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Peak Performance
One of the best books I have ever read is a 1986 classic written by Charles Garfield; Peak Performers: The New Heroes of American Business. Garfield spent nearly twenty years trying to figure out what causes some people to excel to amazing successes, while others bask in the glow of mediocrity. He discovered all types of individuals can become peak performers, that they are made....not born. Regardless of industry, he uncovered these superheroes of the business world in every corner of the United States. Possessing key attributes, a peak performer will very likely: ? Be motivated toward results by a personal mission Every field has those who reach the top. There are those who are in the top 10% and then those dominate in the top 1%. I am constantly fascinated by those who have that "spark" that leads them to achieve more than other from similar background. Amazing people who are able to work harder (or is it smarter?) and do so without visible signs of effort. They accomplish more than any one could ever imagine. These people stand out as an example to us all. I have a friend who we have call "Midas". Since college he has had a spectacular career. He is able to spot great investments and helps others build their companies and maintains a phenomenally strong network of business and personal contacts. All this and he still has time to be a dedicated husband and father. How about you? Are you a peak performer? If not, do you have the desire to accomplish more in your career and personal life? Here are three ideas that can help you on your path to peak performance: ? Never stop learning. Read books, magazines, newspapers, websites, blogs and other materials. Develop a never ending thirst for knowledge. ? Have a plan. If you do not know where you are going, how will you know when you arrive? Set goals and write them down. Refer to your goals regularly and make decisions that lead you toward their completion. ? Take action. Many intelligent people never reach their potential because they do not ever get moving. Even if you have to adjust your direction, having momentum makes it easier to get things done. Make the commitment to be better tomorrow than you were today in everything that you do. With this as your mantra, the sky is the limit on what you will achieve. Thom Singer is the author of the book "Some Assembly Required: How to Make, Keep and Grow Your Business Relationships" (New Year Publishing 2005), and the leader of "The Business Development / Networking Blog". More information at http://www.thomsinger.com and http://www.thomsinger.blogspot.com.
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Stop Selling! for the Million Dollar Contract During the introduction of the "Stop Selling!" philosophy, we typically use the example of buying shoes to make the participants aware of the infinite number of ways buyers decide on purchasing simple items. The Power of Confidence My experience has taught me that people want to buy from sales people who are confident in their abilities. Taking control of the circumstances and situations around you will develop your self-confidence. When you consider the amount of rejection that many sales people encounter, the fact that many salespeople lack self-confidence is not surprising. Top performing people in any industry typically possess a high level of self-confidence. They may not necessarily possess this confidence all their lives. Finding the Need is Only Part of the Sale Many of us in sales are taught to believe that the most important job of the salesperson is to 'find the need' of our prospects. If we can uncover 'needs' then our job is easy; we just need to show our prospect how our product or service fills that need. Right? One Simple Persuasion Secret That Will Blow The Roof Off Your Sales The next time you're shopping for clothes in a department store, take a closer look at the price tags. You'll probably notice that each price tag starts with one price, but then counters with another. They say, "Was $60, Now $30," or, "Regular Price $69.99, Our Price $49.99." In Sales - Heres News You Can Use Here's an idea on how to make reading the daily newspaper a source for new selling ideas. Make it a point to identify at least one thing that you can use in your business whenever you read the newspaper. There is always great stuff in the sports and business section of most newspapers. Here are some examples. 11 Powerful Methods of Sales Lead Generation Are you searching for new and innovative ways of sales lead generation? Are you lacking in sources of good quality leads? Are you tired and bored using the same methods for generating sales leads? Change Takes Time I am writing this at the Philadelphia Airport on my way back from meeting with one of my clients. Three weeks ago, we offered a training program for their staff in basic selling skills. She reported that they saw an immediate increase in sales after the program. Since these are all telemarketers, she listened in on their calls to see what had changed. To her pleasure they were asking good, open-ended questions. They were taking time to listen to the client's responses and using their comments to match them with the right product. They were even closing right at the correct time. She was thrilled. Top 5 Characteristics of Great Salespeople I am a big believer that great salespeople generally realize their greatness, rather than being borne that way. OK, sure we've all heard somebody in sales who told us that they've been in sales all their life. It all started when they were a kid, selling lemonade from their lemonade stand for a dime, or selling magazines door to door. But this is really more a reflection of the family environment that they grew up in that may have encouraged or necessitated this than anything else. Even if you didn't sell seeds or magazine subscriptions door to door as a kid, you still have a chance at greatness in sales. More Sales with Less Selling Have you ever passed by a bakery display case without feeling the urge to buy at least one cookie, dessert or cinnamon bun? Have you ever taken a child into a candy store and not had them ask to buy at least one of their favorite sweets? The Rock and Ripple Effect: 3 Ways to Splash to Sales