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Comparative Religion 101 ? What They Wont Tell You in That Class
If your view of religion is like most people, you think that religion is a list of do's and don'ts or a set of rules, laws or other directives that should be guiding your behavior. What is taught in comparative religion courses is based on this simple premise. New Testament Christianity is thrown into this generalized heap usually by people who are not Christians and have no understanding of what Christ stands for. You might say I am making an excuse for them, but I am not. The result of this assumption can produce the greatest loss any man could ever endure. If rules and ordinances are what makes a real religion then New Testament Christianity would barely make it into the list. It has only two outward or ceremonial ordinances and neither of them can produce salvation. They are water baptism and the communion or breaking of bread. What Jesus said was that he came to give men life (John 10:10), not another religion. Thank God he knew we already had enough of them. Here is one of the major differences between Christianity and every religion that came before or after it. When God sent his Son into the world to die for our sins, then resurrect him from the dead he was in effect saying, knock it off! He doesn't require our feeble attempts to placate him with our endless religious hokey pokey. Essentially God was saying, stop trying to please me with those things you dream up and I will show you who I am and exactly what I want. What small child can possibly think of the best way to please his Dad? No child should have to decide what that is; a decent father sets the parameters and makes them known to his children. He already loves them because they are his, why would he require them to perform to make him love them more. That real Christianity is not a religion but a way of life is given more credence by another little known fact. The Bible uses the word "religion" only five times and only once is it given a definition. That definition (James 1:27) offers no list of do's and don'ts, no nine fold path, no Mosaic burdens and no stifling ceremonial ordinances. No one could give the New Testament a serious read and say Christ started a new religion. What he started was a way to deal with the our sins, both now and for all eternity. Most religions are like doors that keep men out until they have done the work, performed the rituals, jumped through the hoops, cleaned up their act or something even harder than all that. Jesus who said he was the door (John 10:7) has become the passage into Gods presence both now and for eternity. He requires repentance and then a dedication to Him and his words but, and I do mean but, he never sets up any religious rules, codes, or requirements. There are no ceremonies, liturgies, or imaginary scales in the sky that are there to measure your goods and bads on a daily basis. God said there are no other Gods; he alone made all there is including us. He isn't jealous of other Gods, there aren't any other Gods. He revealed himself through the patriarchs and prophets and finally through his Son. The history of man is cluttered with mans feeble and mistaken attempts to create God or a whole pantheistic slew of them from his own imagination or worse, with the help of the God of this world. (Satan) God has provided a clearer and far more approachable path to take the nonsense and guesswork out of it. But alas, mans propensity for religion is second only to his propensity for sin. We would rather build shrines and cathedrals; we would prefer a set of rules and regulations rather than accepting a free gift from God. He offers the gift quite apart from any thing we could dream up; hey that's why it is called a gift. Picture Peter, James and John looking at what most of will never see until the second coming of Christ. Jesus magnificently transfigured before them in a glowing radiance. Instead of standing in awe or quietly gazing and listening perhaps to learn something, instead they decide to build a shrine or a "Tabernacle" (Mt. 17:4) Jesus doesn't reply to Peter who suggested the tabernacle but God the Father does. In one short reply God sums up the matter of shrines, tabernacles, laws, codes ceremonies, liturgies and all the other religious notions of men. He said?"This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him." Mt. 17:4b That some of the religions that are compared in a comparative religions course are ancient and perhaps predate Christianity is often the argument for their veracity. The Bible says that God winked at mans former idolatries but after he sent his Son, those excuses would no longer stand. That man has held onto religions that do not lead to God for so long is only proof of our penchant for idolatry. Lots of things are ancient, that says nothing about their usefulness. Why should religion be any different? Before Mohammed died he said some truth had been revealed to him. Before Buddha died he exclaimed that he was still searching for the truth. Jesus said quite clearly that he was the truth, John 14:6. The last time I checked the shortest distance between two points was still a straight line. I prefer the straight