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What Does It Take To WIN A Sale?
What to do when you win or lose. You have given your elevator pitch, you have met with the customer, and you have identified their business value proposition and their business pain as well. Now you have jotted down your proposal, detailing all of the information you have gathered. The proposal outlines the way you see the problem and the way the client sees the problem (if you used a consultative approach, you will be able to see the problem from the client's point of view). You have also given them three options for proceeding on the project. Now you sit and wait. Actually, you only wait for a couple of days so that the client has time to read the proposal and digest it; then you follow-up for a discussion of the proposal. The meeting is set and now you will answer questions about what it is you will do for the client. The client will likely accept most of what you propose, but there is a chance that the proposal will be shelved until a later date and time. If this happens, you have not convinced the client of your value. You will need to go back and see what part of the process was not in your favor. The best way to do this is to ask the client what you could have done better in order to win the business. This follow-up will bring responses that range from a budget cut, an influencer wanted the competition in place, or your proposal was out of line. What you need to do is to chalk it up to a learning experience but make sure you continue to keep the client in the loop as part of your inner circle. It comes back to never burning the bridge and being extremely professional at all times. When you lose a deal, it is important that you take time to debrief with the client to learn why you did not get the contract. If you win, what happens? You usually go on with the project. It is important that you also debrief with the client even if you win the deal. You will learn what earned you the contract and also what areas the client would like to see improved. Bette Daoust, Ph.D. has been networking with others since leaving high school years ago. Realizing that no one really cared about what she did in life unless she had someone to tell and excite. She decided to find the best ways to get people's attention, be creative in how she presented herself and products, getting people to know who she was, and being visible all the time. Her friends and colleagues have often dubbed her the "Networking Queen". Blueprint for Networking Success: 150 ways to promote yourself is the first in this series. Blueprint for Branding Yourself: Another 150 ways to promote yourself is planned for release in 2005. For more information visit http://www.BlueprintBooks.com
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Customers Do Not Know How To Ask Good Questions ? That Is Your Job Customers will ask you a question and you'll proceed to talk about your product. That is why you are not making more sales. It is your product knowledge that keeps getting in the way. Not that you do not have enough product knowledge ? trust me you have plenty. It is that you are not listening to what your customer is truly asking you. You are taking their questions or statements literally instead of trying to clarify what it is they are truly asking you. Whats Your Sales Training Goal - Exposure or Behavioral Change? When your company invests in sales training, what is the expected outcome? Is it a change in how your salespeople perform their daily activities - in other words, a change in behavior? Sales and the Law of Attraction I'm about to challenge your belief system, or at least I'm going to try. Less is More: Quick Tips to Improve Your Sales I'll be brief. If not ? I'll negate my own point. Got time to read a 12-page essay on sales improvement? You want to get back to making sales and money. Let's go then. Customers Want You to Ask for the Money Many years ago, I was the one starting a small business. I ran a part-time resume service out of my New York apartment. One client showed up on time for her first appointment, nervously clutching her notes. 5 Small Steps To Ultimate Sales Success "Selling worth doing is worth doing badly ? at first!" ~ Gavin Ingham, 2002 Nine Competencies of the Complete Sales Professional Have you ever tried to explain to someone what you actually do as part of the sales profession? I'm talking about what you do, not what your company does or what your value proposition is, but what YOU do day in and day out as a sales professional? Make More Sales By Airing Your Dirty Laundry There's an old saying, "Don't air your dirty laundry". The Five Most Common Mistakes Salespeople Make Over the decades that I've been involved in sales, I've worked with tens of thousands of salespeople. Certain negative tendencies -- mistakes that salespeople make -- keep surfacing. Here are my top five. See to what degree you (or your sales force) may be guilty of them. The Choice between Yes and Yes: A Psychological Revelation Three year old Kara was throwing a tantrum. She didn't want to go to bed, of that she was certain. Get More Clients Now! Although David has been a graphic designer for a decade, he's only been a business owner for a little over a year. He was becoming increasingly discouraged with his clientele. "I'm the only person in the business, and even though I've been in business for a whole year, I'm still having to spend a lot of time marketing to get new clients. And the ones I do get usually only have one small project for me for the entire year. To top it off, I don't even get to do the kind of work I really enjoy They all just want the basic logo, business card, letterhead job. I really want to work on full-scale marketing campaigns where I'm designing print ads, direct mailers & media kits. How do I get more of the right clients?" Selling More Effectively as a Trusted Sales Professional - Thirteen Tips Do you want to sell more successfully using an honorable and straightforward approach? Read these thirteen sales tips to help you be perceived as a trusted sales professional by buyers. Incorporating these sales tips into your selling process will differentiate you from the rest and help you sell more successfully. Peak Performance One of the best books I have ever read is a 1986 classic written by Charles Garfield; Peak Performers: The New Heroes of American Business. Garfield spent nearly twenty years trying to figure out what causes some people to excel to amazing successes, while others bask in the glow of mediocrity. One Simple Persuasion Secret That Will Blow The Roof Off Your Sales The next time you're shopping for clothes in a department store, take a closer look at the price tags. You'll probably notice that each price tag starts with one price, but then counters with another. They say, "Was $60, Now $30," or, "Regular Price $69.99, Our Price $49.99." Sales Prospects Avoiding You? This issue's topic on sales prospects comes in response to a question I received from a reader. Question: Five weeks ago, I had a good conversation on the phone with an important prospect in my territory. They have a need for our product and the prospect seems to acknowledge this as well. Every time I have talked to him, he has been very interested and seemingly aware of the problem in his company that our product can help solve. I sell print management and print tracking software and the prospect acknowledged that the cost of printing is an issue for his organization. Last time we talked, he indicated he needed to gather some information regarding his current operating cost (which we most likely would be able to cut) before coming in for a demo. But when I called back at the time we had agreed upon, I kept getting voicemail. I have not been able to get him on the phone and he doesn't respond to the voicemails I left either. What do you recommend I do?" When Sales Prospects Won't Take Your Calls Change Takes Time I am writing this at the Philadelphia Airport on my way back from meeting with one of my clients. Three weeks ago, we offered a training program for their staff in basic selling skills. She reported that they saw an immediate increase in sales after the program. Since these are all telemarketers, she listened in on their calls to see what had changed. To her pleasure they were asking good, open-ended questions. They were taking time to listen to the client's responses and using their comments to match them with the right product. They were even closing right at the correct time. She was thrilled. Emotions That Sell, Part 2 In the last article, we looked at three emotions (besides fear and greed) that you can use to connect with your prospects and enrich your marketing campaigns. This time, we're digging a little deeper into the sales psyche. See if you can "connect" with these feelings: Three Fast, Short, Simple Ways to Escalate Your Sales 1. Sell an inexpensive product to sell an expensive product. If people like your inexpensive product, they will be persuaded to buy your expensive one. More Sales with Less Selling Have you ever passed by a bakery display case without feeling the urge to buy at least one cookie, dessert or cinnamon bun? Have you ever taken a child into a candy store and not had them ask to buy at least one of their favorite sweets? The 12 Dumbest Things Salespeople Do We all make mistakes and some salespeople seem to make a lot of them. What scares the vinegar out of me is that most salespeople keep making the same mistakes over and over again. Now in my book - that's just plain STUPID! ![]() |
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