Success Imagine you've just thrown a rock into a pond. SPLASH! Ripples begin extending around the point where the rock hit the water. An interesting observation is that the ripples closest to the rock are actually the smallest ones. Then each ripple creates another larger ripple?until finally it disappears. Increase Your Influence, Increase Your Sales Selling is everyone's lifeblood whether they realize it or not. We all sell in the sense that we attempt to convince and influence others. We want and need to convince our children, our coworkers, bosses, spouses, clients or customers. How effective are you? Maximize Sales and Minimize Returns with Learning Styles In the day-to-day operation of an online business we can sometimes lose sight of what we want to achieve as opposed to how we actually go about achieving it. For us to achieve our goals of financial independence and time freedom we need to have customers. Most peoples understanding of customer acquistion stops at this point. Sales Marketing: 5 Fantastic Secrets To Attract New Customers Now If you have problem attracting new customers, the sales marketing secrets that I am going to reveal to you below will make you smile all day. Sharpening Your Sales Skills Making a living in sales can be very rewarding, however, it can also be tough at times. That is why it is very important to stay on top of your game at all times. Unleash Your Inner Sales Superstar & Win More Business Right Now! It's a rainy afternoon on a typical mid week afternoon and the telesales team isn't firing on all cylinders. Cedric really isn't pulling his weight at all. He's been pushing papers around his desk for most of the afternoon and is having a miserable time. His sales figures are below target, his call statistics are below average and he knows that winning the lottery is as likely as him turning it around before the end of the month. John the sales manager also knows that Cedric isn't performing and decides to run a coaching session with him to try and sort things out. So far so good. How To Give Your Sales Job A Strategic Tune-up In happens every year in June. How To Master the Art of Super Salesmanship Mastering the "art of selling" is simply knowing how to present whatever it is that you're selling, to the buyer in such a manner that he feels buying it from you will solve his problems or fulfill his dreams. Selling online is really no different than selling in person, face to face with your prospect. Really, it's just a way of making sales calls more efficiently and economically. You've got to get his attention - you've got to appeal to his interests -you've got to make him understand how his purchase of your product will benefit him ? and finally, you've got to close the sale by causing him to reach into his wallet for money or to write out a check for whatever it is you're selling. Remember, in essence, even though the method of selling is the Internet, it's the same as if you were knocking on his front door. Thus it's very important that your material look its best. Make your website look professional and successful. The opening encounter with the prospect affects the success of the presentation and whether or not a sale is ultimately closed. Once he's gotten the website opened and is looking at your presentation, you've got to carry over that image of professionalism and success -Make him feel comfortable -Be friendly and believable. -Stimulate his interest in whatever you're selling by appealing to one of his basic wants, needs or problems with a solution. Don't waste his time with a long and/or complicated dissertation. >BR>The most important thing you want to do is to create within your fulfillment he'll have as a result of buying from you. Stimulate his imagination, and explain to him how he can use whatever you're selling to his advantage. Finally, and most importantly, make it as simple and as easy as possible for your prospect to buy from you. Don't force him to read a long, drawn out sales agreement or contract. Just make your presentation, explain how purchasing from you will solve his problems or fulfill his dreams, paint a word picture that allows him to see himself with your product and his problems solved or his dreams fulfilled, and then direct the buyer to your order page on your website. Too many sales presentations begin with some sort of story about the seller ? Hello there, I'm writing to you from the beautiful beaches of Waikiki; or after a hundred years of research I've found the fountain of youth; even some such tripe as dear friend - you may not know me but I'm now a millionaire... When you put your sales presentation on paper - when you're trying to sell something by mail or online - appeal to the basic wants, needs or problems of your prospect. He or she wants only to satisfy his or her problems - not read about who or where you are or what you've done -just ask them if they'd like to know how to make their tires on their car last 10 years or more (or whatever the benefit of your product is) Above all else, remember that people's wants, needs and problems are changing constantly - and that people are learning all the time ? meaning that you must constantly be up-to-date with what you're selling, and always be improving your sales presentation. May be reprinted and redistributed freely as long as the resource box remains intact. To show my appreciation to the people that use my article, I run a free solo ad to my ezine list. Once I receive confirmation of the url or a copy of the ezine that the article was used in, I will run your solo ad. Send the url or ezine copy to pnewsletter2004@yahoo.com*************************************************************DeAnna publishes the biweekly ezine Prospecting and Presents. 10 Killer Ways To Multiply Your Sales Would you like to multiply your web site sales? Or course you would, who wouldn't? :) Then take a close look at the following 10 killer ways to multiply your sales... Shout At Your Customers - Theyre Hard of Hearing! Some people say we live in the Information Age. The Business of Closing the Sale Without Killing It You must be able to coordinate your sales talk to service whatever step in the selling process the customer has arrived at in their mind. ![]() |
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