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Growing in the Knowledge of God
This first verse completely sets the stage for you to be able to receive knowledge from the Lord. This first verse is literally telling us that God is wanting us to grow in the knowledge of Him and His Son Jesus. "... but GROW in the grace and KNOWLEDGE of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." (2 Peter 3:18) This verse is only one short sentence long, but a lot is being said in it. After we get saved, God expects us to start growing in the knowledge that He wants to transmit to us. And the only way we can spiritually grow is by seeking after the knowledge that will cause this growth to occur in the first place! This right here is why a lot of Christians do not make much spiritual growth over the course of their lives after they initially get saved - because they are not seeking after the knowledge of God that will cause this growth to actually occur. Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Receiving Knowledge and Wisdom Now that we know that God wants us to grow in the knowledge that He wants to give to us, these next two verses will tell us the first step that needs to be met before God will even begin to release His knowledge to you. These two verses are specifically telling us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of being able to receive knowledge and wisdom from the Lord. Here are the two verses: Notice that in both of these verses it says that fear of the Lord is the "beginning" of being able to receive knowledge from God. In other words - if you don't have a healthy fear of the Lord - then chances are, God is not going to be working with you very closely in releasing His knowledge to you. This first condition right here is another reason why many of God's people are not getting more knowledge, revelation and wisdom being transmitted to them. What exactly is God meaning when He says we must have a "fear" of Him? He obviously does not want you to be so afraid of Him that you then become to afraid to approach Him for prayer and to enter into a healthy personal relationship with Him. What I believe God means by the phrase "fear of the Lord" is that we are to have an extremely reverent respect for Him and all of His ways! Many Christians have a good healthy fear of God Himself, as they know that He is all powerful and that He is God Almighty Himself. But where many Christians are getting into trouble off of these two verses is that they do not have a healthy fear of all of God's ways. And one of God's ways for us is that we try and stay out of sin - especially some of them more serious type sins. If you are out committing adultery behind your spouse's back, literally breaking one of God's ten commandments - then chances are, God will not be imparting much of His revelation and knowledge to you since you are living in an obvious sin. If you are out committing this type of sin against God, then you are not showing much of a fear of Him, or else you would never have considered falling into this type of sin in the first place. Your actions may be speaking louder than your words. If you have a true, healthy fear of the Lord, then you will not want to tempt your fate and what He wants to do with your life by directly disobeying some of these obvious commandments such as adultery, cheating, scamming others, verbally and/or physically abusing your spouse or your children, holding extreme unforgiveness towards others, etc. If you have a good healthy fear of the Lord, then you will make every effort to try and live your life right and stay out of the sins that you know will get you in trouble with Him. We are all sinners and none of us is perfect. I believe that there is a certain amount of "slack" with the Lord on our own imperfections and some of the stupid things that we will do in this life. However, where some of us will get into trouble with the Lord on the above two verses is when we blatantly enter into what I call "unacceptable" sins and behavior. And some of the sins mentioned above are unacceptable in God's eyes for many of us, and they thus could cause God to pull back on you and what He wants to do with your life. God will not be mocked! If you don't fear Him and His ways and the way He wants you to live this life - then He may just choose to withhold any knowledge and revelation that He may want to impart to you. That is why the above two verses are so important for those that would really like to start seeking after the knowledge of God for their lives. God will be more than willing to open up His storehouse of knowledge for you in this life - but only if you are willing to do your part - and your first step is making sure that you have enough of a fear and reverent respect for Him in that you are willing to stay out of some of these unacceptable sins and behaviors. Article written by Michael Bradley of Bible Knowledge Ministries. Their website is a resource of Bible knowledge commentary and teaching. They currently have over 100 Bible articles. All free of charge.