line when it comes to my entire future don't you. Jesus is the straight line to God and as far as putting him along side others in a comparative religions course, there is little hope of making comparisons with one who sets the definition of incomparable. Rev Bresciani has written many articles over the past thirty years. He is the author of two books available on Amazon.com, Alibris, Barnes and Noble and many other places. Rev Bresciani wrote "Hook Line and Sinker or what has Your Church Been Teaching You," publisher, PublishAmerica of Baltimore MD. He also wrote a book published by Xulon Press entitled "An American Prophet and His Message, Questions and Answers on the Second Coming of Christ." His book is now being heralded as the clearest book on the subject of the second coming of Christ since Hal Lindsey's "Late Great Planet Earth" Rev Bresciani's website is,
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Gods Providence in a Jericho Journal What if excavators uncovering ancient Jericho found the following journal? Gay Marriage Hitting Resistance Gay marriage is hitting significant resistance in Washington D.C. where a huge Gay contingency exists. Some homosessual men have been seen in the streets of our Nation's Capital protesting our country's laws against gay marriage. They have been seen on TV marching in protest in Gay Pride Parades carrying on. Many of these gay couples work in Washington D.C. and are running our country and have infiltrated many government agencies. Many are Lawyers and Lobbyists. A few have found Churches willing to endorse gay marriage in order to receive the homosexual citizen's rich tithing. Spring Into Gods Love Spring is springing here in the Pacific Northwest the plants and trees are blooming. We are fast approaching the Christian celebration of Easter Sunday and if my Catholic is correct we should be in Lent right now. White Sun - Tao of Heaven. Showers of Wisdom ( Part 3 of 3 ) Everything one does in his life, irrespective of whether he remembers or not, is recorded in one's soul just like a memory bank of a computer. The images of these records create spiritual waves which resonate the spiritual waves of the others, irrespective of whether the others know that it is caused by you. Unaware of these unseen spiritual waves, the parties involved are nevertheless affected and confined by the force of karma. No Ishmaels Please I want to say a word about faith. Recent events in my own life have driven home just how easy it is to loose sight of what we say we believe. Just like Abraham of old, we often try to bring about results through our own efforts. For those of you not familiar with narrative found in the book of Genesis, let me summarize. Abraham had been given the promise by God of having a son in his old age. God, in fact made a covenant with Abraham, sealing the promise in the blood of sacrificial animals. Typically this looks forward, for those of us who are New Testament believers, to the blood of Christ through which we are made partakers of God's eternal covenant. But, back to Abraham. Certainly after such a dynamic demonstration (Genesis 15) of God's covenant promise, we would think that Abraham would have not doubt that God would fulfill his part of the agreement. But, instead of waiting patiently on God as he should have done, he listened to his wife, Sarah, and tried to help God out, by having a son with his handmaiden (as was the custom of the day), since his Sarah was barren. He did have a son with his handmaiden, but that was a cause of much sorrow to him, and is the cause of much conflict even today. For, you see, this son, Ishmael, is the father of Arab nations. Oh, God was still with Ishmael and provided water to keep him alive after Sarah had thown out the handmaden and her son. But Ishmael was not God's first choice for Abraham. Thus, later, God did fulfill his promise and give Abraham a son through his wife, Sarah. That son, Isaac, is the father of the Jewish people. We are all aware of the Arab-Israeli conflict which continues till today. Yet, God was gracious, and Abraham is remembered today as the Father of the faithful, and in the hall of faith, Hebrews 11, his faith is mentioned but not his lack of it in that one moment of weakness. (Thus, I don't feel that I should share the particulars of my recent Ishmael experience with you, as I know God has put it in the sea of forgetfulness.) Often we may be tempted to do what Abraham did and take matters into our own hands, instead of trusting God explicitly. But, this can only result in the production of an Ishmael, which, although God may still bless, will mean trouble for us and cause us to deviate for a time from our primary God-given goals and purpose. However, when that happens, we may be assured of God's grace in getting us back on track. May God ever keep us from producing Ishmaels. But if we do, may we run to Him for His mercy and grace and know that He is still in controll and we will not be remembered by him for our Ishmaels, but for our Isaacs--the fruit of our faith. If you feel you have no faith, perhaps you this will be a first step for you. If you feel you need more faith or need to use your faith more, perhaps this can also be a starting point