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Thoughts on the Road to Emmaus ". . . their eyes were opened, and they recognized him . . ." ?Luke 24:31 The Coming War with Russia The Coming World War III [with Russia] Who Me? Wear a Clerical Shirt? Clothing says a great deal about one's profession, and this is no less the case with ministers of the Gospel. The special shirt that ministers wear outside of worship services is known as a clerical shirt or collar shirt, which typically is black or another color with a white collar (sometimes affectionately referred to as a "dog collar"!). The Power Source Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized ?in the name of Jesus Christ.? And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off-for all whom the Lord our God will call. --ACTS 2:38?39 Muhammad FAITH THAT MOVES MOUNTAINS: British B. S. CLEOPATRA'S NEEDLE: -MacDari was a Mason but his Masonry deplored the British 'alehouse and tavern denizens'. There are many heads or names in the 'octopus' of Freemasonry and we have only touched upon a few of them including the Bilderbergs. Barrett gives us the beginning of a glimpse into the influence of Masons on the founding of America, albeit a misleading one that he could be excused for not knowing in any one specific instance (such as Paine's Druidic involvement) but when taken together seems to be a 'damage control' exercise of the 'stonewalling' nature. Computerized Christians? Get Ready for the New Church! Isaiah 43;19 declares: "Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." Comparative Religion 101 ? What They Wont Tell You in That Class If your view of religion is like most people, you think that religion is a list of do's and don'ts or a set of rules, laws or other directives that should be guiding your behavior. What is taught in comparative religion courses is based on this simple premise. New Testament Christianity is thrown into this generalized heap usually by people who are not Christians and have no understanding of what Christ stands for. You might say I am making an excuse for them, but I am not. The result of this assumption can produce the greatest loss any man could ever endure. Reading the Bible A friend of mine had asked my thoughts on how one should go about reading the Bible. I would first read the New Testament in its entirety in order to keep in the "flow" of it. After that - I would then start with the Old Testament - starting from the very beginning. It's long. I don't know how much you can read at a time. What Is The Most Important Righteous Requirement Of Gods Law? To live "under the law" is to live under the expectation of fulfilling God's moral standards through one's own human ability. However, rather than experiencing the joy of a clean conscience, we sometimes feel enslaved to legalism and guilt. Smile! God Loves You! There is a greater sin than not obeying Jesus; it is the sin of not believing that he loves you. Compassion and Plenty He Showed 'Compassion' The Rise And Fall Of Babylon According to the Book of Revelations, the city of Babylon has to be rebuilt once again. This is another key event for everyone to really keep an eye on. Prophecy scholars are divided in their opinion as to whether or not the city of Babylon will literally be rebuilt again. After studying the verses mentioned below - I believe that the Bible is using literal interpretation and it is meaning exactly what it is saying. If this is correct - then the city of Babylon will once more be rebuilt so God can literally wipe this unholy city off the face of this earth! Heaven and Hell Heaven is a bribe and hell is a punishment. Be good and act a certain way and you will be granted admission to heaven and not be condemned to burn forever. Does it seem fair that entrance to heaven is determined by the location of a baby's birth? If a baby was born into a God fearing Christian society then he would be rewarded with everlasting bliss. If he was unlucky enough to be born into an African tribe or an Asian village than immediately upon death he would head below to burn for an eternity. Believe like me or go to hell? It is beyond belief that some people actually believe this. What about the 4400? Murders are so frequent in our country that a single homicide seldom grabs national attention unless the perpetrator or the victim is already a celebrity. Even a double murder is not national news. It takes multiple murders to make the headlines, CNN, and the network evening news. Denominations Gone Wild: What Happened To Unity? The Bible teaches that Christians ought to practice a single faith. It reads: "There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all" (Ephesians 4:4-6). Yet, today, every man does what is right in his own eyes. What's the solution? Pastors and elders must set the church in order. What If We Are Getting Paid For Prayer (Salat)... What will be the effect on general public if the constitution of our country pass a rule as: Russia and Her Allies Will Attack Israel This next event will be a major one! The Bible says that in the latter days, Russia and what appears to be Iran, Libya, Turkey and possibly Sudan will descend upon Israel and try to destroy her. Witnesses, Mormons, Masons and More The founding of the United States went along with the formation of many new denominations and cults run by the same people. I will present an argument from a fundamentalist type of site that seems to equate Luciferianism with Satanism. This is a common mistake. Heliopolitanism or a science of the Harmonic of Light is what the Druids studied and the Masons are derived from this sun (light therefrom and the Transit of Venus that tells us a lot about the sun) worship which also allows people to think of it in terms of being the 'son' of God. We are indeed all part of God as John 10:34 does indicate. I present this excerpt from the work of Fritz Springmeyer so that my readers will see more of what I cover in many books as I demonstrate how the elite have used all possible tools of social engineering to get their form of government in place. This is not to suggest that I am averse to a one world government. I just want it to be honest. Getting Your Money Out of Israel: The Presbyterian Church (USA) Recipe Recently, the Presbyterian Church (USA) beat a drum for justice. This brave denomination took the first steps toward removing its monies from companies that profit from the Israeli theft of Palestinian land. ![]() |
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