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Learn How to Be Delivered From Witchcraft, Drugs, Sexual Perversion, Pain and all Addictions.
Exposing Hidden Sin For nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad. (Luke 8:17). On February 10th 1998 I just completed a five-week prophets length fast that consisted of drinking only water and fresh juice after the Holy Spirit directed me. My whole life felt brand-new as I was naturally and spiritually awakened and renewed by the power of God. In that time and season I was preaching under a new prophetic anointing. I was so charged in my spirit that I felt I now had the power and the anointing like Jesus to heal the sick and cast out devils. But something strange happened to me three days after I completed my fast. As I was in my bed resting, all of a sudden I heard a great rumpling noise and my bedroom walls began to shake, then it happened! I felt an evil presence come into my bedroom through the walls and it grabbed me and I felt my spirit leave my body. The evil force took me down to a lower dark region. I saw many small demon spirits dressed in black robes surrounding me in a circle. As I was in the middle of the circle, I began to fight each evil spirit one-by-one I was defeating them. Then I saw and heard a larger spirit dressed in a black hooded robe as he was approaching me say, "Let me get him, he has been destroying my kingdom long enough?. I remember trying to call out to my wife so she could wake me up from this horrifying dream but I couldn't. Then the larger evil spirit started to whip me with his long tail. In my sleep I could feel the awful stinging pain. I was losing strength. I was trying to call on the blood of Jesus, but nothing would come out of my mouth. Then I saw a light and I heard a voice say, "Fight him in your own strength".I remember putting my hands in the evil spirit mouth, placing one hand on the top of his mouth and the other on the bottom, and I began to pull them both apart. As I was pulling his mouth apart it was like I was ripping a bloody coat of flesh from off of me. I remember as I ripped this spirit in half from top to bottom, I stepped out of a bloody coat of torn flesh. When I woke up, sweat was pouring off of me and I was out of breath. When my wife woke up she said, ?What happened to you?? I begin to explain the dream I had to her. The next day still shaken by the dream I told only a few people about the dream and my experience. Some of my preacher friends said; that I was going to have great power over Satan's kingdom, but for some reason that did not set good within my spirit. Three days later, the Lord begins to reveal to me what the dream meant. The Lord said, ?When you were down in the lower dark region fighting those smaller demon spirits you were winning, but when there came the larger evil spirit you started to lose?. The Lord then said, ?When you ripped the larger evil spirit into two and stepped out of his bloody flesh, that bloody flesh was you stepping out of your own filthy flesh?. The Lord said; ?Just because you fasted 40 days that doesn?t mean that you have arrived, there is still some nasty flesh in you that needs to be cut out of you? Melvin Fleming is the author of his best-seller Purging of the Prophet For 20 years Melvin Fleming has preached from city to city and other States, preaching and ministering to literally hundreds of souls the message of salvation, hope, and deliverance. He is a bold, anointed, energetic preacher that is highly regarded for his gift of exhortation with a tremendous ability to deposit strength to broken and discouraged pastors and leaders.
