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6 Keys to Successfully Screening Church Staff and Volunteers
Whether you are in the process of formulating a screening policy for your congregation, or already have a screening program in place, here are some tips to help you with your efforts to protect your church family. 1. Get your house in order. 2. Assess risk and determine the screening requirements for the position in question. Assess the level of power, authority and control of those who minister, the level of vulnerability of those being ministered to, and the risk that harm could be committed by sexual harassment, exploitation, assault, emotional, verbal, physical, spiritual or financial abuse. Screen appropriately for the level of risk inherent in the position. 3. Gather information from those to be screened, including the following: 4. Check with the candidate's references - preferably in writing. Ask them a series of key questions to reveal any past history of inappropriate conduct. Well worded inquiries will reveal the most information about a candidate. 5. Check appropriate public records. Based on the candidate's residential address history, perform a criminal history records check at the state level (almost all states have a central repository available), and the county level (all are available) going back five to seven years. Similarly, check with the appropriate state Sex Offender Registries (most state's now have free on-line checks available). If the candidate will have access to church financial assets, include a credit bureau check. If the candidate will be driving for church related activities, include a driving record check. 6. Comply with the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Employers that use outside agencies to assemble background information on their candidate's must comply with certain disclosure and notice requirements. Consult your legal council, or link to http://www.oxforddoc.com/pdf/fcra.pdf for an overview of the FCRA requirements and free samples of the disclosures and notices. About The Author Glen Johnson, founder of Oxford Document Management Company, has worked exclusively with denominational leadership, legal experts, and risk management professionals for over 14 years to create and administer screening programs that are the "standard" in the religious community. For more information about the screening of church personnel, call 1.800.801.9114 or visit Oxford Document's web site at http://www.oxforddoc.com.
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Me and My Big Mouth! During World War II the government realized that the majority of citizen-soldiers had no idea on how to conduct themselves to prevent inadvertent disclosure of important information to the enemy. Central to maintaining national security was the Office of War Information Drive to limit talk about the war in both public and private arenas of American life. Silence meant security. Church Retreat and Church Retreats Church retreats are an excellent way to involve the church in an important part of church involvement. Offering a church retreat creates community and support with the people closest to you spiritually. Planned correctly, a church retreat can be excellent for the church's overall well-being. The Armorbearer Coach & The Character of Christ In You And even though Jesus was God's Son, He had to learn from experience what it was like to obey, when obeying meant problems and difficulties. ?Hebrews 5:8 TLB paraphrased by author Unholy Shadows: Gnosticism One cannot begin to appreciate the early struggles of Christianity for existence without at least a rudimentary knowledge of its formative history. Thus, it behooves us to take a brief look at Gnosticism and its challenge to early Christianity. Is Christianity Losing America? 2 Thessalonians 1:3-1:4 Doctrine of the Nicolaitanes When the Lord was showing John on Patmos what the seven churches would be like, He commended the church at Ephesus because they hated the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which the Lord also detested. In Pergamos, the third church, these deeds had become accepted doctrine, which the Lord also hated. For whatever reason the Lord chose not to let history record the precise teachings of the Nicolaitanes. 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Prophetic Ministry: Affirmations From Scripture to Teach Us Who We Are In Christ To learn who you are in Christ, you must know what God says about you. The Holy Bible tells us to do many things. Notice the number of times we are told to do certain things in the old and new testament. We find the word: What Does The Religious Right Really Want? What does the Religious Right really want? Well, besides power, money and control, what they really want is to see a radical Right judge appointed to the Supreme Court. Why? To overturn Roe v. Wade. It really is that simple. What the Religious Right (henceforth referred to as RR) wants is to tell me, and all women, what to do with our bodies. Jesus Christ: The First, The Last, The Eternal Luke 17:20-17:24 Jesus Christ. The First, The Last, The Eternal. Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ, Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father: To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Jesus as a Philosopher Why does every one believe that Jesus is the son of God? That sounds completely silly indeed. The Bible has some interesting literary concepts and ideas worthy of mention and Jesus is said to have said some really philosophical things on the Sermon on the Mound. Why can't we just leave it at that? Jesus makes for a great historical philosopher in mankind's recent history only 2000 years ago. Not very long ago seeing as modern man from fossil records appears to over 160,000 years old, maybe older, although we do not have proof yet. Thank Catholic Schools For Faith in Every Student Their high achievement comes as they spend half the money of Indiana's public schools White Sun - Tao of Heaven: Heaven and Man are One Entity The whole universe originated from Tao. Mankind also originated from Tao. Therefore, man and Heaven are connected. Hence man and Heaven can be aligned and united as a single entity and become one. The soul of a man is nurtured by the essence of Heaven and Earth, and hence man possesses the essence of nature. In other words, man possesses the same essence that make up the cosmos, that is, a man is a small cosmos within the large cosmos. Catholic Hierarchy: The Nobiliary Element in the Catholic Church It seems to me that some of the oldest still surviving hierarchies are those of the nobility, the Church and the military. What is perhaps not commonly known is how they correspond with each other. 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