3 Basic Secrets That Will Explode Your Sales This Year

In this article, I would like to talk about the three "well-known but often ignored" secrets for creating a successful product.

These secrets are still valid in real world as they are online.

The main mistake most entrepreneurs do is to create a product and then they WORK HARD TRYING to sell it.

Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!


Always create a product ONLY if there is a market for it!

How can you find out if there is a request for your product?

Quite simple, read the forums, search them for terms like "I wish there was a thing that..." "Can anyone help me do..." "What's the best way to..." etc.

I'm sure you understand. All you have to do is to create a product that will fill that want.

Secondly, you can search the web, using terms related to your product. If there is competition that looks like is doing well, then there is a market for your product. Just make it better than the one of your competitor and you're on your way to riches. :)

Thirdly, you can see how many people search for terms related to your product using Overture's suggestion tool located at: Click Here!


Never try to sell something to people that don't have the money to buy it. Always create products that appeal to people with money.

This is a great mistake most people make. They try to sell high priced products to people that cannot afford them.


Always create a product that you would love to buy. Put yourself into your buyer pants and think about how would you like to be sold.

Create products that you'll want to buy; sell like you would like to be sold to; and, in generally do things the way you would like the things to be done to you.

Follow these three secrets and in less than 999 days you'll have a six-figure income. Guaranteed!

Have a Profitable Day!

Ovi Dogar, The CoversExpert

About The Author
Ovi Dogar is specialized in the creation of professionally custom made covers that really sell. You can view some recent samples of his work at http://www.absolutecovers.com/samples.html; ovi@absolutecovers.com

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