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Achieving Sales Goals Requires Drive & Motivation
How did you do this past year on your sales goals? Did you write your goals down? Did your review them frequently, and revise them as conditions changed? Or did you set them at the beginning of the year, and forget about them by February? What do you most want this coming year? The first and most basic step to getting what you want is to know what that is, and to constantly remind yourself of that. Goal setting is an important skill. One that you've may have read about and heard about many times before. It only works though if you do it. Sales Goals & ReasonsStart with the end in mind. What is the result that you want? Give yourself the freedom to think big. Picture a big compelling goal that you really, really want. While envisioning this picture, how you make it happen is not important right now. The important thing is to get started, thinking big about what it is that you most want. Later we'll deal with how you get it. Your focus should be on what you want. Sales goals should be expressed in ways that compel us to achieve them. The human brain directs us to creating what we focus on, good or bad. Start by writing down your goal. The more specific you make your goal the better. Create the picture in your mind and write down specific quantities, dates or time periods, places, people, etc. Now make the image of your goal really compelling. Make it in color, add sounds, feelings, movement and sensations to it. Find or make a picture of it and carry it around in your pocket, purse or daytimer or post it prominently on your office, bedroom, or bathroom wall. Carry a symbol or icon of your goal around with you, constantly reminding yourself of what you are going for. Now that you know what you want, its time to get clear about *why* you want it. Your reasons for your desires are the drive that will cause you to get what you want. Get big enough reasons, and you can accomplish anything. Let me give you an example. Let's say you want a big, fat six- figure income this year. That's the sales goal - a big, fat six-figure income. But this is really not specific enough. So you refine this and say that you want to make $300,000.00 in income this year. Good, now your goal is specific and timed. So what are your reasons for wanting this goal? Upon asking yourself this question, maybe you answer that this will make you feel more powerful, successful, and capable. Or you say that you will be able to afford a nice home for your family, an education for your kids, and financial independence at an early age. Now these are reasons that motivate a person. Much more exciting than just stating a number. Setting goals alone is more than most people do in life. If you write down your goals, AND review them frequently, you are well on your way to accomplishing what you want. But when the obstacles start coming and getting in your way, you will need real drive and determination to keep going and not give up. Determining and writing down your reasons for wanting your goals will give you the drive and the power necessary to make them happen. Write down your sales goals, being timed and specific. Write down your reasons for why you want your goals. Get pictures, symbols or icons that you can post up or carry around with you to constantly remind you of what you want and why. © 1999-2004 Shamus Brown, All Rights Reserved. Shamus Brown is a Professional Sales Coach and former high-tech sales pro who began his career selling for IBM. Shamus has written more than 50 articles on selling and is the creator of the popular Persuasive Selling Skills CD Audio Program. You can read more of Shamus Brown's sales tips at http://Sales-Tips.industrialEGO.com/ and you can learn more about his persuasive sales skills training at http://www.Persuasive-Sales-Skills.com/
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"If you'd only offer better specials," or blame the economy, "If only customers had the money," or they blame their boss, "If only I got a better schedule," or they will blame whatever happens to come to mind that day. Never, do they take stock of their own selling techniques. ![]() |
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