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Saved From Religion
"Religion is the fashionable substitute for belief." - Oscar Wilde A recently released study by The Graduate Center of the City University of New York, found that the number of adults who say they subscribe to no religion jumped from 14.3 million in 1990 to 29.4 million in 2001. This represents a 205 percent increase over the time period! According to study directors Egon Mayer and Barry Kosmin, "the present survey has detected a wide and possibly growing swath of secularism among Americans. These are the seculars, the unchurched, the people who profess no faith in any religion." To those who "profess no faith in any religion", I say praise the Lord! Friends, the Scriptures tell us that through the person and work of Jesus Christ we have been saved from many, many things. He has rescued us from our sins (Matthew 1:21), from perishing (Matthew 8:25), from this perverse generation (Acts 2:40), from the wrath of God (Romans 5:9), and from death (Romans 6:23). Amen to that! However, there is something else He has delivered us from as well that seems to have gone unnoticed and unrealized by many for centuries and that is our deliverance from "religion." Webster's Collegiate Dictionary traces the word-religion-back to the Latin word religio meaning "to tie, to bind, to restrain." The word is actually a combination of two words, re and ligare. The prefix re means "to return," and ligare, from which we get our word ligature, means "to bind." Perhaps no word more accurately describes the man-centered, performance-based, reward-punishment systems that men have devised to earn God's acceptance and favor than this word "religion," also known as, "return to bondage." What Jesus Christ came to do almost 2,000 years ago was not bring us back into bondage, but deliver us from it. He didn't come to set up a new system of laws and regulations to live by. He came to blow them all away so that we might now serve Him in newness of the Spirit and not in oldness of the letter (Romans 7:6). In fact, it was to the religious and the self-righteous of His day that Jesus had the most condemning things to say. Why? Because they were leading so many away from a true relationship with God through the enticements of the most wicked deception Satan has ever used against mankind ? religion! "The underlying foundation of all religion is performance ? whether it's a tribal dance around a campfire to satisfy the fire god, or a dead religious activity performed week after week by an evangelical Christian with the intent of impressing his God. It's all religious performance, and God isn't impressed by our performance. What impresses Him is faith." - Steve McVey, from the book Grace Land In Paul's letter to the Galatians, he sternly reminds them that it was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery (Galatians 5:1). Like many still today however, the Galatians were not standing firm in the faith and had consequently returned to the bondage that Christ had rescued them from. They had become subject again to a yoke of slavery. Is it any wonder that Paul says these dear folks had been "bewitched"? After all, who in their right mind would ever want to give up the joy of freedom for the misery once again of bondage? It is only those who have been bewitched, deceived, and confused by something that appears to be the real thing?and that something is religion. Religion is obsessed, first and foremost, with correcting the works of men. The gospel, on the other hand, is obsessed with the proclaiming the correcting work of one Man. Religion places man and what he can do on center stage. The gospel shines the spotlight on the One who has written the play. Goethe once wrote that "for a man to achieve all that is demanded of him, he must regard himself as greater than he is." In the same way, for a man to achieve all that is demanded of him by religion, he must regard himself as greater than he is. This is the lie of all religion, namely that man is powerful and capable enough to make himself right before God. Can Sir Richard Francis Burton be far off when he says, "the more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never worshipped anything else but himself"? Believing the gospel saves you from the tyranny of religion's demands. It puts you in your right mind, a renewed mind nourished in the truth rather than contaminated with lies! It frees you to rest in all that He has done for you rather than enslaving you to the fear of not having done enough for Him. In fact, your moment-by-moment confidence in the gospel of the grace of God is the antidote to the poison of religion and all the symptoms that go with it. The truth of the gospel is that you have been saved from religion and its endless demands, whether you know it, understand it, believe it or not. Jesus has given you that freedom! You now have the privilege of resting from your works so that you might marvel at His. However, it is only through faith in this truth that you will experience and enjoy the freedom that is yours. Tragically, there are many saints today and throughout history who have had everything in Christ for years and yet have wallowed in spiritual poverty because of unbelief. Friend, He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy (Titus 3:5). Don't be numbered among those who continue chained to the traditions of men seeking to work their way to righteousness. Throw off that yoke of slavery. Believe the gospel. You are righteous through faith in Jesus Christ, not by works that you have done or not done. If you have died with Christ to the elementary principles of the world, why as if you were living in the world, do you submit yourself to decrees, such as, "Do not handle, do not taste, do not touch!" (which all refer to things destined to perish with the using) ? in accordance with the commandments and teachings of men? These matters which have, to be sure, the appearance of wisdom in self-made religion and self-abasement and severe treatment of the body, but are of no value against fleshly indulgence. Colossians 