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The Afterlife and Scientology
AFTERLIFE: The 'Bardol Thodol' and 'Sidpa Thodol' of the Tibetan Book of the Dead with a forward by Carl Jung and Lama Anagarika Govinda, by Evans-Wentz is a great insight to the hallucinatory nature of the images we carry forward beyond the grave. These hallucinations (beliefs) go away and the 'white light' is all that remains. The 'white light' may not be seen by those still attached to this material plane and its' obsessions or propaganda for quite some period of time. The interstitial states of purgatory and limbo(words with all kinds of fables that are far from true, associated with them) are the realms wherein these devious 'visions' play out their energy upon the soul of unenlightened 'followers' of many belief systems. That is a simplistic overview, to say the least. Moody's work on 'Life After Death' documents in real epistemic terms a plethora of cases that boil down to 15 stages that are common and eight of which most people go through. From conversations with people who've had heart by-pass or other Near Death Experiences (NDEs) I am sure there is much merit in his work. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross was a great student and scholar from UCLA who I met and heard talk of these things. In the final analysis I find much of the quantum physical world has the best descriptions of what kind of realities other dimensions allow. However, we are all not able to understand that which we are not physically involved with, so allow me to visit with 'Seth Speaks' by Jane Roberts as well as L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. for a moment; he says: "The explanation is sort of long and complicated. The basic rationale is that there are some powers in this universe that are pretty strong. As an example, Hitler was involved in the same black magic and the same occult practices that my father was. {This might explain why the Allies used Hubbard and Crowley, Dion Fortune and Ian Fleming in a counter psychic group.} The identical ones. Which, as I have said, stem clear back to before Egyptian times. It's a very secret thing. {We covered a lot of it in 'Science' from 'Genesis of the Grail Kings' and a Christian mystery school called Rosicrucianity.}. Very powerful and very workable and very dangerous. Brainwashing is nothing compared to it. The proper term would be 'soul cracking.' It's like cracking open the soul, which then opens various doors to the power that exist,' the satanic and demonic powers? {My younger brother is a thirty year member who has signed a billion year soulful contract. He thinks L. Ron Jr. is the antithesis of a 'realized being' and all Scientologists HATE him. That is a pretty good recommendation in itself, if you look closely at this organization that uses every hypnotic and other mind-control method available to milk people of everything including their soul. If it isn't 'organized crime' I don't know what is! Yet, in the scheme of things they tell more truth than most who they imitate - like psychiatry and education. Ritalin is a favourite rallying point of theirs.} Simply put, it's like a tunnel or an avenue or a doorway. {Meditation takes one through this to the white light that afterlife portends. In this process the physical individual on the Scientology pathways never gets to the next realm, unless at the OTO [Ordre Templis Orientalis] 'fin-de-siecle' suicidal retirement plan, that Hubbard studied in the Crowleyan Thelemic school as noted in many documents - but the Scientologists say he was working as an undercover agent. FOR WHOM?!}. Pulling that power into yourself through another person--and using women {In the Crowleyan adaptation of the Star-Fire Ceremony which uses 'Scarlet Women' for the monthly menstruum so full of hormones like melatonin. Hubbard also was a Rosicrucian.}, especially -- is incredibly insidious {Even Crowley thought Hubbard was a nut to think he could command the goddess Babalon to do his bidding.}. It makes Dr. Fu Manchu look like a kindergarten student. It is the ultimate vampirism, the ultimate mind-phuck, instead of going for the blood, you're going for their soul. And you take drugs in order to reach that state {The drug thing is OUT now that L. Ron Sr. was drugged out of his miserable existence.} where you can, quite literally, like a psychic hammer, break their soul, and pull the power through. He designed his Scientology Operating Thetan techniques to do the same thing. But, of course, it takes a couple of hundred hours of auditing and mega-thousands of dollars {Current data suggests the coursework to 'the Bridge' runs over $300,000 dollars. My brother gives donations to causes like prison programs and mental health as well. His daughter is a slave at the Clearwater HQ, who works for nothing, etc.} for the privilege of having your head turned into a glass Humpty Dumpty--shattered into a million pieces. It may sound like incredible gibberish, but it made my father a fortune {The Church(?) got $600,000,000 from his estate and it was likely a murder according to some knowledgeable officials.