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Shout At Your Customers - Theyre Hard of Hearing!
Some people say we live in the Information Age. I call it the Distraction Age. My new hometown is Distractionville. Everything and everybody shouts, "Hey, look at me!": E-mail, Internet, TV, telephone, newspaper, radio, family and friends. The Distraction Faction is as bright as the midday sun and louder than a freight train in Distractionville. I have had conversations lately with many small business owners about promoting their businesses for more sales. Traditional methods of advertising are more expensive than ever for the results they offer. Newspapers, magazines, radio,TV and Yellow Pages worked well in the past but due to the increasingly shortened attention spans in Distractionville, these methods for getting information to your customers aren't getting results. Business owners tell me they are often exasperated when their regular customers tell them about buying goods or services from another vendor that are readily available from their own businesses. The owners think what kind of customer loyalty is that for all of the service I offer to you? The owners say to the customers, "We offer that, too, you know". "I didn't know you did that!" is the response from the customer. Even if the customer should have known from your previous marketing efforts, it doesn't matter. The sale is lost forever. How can you get your message heard and seen in Distractionville? Consider increasing the decibel level of your business by using some of the following ideas adapted for your business: -A florist offers to put bosses on a tickler list for advanced contact and products for secretary's day for next year. -The tire shop presents a coupon book of free tire rotations with every sale of new tires to get customers back for oil changes, brake inspections, etc. -The dress shop calls its best customers to annouce the fall line is in with the customer's size in stock. -The computer repair service mails post cards to customers with older systems annoucing a special on systems upgrades and wireless networking. -The coffee house offers coupons to each customer for a discount on its fresh baked blueberry muffins for the next visit. -The lawn service puts door hangers on current customers' doors with weeding and edging service information. The solution for promoting all of your business goods and services to your existing customers is simple. Find new ways to tell them what you do. Then tell them again a different way. Then to be heard and seen above the roar of the crowd of Distractionville, tell them one more time. Three easy steps: 1. Do it Doug Emerson trains,consults and coaches small business owners daily about how to make more profit in less time. He writes a FREE electronic newsletter filled with ideas about how you can improve your profits and create a life that balances work, rest and play. Go to this link and subscribe. http://www.douglasemerson.com/3Iwrotethis.htm Or visit the website: http://www.douglasemerson.com
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10 Ways To Improve Your Sales 1. Determine your current situation. How are you currently positioned in the market? How do you compare to the competition? Where would you like to be in a Year or in five years and how would you like to get there? Or more appropriately how can you get there, as it is not always the way that you want that works. Planning requires that you understand how you currently stand. Increase Your Selling Confidence 1. Be on time. In fact, arrive a few minutes early, so you can mentally prepare for your sales presentation. When you arrive on time, your professionalism shows your prospects that you value their time as well as your own. Humanize the Sales Process Q & A How to Sound Just Like a Salesperson Prospect - "So now that I've told you what we are looking for, do you think that you can help us with this?" Sell Yourself - Sell Anything! Each of us sells every single day. We are all sales people. How well we sell directly affects our lifestyles, friendships, and family life. Effective Account Management Congratulations! You successfully sold one or more of your company's products or services to a business unit, department, or division of a large organization. Now your manager has tasked you with "account management". If you are not already familiar with account management, you are probably asking yourself the following questions: What is "Account Management"? What skills and talents are required to excel in Account Management? What activities must be performed to maximize Account Management ROI? Providing answers to these questions is the focus of this article. Sales As A Positive Experience No matter what your age or stage in life, some words come with preconceived meaning. "Sales" is one of them. For most people, it means being put in a position to have to buy something you don't want at a price you can't afford. Therefore, how do you conduct a critical element of the small business marketing process without incurring the negative impact of the word "sales"? Sales Closing: Dont Close Sales - Open Relationships to Achieve Multiple Sales A lot is written and talked about in regard to closing sales and in the traditional wisdom of sales experts, "closing" is regarded as the vital skill that sales people need to be successful. I would like to share my experience about "closing" and tell you why I think focusing on closing the sale is actually a non productive and destructive activity and tell you what, in my experience, has proved to be a better selling strategy. How To Write A Solution - Savvy Sales Letter to To Get Clients Too many sales letters are shaped into paper airplanes and flown into trash cans because freelancers write sales letters that sell their services. These freelancers have never listened to the quietly- whispered secret that says their sales letters should sell solutions, not services, to yield the best results. Busting Your Assumptions: Effective Probing Techniques for Sales Professionals Do you find yourself making these kinds of assumptions? The Key to Driving Sales is Understanding What Not How What does it take to make a sale lately? Be Yourself Here's the thing... you still have to make every marketing and sales message all about the WIIFM* for your target audience. But it's how you do this ? the words you choose and your behavior ? that makes the connection with the marketplace all about you. The Choice between Yes and Yes: A Psychological Revelation Three year old Kara was throwing a tantrum. She didn't want to go to bed, of that she was certain. Change Takes Time I am writing this at the Philadelphia Airport on my way back from meeting with one of my clients. Three weeks ago, we offered a training program for their staff in basic selling skills. She reported that they saw an immediate increase in sales after the program. Since these are all telemarketers, she listened in on their calls to see what had changed. To her pleasure they were asking good, open-ended questions. They were taking time to listen to the client's responses and using their comments to match them with the right product. They were even closing right at the correct time. She was thrilled. 3 Hot Ways To Crank Up Your Sales 1) QUICK FOLLOW-UPS Bite Your Tongue Most people don't realize how powerful a negotiating tool silence is. I discovered exactly how effective as I recently observed someone discussing a deal with a prospective customer this past week. 7 Phrases You Cant Say in Sales 7 Phrases You Can't Say in Sales The Multiplying Factor In Sales Success Mark has an attitude! Mark had worked in an operational capacity in the plant of a mid-western uniform company for over eighteen years. He had held almost every job in the production end of the business, from janitor to purchasing. One morning the owner of the company called Mark into his office to discuss a new job assignment. Mark was floored when the boss asked him to become the company's sales manager and take over the marketing department, which included the areas of sales and service. Mark had never sold before, nor had he managed more than a couple of people in his operational assignments. Now he was being asked by the owner of the laundry, at my recommendation, to supervise a sales team of three people, a route sales staff of nine and three service managers. My recommendation was primarily based on my observations of Mark as he gave me a plant tour a year earlier, as I started my engagement with this client. Prospecting: Not A Wild Goose Chase... Its A HUNT Prospecting for future customers can be fun if you approach it the right way. It is not a wild goose chase; it is a wild goose HUNT. 5 Steps to Selling Anything Technical One of the most difficult things we deal with as tech companies is trying to sell our services or products to prospective clients, would you agree? A major problem we face is conveying why our future clients need our services using terminology they will understand and pay attention to. One of the sales secrets I am going to let you in on, is that you can make sales without the client even knowing the name of your product or service or ever saying a word like: Search Engine Optimization, gigabyte, meta tags or even computer. ![]() |
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