2:20-23 Do not substitute religion for simple faith in Jesus Christ. Religion offers no hope for the hopeless, no rest for the weary, no peace for the distressed, no deliverance for the captives, and no life for the lifeless. It is in believing the gospel that you are saved from the bondage to religion. The more you confidently rest and the more firmly you stand in the faith, the more clearly you will see religion for what it truly is ? a counterfeit. Friend, through faith in Christ, you have been saved! Saved from your sins, saved from perishing, saved from this perverse generation, saved from wrath, saved from death ? and saved from religion! Now is the time, today is the day, to leave the "fashionable substitute" and its bondage behind for the freedom of the real thing?faith in Jesus Christ! Grace and peace to you always! John Gospel For Today Ministries' president, John Moneypenny, is an ordained minister with a Master of Divinity degree who has traveled across the country teaching and preaching the liberating message of God's redemption of all mankind through the cross of Jesus Christ. John is the author of numerous teaching articles and the moderator of one of the most popular Christian Discussion Forums (Alexa Ranking: 52,000) on the internet. Visit Gospel For Today's main website at http://www.gospelfortoday.org/ and the Christian Discussion forum at http://www.gospelfortoday.org/gftforum/
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Beauty Some people say beauty is only skin deep, others say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I like to wonder who proclaim beauty and who decided what is or what is not beauty. Let's see what the Bible says. Look at Eccclesiastes 3:11 it says He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from the beginning to the end. I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live. That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toll-this is the gift of God. I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that men will revere him. The Gospel According to the Americans - Our Shame As a deist, Thomas Jefferson may have thought God was indifferent, but gospel twisting preachers and theologians of the day seem to think God is a clown. One preacher appears regularly on television pushing his book entitled?How to be Rich and Have Everything You Ever Wanted. He insists that if people would pay their vows (an Old Testament concept) that this would begin to happen. It goes without saying that payment must be made to him. The blatant emphasis on the business of tithes and offerings among some churches has become a shameful blight but shows no signs of abating. Cut Off Your Hand! Cut off your Hand! How Should We Pray? Many Christians often wonder, "How should we pray?" 7 Year Tribulation As you will see in the Scripture verses listed below, the Great Tribulation will last 7 years. At the midpoint of the Tribulation, the Antichrist will seat himself in the Temple of God that will have to rebuilt by the Jewish people. He will proclaim himself to be God. This event is called the abomination of desolation by the prophet Daniel. Jesus Himself specifically refers to this event in the New Testament. Jesus says that once this event occurs, that His people are to literally run for the hills. Jesus says that the last three and half years of the Tribulation set off by the abomination of desolation will be the worst tribulation and time of trouble that the world has ever seen. He says that had these days not been shortened by God the Father, that no flesh would be saved. I feel Jesus is implying that man probably would have destroyed the earth at or shortly after the Battle of Armageddon. The Antichrist starts to lose control of his empire. Other nations come against him in the battle of Armageddon. With the availability of nuclear weapons, my guess is that the Antichrist may have been willing to "hit the button" if he thought he was going to lose his empire. If he hits the button, chances are the other nations he is going to fight against will also be willing to hit the button, and you thus could end up in a full scale nuclear war. New Orleans is only the Beginning as Prophecy Unfolds We are all very well aware of the tragedies occurring right now in the United States; particularly New Orleans. Yet, Bible Prophecy never leaves us to chance what is happening. In this issue I would like to bring your attention to two things the Bible states about America in Bible prophecy. First of all, is America identified in Bible Prophecy? Yes, indeed! 123 ABC Numbers in the Bible Simply Amazing Underneath the Hebrew and Chaldee of the Old Testament and the Greek of the New Testament there is hidden an extraordinary disposition of numbers which cannot be explained away by human intelligence. In order to understand this we must remember that none of these languages had symbols for numbers such as we have (1,2,3,4, etc). Instead of numeric symbols they made use of the letters of their alphabet so that a = 1, b =2 etc. One can easily see then that a word could be looked at in two ways, either as a word or as a series of numbers which could be added up to a total. For instance, the Greek word for "word" is "logos". If looked at from a numerical standpoint its value would be l =30, o ? 