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Fundamental Church Failures Every great human movement toward freedom, whether commercial, political or religious or a combination thereof, begins with the determination of concerned men and women to make life better by resolving recurring human problems. The Renaissance and the Age of Reason occurred through the efforts of talented people to end the brutal political, financial and religious abuses common within Medieval Europe. The Protestant Reformation and the revival of a personal redemptive relationship with God occurred because people rebelled against a corrupt Catholic hierarchy that was using the Spanish Inquisition to maintain their dominance over society and burning thousands of reformers alive in the name of God. Even the American Revolution of 1776 and the Mexican Revolution of 1917, erupted along fault lines between thoughtful people and a ruthless aristocracy that controlled virtually all the wealth. And while the new nation wasn't perfect, we spent the next two centuries getting more and more things right in the service of a more equitable society. That desire to serve people is collapsing now for one major reason. Meaning and Marketing - The Will You are now inside one of the top theological schools in the world and you are sitting in Dr. John Hobbs' Class on Theology with first year Freshman students. The seminary is reformed, protestant, Christian and is located in the south of the USA. Knowing Hinduism or Hindu Religion Hindus are concentrated in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka and these places have been the hot spot of this culture since time immemorial. Unlike other religions, Hinduism does not recognize a single prophet and has multitude of gods and goddesses, mythologically numbering at around 30 millions! Such a figure is given in mythology by people of wisdom who have included all such perceptible forms as things of worship, so that man can see god in them and respect the existence of such all forms (plant, animal, stone, sky, stars, soil, water, rain, fellow human being, etc. Are You Doing the Good Part? Just compare yourself to these two sisters. Theres No Time Like the Present Today certainly is a present and we are to rejoice and be glad in it, because this is the day the Lord has made! Every day we rise to begin anew is definitely a gift from God. Believing It is written in Proverbs 14:2 There is a way that seems right to man, but in the end it leads to death. It is also written in Proverbs 16:9 In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. This leads me to the question. Who or what shall I believe. Lets look at what the Bible says about believing. In the book of John 6:28 it says Then they asked him, "What must we do to do the works God requires?" Jesus answered, The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent. Following Instructions To The Letter The dictionary explains wisdom as having good judgement, understanding, comprehension and intelligence. It also explains wise as being perceptive, intelligent, and knowledgeable. It is written in Psalm 111:10 it says The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise. The Rapture, A coming Event; Part 2 The Rapture. Part 2. Lutheran or Catholic Church; Choosing the Religion that is Best for You? Many cities have large Catholic Church presence and well-established Lutheran Churches too. In choosing which church would be best for you, you will have to do some research. There are many differences between the two-churches and their theories and interpretation of literary works. The structures of their hierarchy in their churches is also quite dissimilar. Many of the churches of both established religions have Sunday type school and grade schools. This is not available in all cities but in many it is. For lifetime indoctrination into their realm it pays for them to have such schools. Spring Into Gods Love Spring is springing here in the Pacific Northwest the plants and trees are blooming. We are fast approaching the Christian celebration of Easter Sunday and if my Catholic is correct we should be in Lent right now. The Rapture, A Coming Event; Part 1 Daniel 2:44-11:35 Translator Robs Beauty of Words Today we are looking at one of the most beautiful words in the Bible that has been rendered almost meaningless and its power stripped by the translators. Let's begin by taking a look at Heb. 13:22. The Freemasonic Order of the Golden Centurion I think most people who will read this will not accept what I am saying here without doing a lot of checking into the facts. How To Avoid Deception! GREAT PROPHECY TIPS Understanding How To Pray - Part 1 of 2 Being in the Ministry for a few years now, I've noticed one major issue that most Christians seem to have trouble with that issue is understanding prayer. The Toilet Philosophy Dr. Robins' observations are beyond mere intuition, they include an attunement with what Bucky Fuller called Synergistics; there is so much for mankind and modern science to learn about what the shamans and/or Druids knew and created. We are all lulled into a sense of security when we proclaim our science or the five senses provide the fullest inspection available. It is all so wrapped up in the psychology of ego. There was a Harvard study that concluded we only get one third of our wisdom or knowledge through linear logical processes, some years ago. I will return again and again to the eloquence of this MAN, so 'open', that he can see the chasm between the myths of science and the reality of legend. Hopefully we will collectively enable each other to join him across the bridge that fords this chasm. We can overthrow the 'Toilet Philosophy'. The Fruit, the Whole Fruit, and Nothing but the Fruit Once we become a new creature in Christ, we are given a special gift of "supernatural" vision. This is a gift of discernment in order to protect us from the things we see in the natural. This new vision takes us deeper to see the things that are seen beyond the natural. We no longer trust what our eyes see,we see what our heart sees. God knows that our eyes can be deceiving so He gave us this gift in order to protect us from the wolves in sheep's clothing. As an example,I would like to use my flower garden. Last spring I was checking on my flower garden that I had planted the year before.Much to my delight the flowers I had planted seemed to be flourishing, but soon they looked as they were taking over and nothing was blooming. Popping the Balloon of Belief I'm really excited. I just got a bigger soapbox, and I wanted to invite the rest of you to get up here on it with me. Call No Man Father Matthew 23:5-23:10 Christians in Peril. Romans 7:8-7:25. The Christian today has become a people without a vision. The Lord has said that, with out a vision my people perish. ![]() |
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