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Recognizing Apostasy and Deception PREFACE TO UNDERSTANDING APOSTASY AND DECEPTION The 7 Seal Judgements These next 3 articles are going to be extremely HARD HITTING. I am not going to pull any punches on what will be discussed in these articles. These article have to do with the JUDGMENTS AND WRATH OF GOD HITTING THIS EARTH FULL FORCE DURING THE 7 YEAR TRIBULATION - which will be the last 7 years of the world. The Rapture Here is the 50 million dollar question - will there be a Rapture of God's saints before the Tribulation, or will all of God's people living at that time have to go through the Tribulation and possibly be martyred for their faith? 7 Seal Judgements Continued These 7 judgments will more than likely occur during the first three and half years of the Tribulation. Here is a description of each of these judgments and the Scripture verses to back it all up. Christian Unity according to Internet Following are 30 questions that relate to Christian Unity that I would like you to reflect upon for your edification. In fact,, these questions could be used in your Bible class as you discuss Christian Unity, which is so much needed today. Mahavira | 24th Tirthankara of Jainism His Teachings and Essence Vardhamana Mahavira, the 24th Tirthankara of Jainism was the last of the series of 24th Tirthankars in Jainism Dharma. Jainism as we understand today is primarily focused on the teachings and essence of Bhagwan Mahavira. Why? The Kabbalah Kraze! I remember hearing a minister years ago as he quoted Dwight L. Moody. He said, "There are two types of religion in the world: Biblical Christianity...and all the rest." Similarly, another minister I listened to later said, "The only two religions that exist in the world are Christianity and Hinduism...because Hinduism allows each man to find his or her own truth." 7 Bowl Judgements There is now one more set of 7 judgments God will release before the battle of Armageddon is set up and Jesus returns back to us for the second time. This last set of judgments are called the 7 Bowl judgments. A Partnership With God Hey, God is trying to partner with you! He wants you, to invite Him, into your life. God says: Draw nearer to me; and I will draw nearer to you (James 4:8). However, you've chosen to operate as a soul proprietor. God is willing to take all your worries, all your cares and all your problems. In return, He is offering eternal life, a perfect peace, unconditional love and riches in your house. The contract further stipulates that God will always protect and take care of you. It is agreed that the Power belongs to God (Psalms 62:11), but is yours for the asking. God hereby designates that He will provide all your needs and give you joy, unspeakable. The New Heaven And New Earth Now that Satan, all of his fallen angels and all of unsaved humanity have been cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, there is only one thing left. God will now give the rest of saved humanity their final reward - the new heaven and the new earth. Believe it or not, this is actually going to be better than what we will get during the Millennium Kingdom. This will be our final abode and something very awesome happens when we get this new heaven and new earth. Is Christianity Losing America? 2 Thessalonians 1:3-1:4 Biblical Hermeneutics ? Part 2 Should we be tempted to believe that our system of interpretation is the only system that has ever existed, Ramm makes it very clear in his discussion of the "historical schools" that this is not so. The "Battle for the Bible" may have, in fact, been born as the second century Christian exegetes, who were influenced by Jewish Biblical scholarship, espoused a literal reading of Scripture which assumed its historical accuracy and included a healthy respect for questions of context. Around the same time these interpreters (referred to by Ramm as the School of Antioch) were not exclusively concerned with the Bible's literal sense; they were equally concerned to interpret Scripture at a level that transcended its historical-literal dimension. This school of thought judged Scripture to be reliable and true on the basis of its conformity to orthodox Christian doctrine. In essence, Scripture judged the church, but it was the church who judged what was scriptural; and at this point the church was still involved in the process of assessing the value and authority of many Christian documents, only some of which made it into the canon. No Word Yet on Pedophiles With New Catholic Pope The new Pope is not expected to break ranks with his fellow Cardinals or Army of Priests any time soon and come clean on the issues of child molestation and pedophilia. We all know and it is no secret that Catholic Priests around the world are pedophiles and child molesters. Not all but enough to be alarming as the problems are so wide spread it might be safer to take your kids and drop them off for the weekend at 'Never Neverland Ranch' then to leave them alone with the local Priest. Some argue and defend the church others know these things have been going on for over two thousand years. Development of Liberal Theology: An Overview (Part 1) The modern historical era of liberal theology basically encompass four distinct phases of change. The Enlightenment phase extends from the seventeenth century to approximately the middle or late eighteenth century. It is followed by the Romantic phase which is prominent until the mid-nineteenth century when it fades and then rise in the form of Modernism. The final, or perhaps more appropriately, the present phase of liberalism (often referred to as Neo-liberalism) began to surface during the twentieth century. Jesus Our King: Priest Forever After The Order Of Melchizedek Much confusion surrounds the person of one "Melchizedek" found in the book of Genesis, mentioned only briefly in the Psalms, and expounded upon enough to raise many more questions in the New Testament book of Hebrews. It is my hope that this brief exposition will help clear the air on this very important topic. For Christians need to know about Melchizedek, as the Bible ties Him to the very important biblical teaching of the resurrection from the dead, as we shall see. Satan is Let Loose One More Time After the 1000 years are up in the Millennium Kingdom, two additional things must happen before we get our new heaven and new earth. These two events will seal the fate of Satan and all the unsaved people who have ever lived once and for all. For Sale - God A few days ago, I was watching TV, and I was surfing through the channels, and I came upon a very popular Christian teacher (I will call her Minister X for respect to her and her Ministry) Christian TV show. I am not a follower of Minister X teachings, yet I have heard her enough, to know two things about her. First she seems to be very solid in her bible teachings, as well as she seems to be very well respected in the Christian community. Billy Graham- America Salutes You America has had its great share of renowned preachers, missionaries and evangelists but none can hold a candle to the Reverend Billy Graham. His influence is worldwide but for Americans his life and ministry have been both influential and a matter of pride. That is, we are proud of him, our native son, our pastor at large, our voice of hope in the turbulent and changing American landscape. What is God? Does Proof Exist? Apology: Why Churches Die: Denying The Gift Of Healing The Sick Recently a question was posted on a Christian forum asking why so few churches practice anointing with oil to heal the sick (See James 5:14). That's a good question. ![]() |
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