70, g = 3, o = 70, s = 200; total 373. The numerical value of "logos" is therefore 373. Popping the Balloon of Belief I'm really excited. I just got a bigger soapbox, and I wanted to invite the rest of you to get up here on it with me. Following Instructions To The Letter The dictionary explains wisdom as having good judgement, understanding, comprehension and intelligence. It also explains wise as being perceptive, intelligent, and knowledgeable. It is written in Psalm 111:10 it says The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise. Do We Really Need God? The human being is endowed with ability. We have the capacity to do things. However, our ability is inherently limited. The human being is not almighty and so cannot accomplish all things. Because human capability is finite we find that a person cannot by his own powers alone ensure the success of all his pursuits and undertakings in life. A human being is not able to ensure his good health and the safety of his life at all times. A human being is not able to ensure his welfare throughout life. The fact that we experience anxiety, worry, fear and doubt is clear indication that our ability is not always sufficient to handle life's hazards, difficulties and challenges. The Moment of Truth Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated to all of Israel, and the world last night that the moment of truth had arrived. Announcing his resignation as Finance Minister in the Sharon cabinet, he stated that he had been forced to remain in the government, and also remain mostly silent regarding his opposition to the disengagement over these last several months in order to complete his economic reforms, he claimed that he anguished over the continued march towards the disengagement with no signs of gaining anything in return. He also categorically pronounced what the rest of us have been shouting from the rooftops since its inception, he stated in no uncertain terms that this move would escalate terrorism, empower Hamas, and ultimately put the survival of the state in danger. While many felt his timing was strictly politically motivated to position himself to take control of the Likud party, wresting it away from Ariel Sharon, I must say I have a bit of a different take on it. Please read on to understand what it is and why I feel that way, and also what I really think about BiBi Netanyahu. The Story of Adam and Eve To really understand how we all got here, what it really means to be "born again" and why there is so much death and destruction in the world we live in - you have to go back to the very beginning to the story of Adam and Eve as told to us in the Bible. Is It Good For Man Not To Marry? Are we doing what the word of God say to do. Please allow me to give you some insight about the purpose of marriage and the single person. Let's start first at 1Corinthians 7:1 it says Now for a matters you wrote about: it is good for a man not to marry. But since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband. Now if you look further in the chapter at verse26 it says Because of the present crisis, I think that it is good for you to remain as you are. Are you married? Do not seek a divorce. Are you unmarried? Do not look for a wife. But those who marry will face many troubles in this life, and I want to spare you this. Is it God Descending from Heaven or Another UFO? The world that we live in today is in imminent danger. It is in danger of believing one of the greatest lies ever told. A lie collaborated by the Catholic church. The possibillity has been mentioned that the Holy Bible is a fraud. That the God our country and civilization was founded on is based on a lie. There are people in our society who claim that The Virgin Mary was in fact pregnated by aliens. That Jesus never rose from the cross and went to heaven but was brought back to life by aliens. That every spiritial encounter in the bible was not with a heavenly being but with an alien. I do not personally believe this. I do however admit that people's theories of alien encounters and encounters in the bible have similar significense in our believes. In order for Christians to fight these allegations they and I must be more open minded to the possibility that maybe UFO's do exist. That they are mentioned in the bible; in Ezekial. I am not proclaiming that I believe there are little green men living on other planets, but that if men can have such an understanding of vast technology isn't God's understanding that much greater. What is God? Does Proof Exist? Apology: Does God Promise Long Life? Over the last 10 years or so I have met several people who had very irrational fears of dying "young." When I asked them what they felt was "young," they said they did not expect to live past an age range of 40-55 years of age. They did not expect to live up to an age range of 70-90 years. The Catholic Obsession with Martyrs and the Question of Pain and Suffering The Catholic Church is kind of like a forest sometimes. Someone on the outside looking in sees nothing but thousands of trees?and most of them look alike. They can see a definite shape to the forest, and elevations that someone inside might miss. On the other hand, they'll never see up-close nature like the plants and animals inside. They can hear about them, but never live through the experience. How to Study the Bible 5 Keys This article was inspired by a book by E. W. Bullinger called How to Enjoy the Bible, it was written in the early 1900's and has inspired me to devote a lifetime of research to the Word of God, I hope this will inspire you too. White Sun - Tao of Heaven: The Relationship Between Tao and Mankind The shapeless and formless Tao brings about various elements and spiritual energy. These elements and spiritual energy combine to form living cells. Cells then proliferate into living entities. Each living entity is unique because of the differences in the combination of elements and the intensity of spiritual energy. The intensity of the spiritual energy given to a species determines its class. Among all the living things on Earth, mankind is the only life form that possesses all attributes of Tao. Thus, mankind is the dominion on Earth. Tao of Heaven is the mystic key to the cosmos just like a train must run on rails, a ship must sail on its course and airplane must fly along its designated route otherwise catastrophes will occur. For Sale - God A few days ago, I was watching TV, and I was surfing through the channels, and I came upon a very popular Christian teacher (I will call her Minister X for respect to her and her Ministry) Christian TV show. I am not a follower of Minister X teachings, yet I have heard her enough, to know two things about her. First she seems to be very solid in her bible teachings, as well as she seems to be very well respected in the Christian community. ![]() |
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