}." (2) In Egypt there is a temple with drawings on the walls or plaques that show souls inside tubes. This temple of Bendera is probably an archaeologic proof of what has been going on in most adept religious pursuits for millenia if not eons. Crowley was claimed by Hubbard as 'his close personal friend' in the Philadelphia Lectures that psychology thought his ideas were worth considering in the early 50s. Crowley was the self-avowed '666' and he apparently never actually (physically) met Hubbard. Yet Hubbard claims to be a continuance of Crowley just as Crowley claimed the same in the line of Caligostro and Eliphas Levi, among others. The 'soul-grabbing' possibility is not mere 'hocus-pocus'; you should be concerned about how your own soul is pre-empted by 'beliefs' you have little personal control and knowledge over or about. In the early 80s around the time this interview with Hubbard Jr. took place, I dated a woman who wanted to marry me. She was from the Anderson family, and her mother was the head of the Masonic women's league which she called the Emerald Society. She was a down to earth sort of person who seemed OK and knew of my interests in esoteric 'philosophy. I knew little about the Anderson's and the Constitutions by that name which are central to the Masonic order (based on recent research, I've done.). She falls into the category of those relationships I couldn't trust the motives of, due to my money; but she doesn't fall into the category of cultist or fool. In fact my own issues and lack of maturity at handling these insecurities were more of the problem that caused me not to be able to handle what others felt was success. Her mother was old and suffering from some kind of certain illness. It was a two year period during which she endeavoured to convince my lady's sister and her own daughter to allow a soul transfer to occur so that her mother would possess the body and control the mind of her daughter. The uses of rituals according to old books in the Masonic/ Rosicrucian theology were involved. Sounds ridiculous, and I only have her word and the word of someone who introduced her to me a year earlier, to confirm it. The Hubbard/ Crowley/Levi/Randolph story is a corollary to it, and there are other similar possessions I've helped overcome since. The situation sounds unbelievable when I say; the daughter killed the mother and told the truth. She was charged with murder. The courts let her off with time served, when the trial was through. That was not a long time, because she pled guilty! It is possible this 'Emerald Society' was an inner sanctum group aligned with the knowledge of Hermes (previously Thoth's and Ptah's knowledge) that existed in ancient Egypt and is reflected in the Emerald Table or Tablet. This is not a reincarnate soulful transition but is a way of avoiding death. The fear of death has much to do with many afterlife beliefs, and I think the Keltic Creed and its related native beliefs of North America have a healthier attitude about the soul and its immortality. There is no reason to live in fear of death ? that leads to a lack of growth (which is LIFE!). There are many books and beliefs that deal with the afterlife and various related theological constructs. SETH SPEAKS was a great book that I learned a great deal from around this time in my life. I was never convinced the premise was true, but the knowledge made sense. Having read some of the author's other work, I'm pretty sure it wasn't a channeling from another spirit called Seth. As a literary device to convey the knowledge she imparted, it was effective, and that knowledge still makes a lot of sense to me. It mirrors the eastern or Hindu dimensions and causal planes. The focus on an individual ego having immortal life is perhaps a little stronger than I see it; but I acknowledge I might be wrong. As she put the idea forth it seems there is a multi-dimensional and multiple personality, which might include a million souls in various timeframes and other planetary planes or causal (material) points of reference. Thus our soul will learn in each of these frames of reference and become more complete when in the spiritual dimensions or non-causal frames. The interview with L. Ron Jr. didn't deal with the soul transference or immortality issue as much as some other cult deprogrammers like Jon Atack and Rick Ross or ex-Scientologist officials who have escaped the clutches of this mind control cult (Jesse Prince, Fishman et al.). In these reports it is clear L. Ron Jr. thinks there is a good chance Crowley continues to be part of the entity or soul that was his father, because he says the date Scientology began is the day Crowley died. That death was no ordinary event. An autopsy was performed on Crowley before his body was cremated. We must wonder why it was cremated and that Crowley had been an MI-6 operative in British Intelligence. This is especially true because I've heard and read that his interior organs were twisted and jumbled with the intestines wrapped around them as if a force had caused a terrible death from inside his own body. There was no exterior reason for this configuration of the organs. It is possible that the body had some issue with the ritualistic action and intent of these two sorcerers who were in league. If Crowley intended to continue his achievement of power (Hubbard assures us he'll be back or already is, not a very pleasant thought.) in another person he may well have taken the advice or recommendation of Jack Parsons (a chemist on rocket fuel with JPL or other government contractors in Southern California, who headed the OTO Temple in L.A.). Hubbard clearly was a great follower of Crowley from early life and would have done anything to associate with him in this manner. As I see it the body has a solar self or aura that doesn't always agree with the brain or ego. The acts of these two, do not speak to soulful attunements. They would not have had the agreement of any soul that was ascended or connected to higher dimensions, so they had to overcome the disagreement of their souls. It would have been a big issue with the body about to lose its' soul (Crowley). In the case with the mother/daughter it would be easier if the psychics are right about soulful genetic connections in different times and lives. Crowley and the other villains mentioned will appear in the 'heroes' section of this encyclopedia and their retinue of deviates will grow or associate with many other heads of the gorgon known as Medusa. Author of Diverse Druids
