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3 Clues To Know Where You Fit In Ministry Part 2
Clue Number 2: You Have Spiritual Gifts In part 1 you learned that talent is natural endowments; or ability and is a result of recurring patterns (connections in the brain) of thought, feelings or behavior that is applied in a positive way. If enduring talents are results of connections in the brain, what is a gift? Webster's Dictionary defines a gift as "something voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation; a special ability or unusual capacity for doing or achieving something." Just as talents are formed by the connections made in the brain 60 days BEFORE birth and exponentially multiplied by age 3, gifts are formed by connections made by your spirit BEFORE you were conceived! Talents are produced from natural origins (connections in the brain). Gifts are voluntarily given to each of us by the Creator before we were born. These gifts give each of us a special ability to do something purposeful in the earth, for the good of others and ourselves. They are called spiritual gifts. Here are three (3) types of spiritual gifts: 1.Motivational Gifts- These are given before birth by the Creator through the Spirit. Just as there are talents you'll always carry within you (based on synapses), there are spiritual gifts waiting to be released in you as well (see Romans Chap 12 in the bible). 2.Manifested Gifts- These spiritual gifts "show up" on an "as needed" bases when you make yourself available to be used. It may be something you've never done before, but with the help of the Spirit, you are able to do it if you want to be used. For example, a fairly new person on your ministry team comes to you and wants to know how to do a special project he was given. You have never taught anyone before, but you've made yourself available to be used by the Spirit. Your simple explanation gives your ministry team member the confidence to complete his first service opportunity successfully because you made yourself available to fill the need as a teacher (see 1 Corinthians Chap 12 in the bible). Through the Holy Spirit, the spiritual gift of teaching "showed up"-manifested through you. Manifestation gifts are temporary and fill an immediate need. Motivational gifts are yours for a lifetime. You must choose to get access to them. 3.Ministry/Service Gifts- These spiritual gifts are given to leaders to perfect the saints so they can do ministry. Not everyone operates through these gifts, also known as "offices." Please note, however, that each motivational gift falls under one of these 5 offices or areas of spiritual gifts (see Ephesians 4:11-14 in the bible). Take Action: 1.Take note of times you make yourself available to be used by the power of the Holy Spirit in you. How did your actions affect others and you? Write your results. 2. Review Chapter 12 in Romans and 1 Corinthians and Chapter 4:11-14 in Ephesians in the bible. Write "possible" spiritual gifts you may have below (note: Some gifts may be talents too). Excerpt from '5 Clues To Know Where You Fit In Ministry' Robin Kegler is the C.A.P. Adjustment Coach, a Facilitator, Author, Speaker. She helps people identify where they fit, will prosper and get the most fulfillment in their life and work everyday. Robin is Creator of the Wearing The Right C.A.P. 90 Day Dare, Crack The Purpose Code and Thriving Teacher Boot Camp. For more information about her coaching programs, how to articles, tips and resources, visit http://www.wearingtherightcap.com.
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By means of preaching, teaching, writing and personal practice, Bushnell attempted to divert man away from dogmas and to seek satisfaction and security in experience. In his book, Religion in America, Hudson pointed out: ?the real key to the influence of Bushnell upon his contemporaries was his success in fashioning a definitely Christocentric theology that was based upon Christian experience rather than upon any external dogmatic authority. Thus the believer was no longer under compulsion to find his security in biblical proof texts. He could not accept the conclusions of biblical scholars with relative equanimity and appropriate the results of other scientific investigations without great difficulty because his faith was validated by the inward testimony of the heart?Bushnell found a freedom denied to those who felt compelled to meet a rationalistic assault with a purely rationalistic defense. Possibilities in Prayer Prostrateology is the theological term for the doctrine of prayer. 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The Basics of Salvation Through Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ The one key central message of the entire Bible is that Jesus Christ is the only way to God the Father and His dwelling place - heaven. There is no other way! As you will see in all of the Scripture verses listed below, Jesus Christ is God's only plan of salvation for the entire world. Brief History of Jerusalem; Part 1 Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel.....it is the city of hope.....a city sacred to the Jews, Christians and the Moslems. The city existed before David captured it.In the days of Abraham the Holy city was called Salem " peace". Gen 14:8 and it was called Jebus. Judges 19:10. It is called Zion ( IKings 8:1); the holy city ( Neh 11:1); the city of God ( Ps. 46: 4)...... A brief outline of this city's 3000 years of history King David captured the city of Jebus, that is Jerusalem ( Judges 19: 10), the stronghold or fortress of the Jebusites round B.C 1010/ B.C 1000.II Sam 5: 6 - 9. He then took residence in the fortress ( fortress of Zion, also known as the City of David). A Call to Action Over the last week I have received dozens of heart-rending and thought-provoking responses to my latest article, and I am thankful for each of them. Personally, I believe the tsunami and its aftermath is the most serious issue now facing humankind. The "war on terror" in Iraq and Afghanistan looks like child's play in comparison. We need to talk about it and share with one another so that it can continue to shake us-and bring us together. If you have lost a friend or relative, or if you have friends who lost loved ones, I am especially eager to hear from you. The story of each human being, rich or poor, tourist or native, survivor or victim, must concern us. Helping Others - What Did Jesus Say? Helping others was something Jesus did on a daily basis. He was constantly approached by people, but He always found time to stop what He was doing to help those in need. This is a lesson we must learn if we want to be anything like Jesus, our savior. ![]() |
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