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How To Get Clients To Take Immediate Action
Are you tired of excuses? Looking for a persuasion technique to get people to take immediate action? Are prospects saying things to you like: "I'll think it over and get back to you?" "I need to talk it over with my wife." "Call me next week and we'll set up an appointment." Then create a sense of urgency and get your clients to want what you have now! The first step in getting people to take immediate action is for them to perceive your product or service as being in demand or in limited supply. People want what is "hot" right now! Psychologists have proven, people find more value in things they have a difficult time obtaining. If you're told you can't have something, you want it even more. Infomercials tell you that if you call now they will give you another one free or knock $20 of the original price. Shopping networks use a time limit or tell you they only have so many left. Marketers know how to create a sense of urgency. Have you noticed when you are starving for new business you have an attitude that you would do anything to get business. You make promises you normally wouldn't make. You're practically on your knees begging them to do business with you. You can feel it and so can your customers. They see the look in your eyes and hear the tone of your voice and will do anything to get rid of you. People figure if you're desperate for business then you must not be any good, because if you were you would be in high demand. People want to do business with successful people. How do you put this persuasion technique in action and create a sense of urgency? First, don't be so accessible. Make it difficult for people to get an appointment with you. What I mean is, don't say I can do it any day this week. Instead use a more persuasive technique by saying, I'm very busy this week, however, I might be able to squeeze you in. Give them a deadline. If people think they have unlimited time to make a decision about your product or service they will stall and procrastinate. Set a time limit for your offer and stick to it. Be selective about who you work with. Set standards for the type of client you are willing to work with. You will give people the impression that you are busy and that you don't work with just any one. Some people will even go out of their way to conform to your standards to work with you. Use the persuasive technique of "take away selling". What I mean is say something like, I'm not sure that our product is right for you. Or maybe our service isn't the right match for your company. Remember, people want what they can't have. By taking it away from them they will search for reasons why they want it now. Creating a sense of urgency in sales is a win - win for both you and the client. For the client it helps to move them to make a decision to buy something they wanted anyway. For you, it means more sales and the sense of accomplishment for moving people to make a decision that will benefit them. Jim Klein is the owner of From The Heart Sales Training. He helps sales professionals attract new clients, close more sales and generate an abundance of referrals so they can increase their income and enjoy life more. Click Here Now for free Sales Training. Sign up for our ezine "The Sales Advisor".Each issue contains sales tips, techniques, articles, tools, products and up-to-date sales and marketing ideas.
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Order Takers vs. Sales Professionals As business owners we all know that in a ideal world prospects would just pick up the phone and give us an order ? but for most of us sales is not like that! Yes it would be utopia however have you considered the difference between order takers and sales professionals? Firstly they are two completely different animals. Lets face facts order takers are less likely to be skilled in sales technique. This includes the ability to easily up sell, cross sell or add on services. Order takers are by there very nature just waiting for the phone to ring and do not work on a pro active basis. If we left everything to the client then so many additional products would never have been sold. Follow-Up Marketing: How to Win More Sales with Less Effort A study done by the Association of Sales Executives revealed that 81% of all sales happens on or after the fifth contact. If you're a small business owner and you're only doing one or two follow-ups imagine all the business you're losing. Five Tips To Increase Your Sales 1. You could end your ad copy with a discounted price. Just list your regular price and then offer a discounted price off the order 'right now'. You could also offer a rebate that takes effect instantly. For example, you could say, "Instead of paying $99, you could order now and get an instant rebate of $20 - you only pay $79!" Three Essential Questions You Must Ask To Make More Sales ? Ignore Them At Your Peril There's loads of material about making money available on the Internet. Most of it is called "How you can make money on the Internet by selling products called How to make money on the Internet". The Clock is Ticking on Your Leads Every day is critical when you are in the business of sales. That lead you receive today could very easily be gone tomorrow. The Quickest Way To Increase Your Sales The quickest way to increase sales is to make things happen - not to let things happen. Let me explain. Resistance Training for Sales People What was the quickest rejection you ever got? 2 minutes into your call? 1 minute? 