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Do You Have Disciples? Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." That was the command of the master, Jesus of Nazareth when he walked the face of this earth to two fishermen, Simon and his brother, Andrew. Christian Unity according to Internet Following are 30 questions that relate to Christian Unity that I would like you to reflect upon for your edification. In fact,, these questions could be used in your Bible class as you discuss Christian Unity, which is so much needed today. A Common Sense Approach to Religious Freedom Down through the centuries and all over the world, the battle for religious freedom has been a bitter one. The United States has been no exception. Although most of those who founded this country came here seeking religious freedom, it has been a source of contention from the beginning and remains so today. There are fanatics on both sides of this issue. On one side, we have those who think their religious freedom is being violated if they are not allowed to force their religion down everyone else's throat. One the other side, we have those who believe it's their inalienable right to never be exposed to any element of religious life. Both extremes are wrong. Government should be neither hostile to any religion nor an enforcer of it. Instead, those who possess common sense should be capable of assenting to a happy medium. America for War The Americans themselves billed the vote for now President George Bush in the US as a vote for war. Josephs Life?a Series of Coincidences One of my favorite stories in the Bible is the story of Joseph. If you read and really understand this story, you will see that nothing is coincidental and that all things work according to God's plan. It might not be according to YOUR plan, but it all works out for the best. What Did I Do To Deserve This? "You must have done something awful for this to happen to you." Has anyone ever said that to you? Have you said it to yourself? Anointed versus Talented: Whats the Difference? Talent is defined as: "Natural endowment or ability of a superior quality". The word talent comes from a Greek word that also tells us about something of great value as described in Matthew 25:15-30. Development of Liberal Theology: An Overview (Part 1) The modern historical era of liberal theology basically encompass four distinct phases of change. The Enlightenment phase extends from the seventeenth century to approximately the middle or late eighteenth century. It is followed by the Romantic phase which is prominent until the mid-nineteenth century when it fades and then rise in the form of Modernism. The final, or perhaps more appropriately, the present phase of liberalism (often referred to as Neo-liberalism) began to surface during the twentieth century. Following Instructions To The Letter The dictionary explains wisdom as having good judgement, understanding, comprehension and intelligence. It also explains wise as being perceptive, intelligent, and knowledgeable. It is written in Psalm 111:10 it says The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise. While the World is on Fire - Part Two Luke 19:49-19:46 This world is a tender box, of political, industrial and religious, differences. What is making the world that we call home, so violent? Religion is the biggest fuel to the coming fire than any other source. More people are dyeing today in the name of religion than at any other time in history. Suicide bombers, arson-est and snipers, to kill mame and destroy. All this in the name of religion. These are some of the causes, now here is the effect, in our coming future, what will you be doing while The world is on Fire? Luke 19:49, Jesus said, I am come to send fire on the earth, and what will I, if it already be kindled? There's a fire coming and you may be part of it. The Lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him, an at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him asunder, and will appoint him his portion with the un-believers. Luke 19:46. Can you afford to set back and think that every thing will be OK., that you'll be all-right, Cant you smell the smoke before the fire? Are you going to be among them that don't believe are you in that number that Jesus talked about are you the lost one that he's still looking for to save, well are you? Ask yourself, will I be setting around, lost, when Jesus breaks the eastern sky and takes his children Home, will you say, Jesus, I never had the time to pray. The Bible states that you will, cry out to the rocks and mountains to fall on you to hide you from the face of the Lamb and from the wrath of God. Look at Revelations 16:8, And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun, and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire, and men were scorched with great heat. It doesn't say heat, it says, GREAT HEAT. This is part of the beginning of righteous Judgments of God upon the wicked and evil men upon the earth. Can you hide, can you run, can you survive? This is not a question to answer, but to avoid. Today its pretty outside, blue sky, gentile wind, the blue jays and blue birds are eating of the feed that I've left out for them . The sweet songs of the season are all around, I've put my babes to bed and life is good, the world is at peace. Whats that noise? This is what people will say the day the earth catches fire, this is the time of great deception, when Satan will tell the world that every thing is fine. One moment you'll be basking in the peace of a cool fall or summer day and then, fire and smoke, mingled with blood surrounds you. Rev 16:15, Behold, I come as a thief. Screaming, wailing