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Sales Language: Whats Wrong with But?
Language is one of the most important tools you have to influence someone. The most successful salespeople and persuaders use positive, active sales language that instills confidence in them and their capabilities. Here is one word that you'll want to avoid using as much as possible when you are selling and persuading. BUTRead the following sentences: "I really like your company, but I am not going to buy from you." "You gave the best presentation, but we are going to buy from the Access Company."When prospects say things like these, what they are really telling you is that they didn't like your company enough or you didn't give a good enough presentation to get the business. The prospect's usage of the word 'but' acts to negate whatever came before it. And just as hearing 'but' from a prospect is often a negative message to you, using 'but' in your sales language can hurt your rapport with your prospects. What would happen if this were your response to a customer's stated project budget? "I see that you only have a budget of $50,000, but let me tell you why our system costs $100,000."You have just given the message to the prospect that you don't care about their budget. You think they should find more money to spend with you (and maybe they should, but such an attitude will not help you get the sale). To stay in rapport with your prospect, replace the word 'but' with the word 'and'. See here how it works: "I see that you only have a budget of $50,000, and let me tell you why our system costs $100,000."You have now shown respect for your prospect and his budget. In using the word 'and' you acknowledge that they only have a budget of $50,000. People like to be acknowledged, and hate to be ignored. Prospects hate it when they feel that a salesperson isn't listening. Its one of the major reasons why salespeople get little respect in the world today. The next time you catch yourself using 'but' in a way that disrespects what someone just said, practice changing your sales language by saying the same thing again using 'and' instead of 'but'. Do this a few times and you'll find yourself using 'and' instead of 'but' and you'll have more rapport with more prospects. © 1999-2004 Shamus Brown, All Rights Reserved. Shamus Brown is a Professional Sales Coach and former high-tech sales pro who began his career selling for IBM. Shamus has written more than 50 articles on selling and is the creator of the popular Persuasive Selling Skills CD Audio Program. You can read more of Shamus Brown's sales tips at http://Sales-Tips.industrialEGO.com/ and you can learn more about his persuasive sales skills training at http://www.Persuasive-Sales-Skills.com/
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Do You Know the Emotion Behind the Objection? Prospects have many reasons (you might think excuses) for not buying your product or service. Many of these objections, however, are actually emotional defenses, and before you can overcome the obstacle you must recognize the emotion behind it. To help you analyze why your prospect doesn't want to buy from you, ask yourself the following questions. Hello! I Cant Sell! What's that you say? You can't sell? The Five Most Common Mistakes Salespeople Make Over the decades that I've been involved in sales, I've worked with tens of thousands of salespeople. Certain negative tendencies -- mistakes that salespeople make -- keep surfacing. Here are my top five. See to what degree you (or your sales force) may be guilty of them. How Can A Smelly, Hissing Goose Teach You To Be A Business Leader? In the 1990's we lived on a farm in Iowa. Since I grew up in the country, I thought I knew everything there was to know about country living. 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