the time of the Reformation was the fifth and final period. All of this he based on Revelation, and his work revived interest in that book. Certain early Anabaptists like Melchior Hoffman and Jan Mathys saw their own persecution as signs of the end of time. Hoffman predicted that the final judgment would come in 1533. While Hoffman believed in waiting for God to bring the new age, his disciple Jan Mathys saw his role as bringing it about by force. He and a man named Jan Beukelssen declared Munster, Germany as the New Jerusalem, and their radical followers flocked to that city. In 1534, they led a revolt to seek to establish the kingdom of God on earth. Mathys died in battle, and the revolt was soon put down. While most Anabaptists were peaceful, this rebellion did great damage to their movement. The ascendancy of Oliver Cromwell in England in the middle of the Seventeenth Century was also built around apocalyptic expectations. Cromwell believed that replacing the corrupt, unfaithful leadership of England with a godly ruler would bring about the Second Coming and the kingdom of God. Skipping ahead to the Nineteenth Century, we find William Miller teaching that the return of Christ would come in 1843. Miller was the founder of the Adventist movement, and taught a pre-millennial view, which is to say that Christ's Second Coming would inaugurate a thousand year reign of Christ on earth. Miller's movement attracted a lot of attention at the time, in part because they published a lot of literature, again making it reminiscent of the current "Left Behind" craze. When Christ did not return in 1843 (or in the adjusted date of 1844) many were disappointed and even depressed. The Adventist movement survived, though on a smaller scale. Hal Lindsay's book "The Late Great Planet Earth", published in 1970 revived apocalyptic thinking in the modern era. His book related the events of Revelation to modern events, including the Cold War and the restoration of Israel. The Cold War has come and gone, and Lindsay predicted that the events of the end would come about a generation (40 years) after the restoration of Israel in 1948, which would have been 1988. Interestingly enough, in the mid-1980's many parts of the country saw the distribution of a book entitled, "88 Reasons Why the Rapture will be in '88." Now seventeen years later, that does not seem to have happened. The Antichrist, a central figure in Christian apocalyptic thinking, has been connected with modern figures as diverse as Adolph Hitler, John Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, and Bill Clinton. This abbreviated history shows two problems which arise from apocalyptic crazes. One is that they sometimes give rise to people who try to make them happen. How long before someone comes along who thinks they have been commissioned by God to be a new Thomas Muentzer, Jan Mathys or Oliver Cromwell, ushering in Armageddon? The other problem is that in time they leave people disillusioned. How many times can this faction within the church cry "Wolf!"? People might start to think that the Christian faith has failed them, when in reality it is just this sensationalist perspective which pretends to offer blueprints for the future, blueprints which Christ specifically told us would not be made available. Finally, seeking exact blueprints for the future is counter to the very nature of faith itself. That in part is why Jesus told us, "An evil and adulterous generation asks for a sign?" Hebrews 11:1 tells us, "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." And Paul tells us in Romans 8:24-25, "Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience" (NRSV). All of this is to say that it is the very nature of faith to look beyond the present and trust God for what the unseen future holds. We trust that God will act in that future, and we trust that part of that action is that Jesus Christ will in God's timing return to bring completion to what he started. All of creation will be renewed and brought back to what God intended for this world in the first place (Rom. 8:18-25). In the meantime our role is to remain faithful and work for the better world which God seeks to bring about. Sure, we won't be able to do it all on our own. The task is too big for human hands alone. But faith means looking at a big task and believing that a big God will one way or another find a way. Keith Madsen is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of Portland, Oregon. He is also owner & editor of a New Sea Publishing and author of the fictional The Bridles of Armageddon. See http://anewsea.com
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Jihad Jesus spoke as much about Heaven as He did about Hell. What I would like to do is a little comparison of the Truth of the Bible over the Lies of The Jihad, as the Muslim Nations try to dominate the world with their false religion. Terror; The Lost War Zephaniah 1:14-1:18 Catholic Church Ready to Fall? Americans waited for an explanation of the molestations of thousands of parishioners, they waited for a statement about abuses of power pedophilia and homosexuality of Priests. They did not get more than a little apology, which did not sit well with most Americans. To add further insult to injury Cardinal Law knew of the issues and moved priest from parish to parish, then left the United States to go back to Vatican. Several Priests in high profile cases were arrested and imprisoned. Several more Arch Dioceses went bankrupt. Freedom of Religion True freedom of religion must include an individuals right to "no religion." If we are to say that in our country we maintain freedom of religion than we must also respect those who do not wish to believe in any religion at all. Whereas our Constitutional Rights include these freedoms rarely in our country are Atheists really accepted in our communities. Recently I discussed this with a gentleman at a coffee shop and he was of no religion and whenever the subject came up, a religious person gave him dirty looks or an attitude of disgust. Several have told him that their religion did not allow them to talk with him or associate with him in anyway. In fact one lady had even told him in there is a verse in the Bible, which she quoted, but he did not remember; telling her she must not listen to him and she left his company. Truth or Consequence Prime probability: What is God? Does Proof Exist? Apology: Here?s Help for the ?I Can?t Say ?No? Blues? I hear it all the time. Cries from Christian women who want desperately to serve the Lord, but who feel overwhelmed. "I almost dread going to PTO meetings or church services anymore because I just know somebody else is going to ask me to help with something," they say. "Don't get me wrong. I want to help, but there are only so many hours in my day. I feel like I'm just going to explode if I don't get some relief." Miracle Worker The power of the Holy Spirit is so profound it is truly a wonder, beyond human intelligence. Let's take a look at what the Bible says about miracles. Look at 1Corinthians 1:20 it says Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified; a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength. Now