for you in that direction. Satan is Let Loose One More Time After the 1000 years are up in the Millennium Kingdom, two additional things must happen before we get our new heaven and new earth. These two events will seal the fate of Satan and all the unsaved people who have ever lived once and for all. The Catholic Obsession with Martyrs and the Question of Pain and Suffering The Catholic Church is kind of like a forest sometimes. Someone on the outside looking in sees nothing but thousands of trees?and most of them look alike. They can see a definite shape to the forest, and elevations that someone inside might miss. On the other hand, they'll never see up-close nature like the plants and animals inside. They can hear about them, but never live through the experience. Finding God in the Clouds It was a cool August night during the Summer before my Junior year in high school. I was just getting off work on what seemed to be the worst day of my life. I was having a mental break-down, nothing was going right, and every negative thing in my life seemed to hit me at once. Hope and Restoration in the Valley The bible tells a story about the prophet Ezekiel who envisioned a valley full of dry bones. God led Ezekiel back and forth in the midst of this valley, surrounded by dry bones. God asked Ezekiel "Can these bones live?" Ezekiel replied, "God, only you can answer that." God commanded Ezekiel to speak life into the many dry bones. Ezekiel prophesied to the bones as God commanded, and before he finished speaking, he heard a rattling noise as the bones came together, bone to bone. As he looked, muscle and skin covered the bones, but the bones still had no life. Then God commanded him to speak life into the bones, and as he spoke the words, an amazingly great host came back to life and stood upon their feet. Moslem America Conclusion Isaiah 55:7-55:9 Biblical Hermeneutics ? Part 3 Instead of being passive consumers of Biblical commentary, we can participate in the forming of a very particular, but no less authentic, commentary of our own. The only thing that should happen between text and commentary is exegesis, not homiletics. In other words, we should not become reliant on them. Continued dependence on commentaries will handicap or hinder the development of exegetical skills needed to do independent pre-commentary study. This is why it is probably safest to consult more than one commentary and to consult it at the end of the exegetical process and not the beginning. Learn How to Be Delivered From Witchcraft, Drugs, Sexual Perversion, Pain and all Addictions. Exposing Hidden Sin Fall of a Nation Jeremiah 51:6-51:18 Babylon is Fallen. Is the United States, Spiritual Babylon? Josephs Life?a Series of Coincidences One of my favorite stories in the Bible is the story of Joseph. If you read and really understand this story, you will see that nothing is coincidental and that all things work according to God's plan. It might not be according to YOUR plan, but it all works out for the best. In the Wake of Katrina: For Mature Christians Only! One reason the rescue and relief effort regarding Katrina has been handled the way we're seeing it is because of the Spirit of Confusion that has settled over that region. As you know, we battle not against flesh and blood (Eph, 6:12). But we cannot expect the government and law enforcement agencies to understand this. Heck, most Christians don't even have a handle on this truth. Life as Simulator Recently I met an interesting Gentleman at a Coffee Shop, Robert V. Ries, was his name. Bob expressed to me that he felt our life experience was nothing more than a really good simulator which put us into organic bodies to experience the Earthlings Realm and to test our will and strength of character in a variety of situations. He went on to say that we were interacting with many other is the same simulator. We talked for hours and his theories seemed somewhat far-fetched, although he did go into a long scientific explanation of how this might work. Seeking after the Knowledge of God As you will see in the Scripture verses I will list in this article, God the Father places an extremely high value on the pursuit of knowledge - especially spiritual knowledge. He says that gaining knowledge is greater than all the silver, gold and material things of this world. Jesus Christ: The First, The Last, The Eternal Luke 17:20-17:24 Jesus Christ. The First, The Last, The Eternal. Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ, Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father: To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. The Face of Deceit Jeremiah 14:14-14:14. What is Deceit? The intentional misleading or beguiling of another; in Scripture represented as a companion of many other forms of wickedness, as cursing (Psa 10:7), hatred (Pro 26:24), theft, covetousness, adultery, murder (Mar 7:22; Rom 1:29). The Revised Version (British and American) introduces the word in Pro 14:25; 2Th 2:10; but in such passages as Psa 55:11; Pro 20:17; Pro 26:26; 1Th 2:3, renders a variety of words, more accurately than the King James Version, by "oppression," "falsehood," "guile," "error." The Rapture ![]() |
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