and gnashing of teeth. You look around and huddle with fear, not caring any more for the money you used to take so highly, or the home, in flames, that you worked on Sundays not listening to the songs coming from the church, just down the street, the beautiful trees you planted all now ablaze going up with your home. Knowing in your heart, the position with the church as a decon, that you held with growing pride, was just a lie, something to make you look good, knowing that you were just fooling yourself, its all over in a heartbeat. Then you think, Ill run to the sea, it will be safe there, There's nothing there to burn, the water will cool my blisters that cover my flesh, thats what Ill do. Revelations 16:3. And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea, and it became as the blood of a dead man, and every living soul died in the sea. What then, where will you run, the mountains and islands are moved out of their place the grass is even on fire and the sea has turned to blood, what now, where to go, God help us all. You say, why are you telling us these things, why cant you say things that are nice to here? Look at Jude 22 and 23. And of some have compassion, making a difference, and others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. Pulling them out of the fire, pulling you, out of the fire, thats our goal. Were coming down to the wire, You are just a heart beat away from judgement. Don't wait to be put into the hands of the Living God, bent upon wrath and judgement. Don't let today slip away and here again the question, What will you be doing, While The World is on Fire. The Wealth of the Wealthy Some may ask, why can't I have a lot of money? Or some may say I wish I had wealth. Well let's see what the Bible say about wealth. First we must understand the Blessing of Abraham, and to understand that Jesus is over everything and it all belongs to him. Freedom of Religion We were all taught in school that our forefathers left England to escape religious dictatorships. Okay, there was a lot more to it then that, but it was a big enough deal that they made sure it got honorable mention in our rulebook. They clearly made the point that we were to have freedom of religion here in America. They also used the word "God" in some of their formal paperwork and even on our money. I don't want to argue politics here, but rather semantics. They didn't say "freedom of Christianity," they said "freedom of religion." The boys who wrote up all of our formal paperwork were wordsmiths and they debated long and hard to find the perfect set of words to govern ourselves by. It wasn't decided that we had the freedom to choose whichever form of Christianity that we liked, but whichever form of religion. Religion is in and of itself a much broader concept then Christianity. "God" can mean a lot more then just the Christian definition too. Russia and Her Allies Will Attack Israel This next event will be a major one! The Bible says that in the latter days, Russia and what appears to be Iran, Libya, Turkey and possibly Sudan will descend upon Israel and try to destroy her. Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death - But In Current Textbooks the Context of These Words is Deleted Did you know that 52 of the 55 signers of The Declaration of Independence were orthodox, deeply committed Christians? The other three all believed in the Bible as the divine truth, the God of scripture, and His personal intervention. 7 Seal Judgements Continued These 7 judgments will more than likely occur during the first three and half years of the Tribulation. Here is a description of each of these judgments and the Scripture verses to back it all up. Catholics Need To Take a Second Look at Morality According to CNN, Catholics voted for President Bush over Senator John Kerry by a 51 to 48 percent margin. Hence, Catholics voted for a Born Again Methodist over a Catholic candidate. Many Catholic Bishops have declared abortion a "non-negotiable issue." In the diocese of Brooklyn, which encompasses Brooklyn and Queens, there is not a single memorial to those who have been put to death by our government. Nonetheless, I know of at least one parish in Brooklyn that has a three-thousand dollar memorial dedicated to the aborted. Meanwhile, 36 million people in the United States live in poverty. If the Bishops are not silent, they most certainly speak in a whisper when it comes to issues of social justice and the death penalty. The Catholic Bishop's candidate, George W. Bush, executed nearly 30 individuals in 1999 alone. The Blessings Of God As discussed in the "The Gospel of Convenience", and "Investing Christian" articles here on this site, American Christianity teaches that money, possessions, stock market holdings, "toys" and all manner of material possessions are "the blessings of God". We too used to accept this as truth. We have recently been convicted by the Holy Spirit , and instructed by God, to speak out against this principal as a heresy, and a deception of the Devil, that it has taken some 30 - 40 years for our enemy to foster into church doctrine. We have encountered some truly amazing responses in this endeavor, in the form of, in some cases, condemnation from fellow Christians. We have been told we are "lost", "out there", "unthankful to God". Thought Produces Desire, Produces Results (Channelled) Rebuilding Society and The Tax Protest Movement Rebuilding society and the tax protest movement: A Biblical Opinion and Strategy By Jack Kettler Moses v. Jesus: Why do Conservative Christians Prefer Moses Commandments to Jesus Beatitudes? Why are conservative Christians so concerned about displaying the Ten Commandments in public and especially in courtrooms? ![]() |
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