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The Emmaus Journal ~ The Standards Of This World Are Not Our Standards
The Emmaus Journal
The Standards Of This World Are Not Our Standards
How often do we hear this righteous phrase and how often do we really heed this righteous phrase? "The standards of this World are not our standards." As Believers these few words should mold our very existence from day to day. I would dare say in the day and age we live in; from moment to moment and from choice to choice. The Apostle Paul wrote to the Believing Christians in Rome that they should
not be conformed to this World (the influences of pagan Rome), but be transformed
by the renewing of their minds (the influences of the Gospel of Yahshua), that they
would prove in their demonstration of living in a Roman society; what is good and
acceptable (right standing in judgments and actions) and perfected will of YaHWeH
(keeping His standards first-most in everything). Paraphrased from Romans 12:
We will either go with the flow of this blinding darkness that now permeates our society; or we will make a quality decision, with help from The Holy Spirit, yielding first to standards that promote a righteous quality within our lives. Choosing righteous standards based on heartfelt decisions of faithfulness toward Yahshua and each others first. Not yielding to the scourge of dark abuse this World promotes that would blithely sap the essence of any divine righteous spirituality from our lives. The standards of this World have sunk to a new low and it is very evident in our World today. But, brethren, it does not mean we have to go along with it! Within each day, within each moment we can choose between the World and its standards or the standards that will uphold our faith and love toward Yahshua. Each choice we make releases the next choice to be made. Whether seen or unseen, known or unknown, every choice in thought or action sets its own distinct pattern within our lives. The standards of this World do not have to be our standards. We do not have to mold our lives according to the dictates of this World, and we shouldn't. Each one of us instead should be a constant reminder to this World, that there really is a higher standard. We should be the examples, full of light, that shine in such darkness providing a light for those who may pass our way. This is a real challenge in today's World. This takes walking the talk, and talking the walk. Here our accountability is on the line, not only to the World, but to the brethren and toward Yahshua also. For the standards of this World are not our standards; only when we really desire a higher standard for our own lives first! Know matter who or what we may be, or even where in this life we may find ourselves right now; there is still a higher standard for you personally to take very personally first. tgy © C.L. Mareydt d23 Brief Author Bio: Liberated and Inspired thru The Holy Spirit, C.L. Mareydt writes to Purposely Share from the Spirit to the to the Spirit. Motivated and Parallel with a Divine Vision, each Writing is Thoughtfully Expressed to Progressively Inspire, Encourage, and Propel Inner Growth toward Personal Enlightenment.
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Women in Religion During the debate in the Episcopal Church over whether or not to allow a homosexual bishop, a woman was presenting the argument against allowing a homosexual bishop. She stated that the Bible declares homosexuality to be wrong, which it does. If she really believed what the Bible said than she would have been quiet about church matters. In the New Testament the books of I Corinthians, I Timothy, and Ephesians women are told to just plain submit and do it quietly. In addition to dressing modestly they are to submit to their husbands and God. They are also to remain quiet regarding church matters. How can individuals say this is a book containing God's divinely inspired word and then only follow sections that are convenient at the moment? Doesn't that seem slightly off? A tad hypocritical? 3 Clues To Know Where You Fit In Ministry Part 2 Clue Number 2: You Have Spiritual Gifts Christian Unity according to Internet Following are 30 questions that relate to Christian Unity that I would like you to reflect upon for your edification. In fact,, these questions could be used in your Bible class as you discuss Christian Unity, which is so much needed today. Let Her Be Covered Part Three Now, let's recall again the text: "Let her be covered." That is God's decree. Politics and Christianity Revelation 20:1-20:10 Straight Talk about Homosexuality In the mid 90's, a Presbyterian minister named Steve Brown conducted an interview with the lesbian Pastor from the largest Gay Church in America. Steve had already laid the ground rules for their dialogue regarding the expected, conservative, fundamentalist stance on homosexuality. Essentially, he