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While the World is on Fire
Revelation 8:8-8:9 What will you be doing? How many people have asked the question, what will you be doing at the end of the world? When I was a child, in the hills of Kentucky, I always asked my self this same question every-night before I went to sleep. I remembered the preachers sermon, the Hell fire and brimstone was still in my mind. I would take my time after everyone went to sleep and look out the window at the sky above. For a little kid I thought that everything was so large and big. I looked at the sky and told myself, The world was a clear blue sky with puffy white clouds when it ended. I didn't know much about scripture then, so I didn't Know that, when the world ended it would be on fire. Temple of Spirit & Truth Ministries A.R.Smith Sermons International http://www.ourchurch.com/member/a/arsmithsermons/
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Mindset - Being Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind The Bible tells us that one of the main goals God has in store for each of us is our transformation. The Bible tells us that God wants to sanctify us - to make us more Holy like He is. He wants to make us better people - both on the inside and the outside. The Bible tells us that the way this transformation will take place is by the "renewing of our minds." Romans 12:1 states: "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Why Churches Die: Denying The Gift Of Healing The Sick Recently a question was posted on a Christian forum asking why so few churches practice anointing with oil to heal the sick (See James 5:14). That's a good question. The Goodness of His Strength The dictionary explains strength as being endurance, force, bravery, spirit and source of power. The Bible mentions many times about strength and songs. Now song explain in the dictionary means a call or utterance. Let's see what the Bible says. It says in the book of Psalm 118:13 I was pushed back and about to fall, but the Lord helped me. The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. This verse seems to be saying that the Lord gave him endurance, force, bravery, spirit and source of power, as well as a call or utterance. Since the beginning of time people have sang a song to the Lord. Look at Exodus 15:1 it says I will sing to the Lord, for he is highly exalted. The horse and its rider he has hurled into the sea. The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him. What That 70s Show Taught Me About Christianity What in the world could I have possibly learned about Christianity from "That 70's Show"? I'm sure that's what everyone is thinking right about now. Does Society Need a St. Bernard? You all know the big dogs that carry rum to save Swiss or alpine skiers caught in a storm or some other trouble. That is not the St. Bernard I am contemplating but you might think this St. Bernard to be an even bigger dog once you get to know him. The Power Source Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized ?in the name of Jesus Christ.? And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off-for all whom the Lord our God will call. --ACTS 2:38?39 7 Year Tribulation As you will see in the Scripture verses listed below, the Great Tribulation will last 7 years. At the midpoint of the Tribulation, the Antichrist will seat himself in the Temple of God that will have to rebuilt by the Jewish people. He will proclaim himself to be God. This event is called the abomination of desolation by the prophet Daniel. Jesus Himself specifically refers to this event in the New Testament. Jesus says that once this event occurs, that His people are to literally run for the hills. Jesus says that the last three and half years of the Tribulation set off by the abomination of desolation will be the worst tribulation and time of trouble that the world has ever seen. He says that had these days not been shortened by God the Father, that no flesh would be saved. I feel Jesus is implying that man probably would have destroyed the earth at or shortly after the Battle of Armageddon. The Antichrist starts to lose control of his empire. Other nations come against him in the battle of Armageddon. With the availability of nuclear weapons, my guess is that the Antichrist may have been willing to "hit the button" if he thought he was going to lose his empire. If he hits the button, chances are the other nations he is going to fight against will also be willing to hit the button, and you thus could end up in a full scale nuclear war. Octopussy The graven image exclusion as told in the Bible certainly wasn't followed by the Popery people. Never has there been a system with so many icons and such a multitude of a Heavenly Host. Yet they call it monotheism. There are well over 1500 saints, archangels, and the other godly cretins including Laddio, Daddio and Spook. Soon there will be many more as the current regime of Luciferians is having many more canonized, including the Pope who did not ex-communicate Hitler (even as they shortly thereafter did so to Ivan Illich). There is only one God if there is any at all. The Emmaus Journal ~ What Kingdom Are You Looking For? The Emmaus Journal Church Building and Church Buildings Church building is a term used to designate both the physical building of a church facility, and the spiritual building of a group of people into a unified body of believers. The physical church buildings are made of wood, stone, mortar, and brick, but the act of spiritual church building comes at the cost of evangelism, preaching, and teaching. Church building sometimes involves both acts together when a new building is being built and a new congregation is being pulled together. Those that build them with the eternal purposes of Jesus Christ in mind consider Church buildings a ministry in themselves. Praying Effectively ? Understanding How To Pray Part 2 In our last study, we looked at understanding prayer. In this study we will be focusing on how to pray effectively. Gods Favorite Religion What does your church teach regarding the subject of Widows and Orphans? If we were all being honest, most of us rarely give the matter a second thought. If your ministry, company, or even your civic group is struggling, or you're lacking contentment in your own spiritual life, here's a tip that's guaranteed to send any lackluster routine into hyperspace. Interested? Religion and Social Engineering - Part of an Introduction Thomas Carlyle is just one of the interesting characters who had much to do with Calvinism and the Knox family he married into. Friedrich Nietzsche never really completed a book and yet before he went crazy his Wagnerian or Illuminized 'radical aristocratic' handlers used him well. Even so-called political religions like Marxism must be considered before we can understand the reasons for the likes of Francis Fukayama saying 'absolute religions' are important to his social engineering compatriots who I think are anything but patriots to the cause of any populace. Frederick T. Gates was a Baptist theologian in the Rothschild employ before they got more aggressive with the 'invasions of science' or the Palmer Raids and other controls including the Fed. We must go into the 'torch-bearer of Christ' (Hitler) a little more in this examination as well. Development of Liberal Theology: An Overview (Part 3) As senior pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of New York, Fosdick preached a sermon one Sunday in 1922 that aroused the righteous indignation of fundamentalists and he suddenly found himself at the center of a heated theological controversy. In order to understand the tension that existed between fundamentalism and modernism, it is necessary that I briefly delineate the fundamentalist position at that time. Finding Christian Love Online Finding Christian singles online. Denominations Gone Wild: What Happened To Unity? The Bible teaches that Christians ought to practice a single faith. It reads: "There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all" (Ephesians 4:4-6). Yet, today, every man does what is right in his own eyes. What's the solution? Pastors and elders must set the church in order. Muhammad FAITH THAT MOVES MOUNTAINS: Spiritual Healing: Jesus Christ in the Flesh Does Jesus Christ live in heaven today in the flesh as a man? And if so, how does His living in the flesh relate to the physical reality of spiritual healing today? End-Times and the Other Bible Can you imagine Biblical "End-Times" prophecies happening in your lifetime? Does thinking about disasters like the three days of darkness and the Wormwood predictions trouble you when you're alone in the still of the night? If so, the "End-times" knowledge in a Bible-era wisdom text called The Kolbrin offers hope through new insights. Parts of it were written in the very days when Jesus walked the Earth, and it echoes the warnings of the Bible, that we could be in the "End-Times!" Serving Some people may ask how do we serve God and am I serving God correctly? Well lets look at what the Bible says about serving God. Lets start by knowing what a Blessing it is to serve him. Look at the Book of John 10:27 it says My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me is greater than all, no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand I and the Father are one. Now look at Jude 20 verse it says But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in you most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in God's love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. ![]() |
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