15 seconds, 3 seconds? Qualifying vs closing The art of effective question asking (qualifying) determines the effectiveness and the success of the "close".EXAMPLE: Let's assume you're a candy sales rep. You sell both chocolate and non-chocolate candy. I'm your potential customer. You know nothing about me but you're trying to sell me chocolate candy. You proceed to tell me how great the candy tastes, how exquisite the texture is, how incredible the quality of the chocolate is, and, by the way, how affordable this candy is because your company is doing a promotion on this outstanding chocolate candy. However, you don't sell me a single piece of chocolate candy. WHY?You assumed I liked chocolate candy and I would buy it based on the information you provided. But the most important thing you forgot to identify or ask me is "do you like chocolate candy?".The answer is "no, I hate chocolate candy?". But since you never took the time to understand me as your potential new customer, you lost today's sale and future sales a well. Better Approach: I'm still the customer, you're still the candy sales rep. You're still promoting chocolate candy. The difference is - upon meeting me and establishing a rapport, your first question might be."Do you like chocolate candy?".My response "no, I never eat chocolate candy".Your response "you never eat chocolate candy, why?".My response "because I'm allergic to it". QUESTION: Do you believe it would make any difference to me, the customer, how the chocolate looks, tastes, is processed, or even how affordable it is? Your answer should be "no". However, just because I don't eat chocolate candy doesn't mean I don't know a number of other people who love chocolate candy. Also, you sell hard candy not just chocolate candy, so maybe the next question would be:"Do you eat any kind of candy?".My response "occasionally".Your response "when you say occasionally, how often is that?".My response "2 to 3 times per month".Your response "when you do eat candy, what type of candy do you eat?"My response "hard-type, mint candies".Your response "have you ever tasted our incredible hard, mint candies?".GET THE PICTURE? "Its all about asking, not selling." Once you have identified what's important to me, the customer, you have positioned yourself to sell me what I want - not what you have. Get Over Your Resistance to Sales I have found that there are two best ways to eliminate your fear or resistance to sales. First, become so familiar with your product/service and any objections that might surface, that you simply can't be flustered during a sales call. Second, you need to truly believe that your product or service will be of value to your customers ? that you're really helping them by sharing your product with them. Are You Risking The Relationship for the Sale -- And Then Losing the Sale Anyway? Losing a sale can be disheartening, especially if you lose it for reasons you aren't even aware of. Separating Yourself from the Crowd (Part One of Two) Warren Buffet says that insurance is a commodity and price is the main factor in the market place. It seems that nowadays, lowest price wins, regardless of the other factors. More and more people are turning to direct writers because they believe that 15 minutes and a catchy commercial with a dancing lizard can save them some money. Forget the relationship, forget being able to actually see your insurance agent and forget you if you are $0.01 higher than the "other" guy. Shout At Your Customers - Theyre Hard of Hearing! Some people say we live in the Information Age. Maximize Sales and Minimize Returns with Learning Styles In the day-to-day operation of an online business we can sometimes lose sight of what we want to achieve as opposed to how we actually go about achieving it. For us to achieve our goals of financial independence and time freedom we need to have customers. Most peoples understanding of customer acquistion stops at this point. Successful Selling in 21 Steps 1. Dependability was chosen as the most important. Unlocking the Myth of Hypnotic Communication Unquestionably when the word hypnosis pops-up in a conversation or in the mainstream press, nostrils flair, minds conjure up strong reactions of parlor tricks and pictures of late night scary movies where starry-eyed maidens are seduced to carry out satanic acts. Here we are, in modern times, where we have set foot on the moon, (ops ? better watch my words ? there are people who still think the earth is flat) broke the sound barrier, communicate wireless with the most modern technology and still people see hypnosis has a hoax. Even the well educated are not off the hook from such lack of knowledge and ignorant responses. The 6 Secrets To Sales Success There is no magic pill, trick, teqnique, system or secret to success. However there are many beliefs and habits that will bring you the desired results that you wish to have. It is your choice to develop the appropriate beliefs and habits that produce the results that you wish to have. If you honestly are not happy with the results that you are having then you must change the actions, which are producing those results. The following are 6 of the habits, which I have found will rapidly accelerate your sales and income to heights, which only you will limit. Generate Sales with Lead Generation Marketing Tools One of the best projects to undertake as an online marketer is to master the art of generating sales from your warm market contacts. A warm market is simply people who have already been exposed to your business and marketing plan. It can be described as "breaking the ice" with your potential customers. The best way to generate a warm market is with lead generation marketing tools. The 7 Deaths of a Salesman In sales, you can work one of two ways. You can either do the things you should do or you can do the things you want to do. Sometimes these are one in the same, but more often they are at odds with one another. However, this article isn't about doing the right things, it's about showing you what things to avoid. If you can figure out how to control each of these 7 things on a daily basis, you'll be well on you way to selling success. 8 Sales Lead Generation Methods I've been getting lots of email from my readers lately. And one thing that I hear often is that people need more sales leads. Nine Common Mistakes Salespeople Make 1. They talk instead of LISTEN. Too many salespeople monopolize the time they have in front of prospect with their talk, only allowing the prospect to listen (whether or not it's interesting). For every hour they actually spend in front of a prospect, they spend five minutes selling their product or service...and fifty-five minutes buying it back, Result: "No order" or "Think it over". ![]() |
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