agreed not to state the obvious and refused to "go there." Instead, Steve displayed one of the most loving, concerned examples of a Christian that I've ever seen as he interviewed this woman. In so doing, I heard her say, softly and sincerely, that gay people sin just as any other Christians sin. She explained that when a person becomes convicted of their sins, godly sorrow leads to repentence from those sins. She admitted that, as a Christian homosexual herself, she simply has not been convicted...condemned, yes, by other believers...but not convicted by the Holy Spirit. Steve replied, "You realize you sound somewhat like a heretic in the gay community by saying these things...." She nodded, "Well, it's the truth." How To Avoid Deception! GREAT PROPHECY TIPS The Kabbalah of Love: Part One (This is the first article in a new series on the Kabbalah of Love ? stay tuned for upcoming articles!) Under Siege! This Article is the result of another hard night of realizing the fact that the Church is falling into deception. This was a particularly hard night for me. The first 15 paragraphs of this Article were written while I literally balled my sorry eyes out. (I just had a major eye transplant surgery, so that was not a comfortable experience). I was happy that my wife went to bed before the tears started. I just felt so sorry and sad for the things that are happening in America today, as what probably amounts to the greatest country the earth has ever seen is reduced to another fascist, police state, basking in religious bigotry. I am not marveled by that too much, I mean this is what the kingdoms of this world do, it's no big surprise. How the Christian Right is Blowing It I am not a particularly pious person and I certainly don't go for the religious ceremony of things like Inaugurations and Graduations. It has always been my belief that we should do our alms in a closet. Whatever you give, keep that info to yourself, is pretty much my policy. In the past few years Christians have taken a lot of heat from liberals and moderates as a result of the Bush administration and mostly because of John Ashcroft and what has been labeled as "The Christian Right". Recognizing Apostasy and Deception PREFACE TO UNDERSTANDING APOSTASY AND DECEPTION War of the Worlds: Signs of the End of the Age Jesus said there'd be days like this. Undoing a Catholic and an Orthodox Christian Feud There's an anecdote about twins still in their mother's womb. They argued about who should come out first. One of the embryos complained "I'm the most beautiful; I should be born first." Gods 4 Avenues to Reach the Lost During the Tribulation If the Church is raptured off the face of the earth before the 7 year Tribulation starts, then how does God go about getting anyone saved during the 7 year Tribulation if there is no Church or main body of believers left to preach the gospel? The Bible says that a great multitude of people will get saved during the Tribulation. Consider, The Past, Present and Future? Consider the past. A time when we were prosperous and growing? A Powerful Word For Those Who Have Lost Loved Ones For what it is worth, I'd thought I'd pass this on to the rest of you. I wrote this article a few years ago. On TBN, they had a middle-aged couple on one of their talk shows that were really anointed. They had their own church and ministry - I can't recall where it was at. But part of their testimony was on the death of their young daughter. Connect These Dots: Unilateral Withdrawal, Egypt, Collapse of the South Wall, Raised Taxes and the.. There is a prophetic mosaic that few have attempted to explain, because it's fulfillment appears to be shrouded in a cloak of elusiveness, and at the moment, seeming improbability. Yet we know it must be fulfilled sometime within the next few years, or other prophecies which directly hinge on it will not be able to be fulfilled. This prophetic anomaly revolves around how, and when, Israel will regain absolute jurisdiction over The Temple Mount long enough to allow them to build their Third Temple. After all, according to the book of Daniel, there will soon arise a world leader who will desecrate the Temple mid-Trib. Therefore, it logically must be assumed that in order for him to carry out this treachery, a Temple, complete with all Temple worship priestly activities in operation, must first be erected on The Temple Mount! How Should We Pray? Many Christians often wonder, "How should we pray?" Gods People Are Destroyed For Lack of Knowledge These next two verses are extreme - and I mean extreme! These two verses are telling us that God's people are literally, and I mean literally, being destroyed for lack of knowledge. The second verse below says that God's people can literally go into captivity as a result of not having the right amount of knowledge about something. Why Me Why Me ![]() |
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