look at verse 31 it says Therefore, as it is written; Let him who boasts boast in the Lord. What Did I Do To Deserve This? "You must have done something awful for this to happen to you." Has anyone ever said that to you? Have you said it to yourself? America for War The Americans themselves billed the vote for now President George Bush in the US as a vote for war. Undoing a Catholic and an Orthodox Christian Feud There's an anecdote about twins still in their mother's womb. They argued about who should come out first. One of the embryos complained "I'm the most beautiful; I should be born first." Calling Some may ask what is a calling and what shall I do when called. Well let's look at the Bible and see what it says. First look at 1Samuel 3:8 it says The Lord called Samuel a third time, and Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, Here I am; you called me. Then Eli realized the Lord was calling the boy. So Eli told Samuel, Go and lie down, and if he calls you, say, Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening. So Samuel went and lay down in his place. The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, Samuel! Samuel! Then Samuel said, Speak, for your servant is listening. And the Lord said to Samuel: See, I am about to do something in Israel that will make the ears of everyone who hears of it tingle. Dante and Hell DANTE: - Dante Alighieri is the tour guide of Hell. In fact you could say he is the creator of Hell if you did not understand he was directed and encouraged as others were being forced to write and create all manner of graven images and religious icons or treatises to support Hell, Satan and the whole dogma of 'sins and demons'. The Church owned all creative work because such creative things came from God and they were the representatives of this God. Nice scam if you can make it work ? eh? Here is a little academic insight into how he also was tasked to diminish the perception of prior seers and wise people. The Snake Charmers - Part 1 2 Kings 9:30-9:36. How many her today believe in the existence of, witches, war-locks and sorcerers? If you noticed, my hand was up first. Now were not talking about halloween and spook-s and goblins. witches with bumps on their noses, flying brooms or black cats or anything the like. I'm talking about, Spell Casters and Po-shun Makers and Predictors, Psychics, Mediums, Numerology, Astrology-st, Horoscope Writers, Satan Worshipers, Observers of Times, Diviners believe it or not the world is full of such people, that believe in what their doing. Biblical Hermeneutics ? Part 3 Instead of being passive consumers of Biblical commentary, we can participate in the forming of a very particular, but no less authentic, commentary of our own. The only thing that should happen between text and commentary is exegesis, not homiletics. In other words, we should not become reliant on them. Continued dependence on commentaries will handicap or hinder the development of exegetical skills needed to do independent pre-commentary study. This is why it is probably safest to consult more than one commentary and to consult it at the end of the exegetical process and not the beginning. Development of Liberal Theology: An Overview (Part 2) The American theologian Horace Bushnell also played a vital role in the advancement of liberal theology. Bushnell's liberalism included historical tradition and took into account the emotional nature of religion. He espoused the supernatural character of personality and the immanence of God in personality. By means of preaching, teaching, writing and personal practice, Bushnell attempted to divert man away from dogmas and to seek satisfaction and security in experience. In his book, Religion in America, Hudson pointed out: ?the real key to the influence of Bushnell upon his contemporaries was his success in fashioning a definitely Christocentric theology that was based upon Christian experience rather than upon any external dogmatic authority. Thus the believer was no longer under compulsion to find his security in biblical proof texts. He could not accept the conclusions of biblical scholars with relative equanimity and appropriate the results of other scientific investigations without great difficulty because his faith was validated by the inward testimony of the heart?Bushnell found a freedom denied to those who felt compelled to meet a rationalistic assault with a purely rationalistic defense. End Time Events and the 2nd Coming of Jesus In part 1 of this series of end time articles, I am going to go ahead and outline all of the main events that will be occurring that will be leading up to the 2nd coming of Jesus to our earth. This will be a basic overview of the main end time events. I will then go into additional parts giving you a bit more detail into some of these specific events. The Bible once again, very specifically and very explicitly, lays out exactly what is going to happen before Jesus returns back to us for His second coming. The Oldest Concept in History I find it funny that one of the oldest concepts in the world has become one of modern society's biggest irritants. The problem with this is that the concept has been lost behind all the problems created by people who did not fully understand the concept to begin with. Religion is, by far, at the forefront of this list of problems. Government is close behind. So what is the concept we've lost? At the risk of sounding "philosophical", I'll put it in one word. God. Mexican Catholics Forgotten Many Mexican and Latin Catholics are dismayed that the Cardinals picked a German Pope, Benedict XVI, over a Latin Pope. Latin and Mexican Catholics are some of the biggest supporters of the Catholic Church. Some Mexican, Latino and Hispanic Catholics are saying; "This just proves white men still run the world." Many Mexicans who have proud Indian Aztec and Mayan Heritage whose civilization was destroyed by European Explorers and conquerors, which brought this religion with them are thinking twice about their loyalty to the Catholic Church. Crazy in Love Several years ago my cousin was pleased to find out that she wasn't going crazy,she found out that what she suffered from was O.C.D. or better known as "obsessive,compulsive disorder". Just knowing that what she suffered from had a name and could now be treated with proper medication and through the power of knowlege,she could contend with it on a more positive level. At least it was confirmed that she was not crazy. Through lack of knowlege, we however are quick to label this sickness as a brain disorder or just someone who is crazy.Obsessive compulsive disorder causes repeated behavior by the sufferer to the point that we veiw them as 'not normal'. Anyone who doesn't suffer from this to some degree can't imagine why anyone would keep repeating a certain action when they know it was already completed.But this where lack of knowlege comes in.When we aren't educated properly,we lack understanding and then rely on our opinions and not truth. ![]() |
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