White Sun - Tao of Heaven. Showers of Wisdom ( Part 3 of 3 )

Everything one does in his life, irrespective of whether he remembers or not, is recorded in one's soul just like a memory bank of a computer. The images of these records create spiritual waves which resonate the spiritual waves of the others, irrespective of whether the others know that it is caused by you. Unaware of these unseen spiritual waves, the parties involved are nevertheless affected and confined by the force of karma.

Most people contribute unreasonable problems in their lives to fate and do not understand that fate in reality is simply the results of karma. This undetectable force of karma is not affected by space or time and follows everyone. It was there in one's previous lives; it is there in one's present life; it will be there in one's future lives. It will last forever.

Karma is the natural law of the universe. For every action or cause there is reaction or effect. The existence of all substances and beings in the cosmos is a product of causes and effects of karma. Nothing can exist without a cause. Cause is the essence of all elements and lives, fate is the force that brings them together and effect is the end result. A life is born due to the parents cause and fate.

When a parent's emotions and desires bring them to heat, they send off a certain wavelength of spirit. As a soul with the same wavelength picks up this signal and starts to resonate, it homes in and enters the womb. This forms the relationship of parents and child. The emotions, minds and habits of parents pass on as heredity in their children, forming the effects of the children's lives. All memories built into the mind in this life become the cause of the next life. This sequence feeds on itself and becomes a cycle. The force of the cycle decides a person's fate and this is karma. Death is the end of one's life and also the beginning of another life.

Everyone wants to live in peace and the best thing to do is to be forgiving and gracious to all sentient beings. If someone tries to hurt us, then we repay him with good deeds. If someone treats us with anger, we repay him with peace. If someone treats us with insincerity, we accept it with sincerity. If someone says hurtful words to us, then we respond in a soft manner. If someone speaks sarcastic words to us, then we keep silent in return. If we meet people who try to deceive us, we try to move them with our sincerity. If we meet violent people, we treat them with a peaceful manner, thus causing their violent tendencies to vanish. If we treat all beings with righteousness, then the atmosphere of evil will vanish.

Author: T.A Chew Website: http://www.white-sun.com

T.A Chew is a practitioner of Tao after realizing time waits for no man and time will definitely make him an old man. He wants to be a wise old man meaningful to society, live in peace and go painlessly in his sleep. An accountant by profession, he realized the importance of time that he cannot afford to waste.

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