Quit Talking and Listen! Give Clients and Prospects Your Undivided Attention

I have found that the best sales people are the best listeners, not the ones that talk your ear off. Listening is a skill that much more than just hearing the words coming out of their mouth. Here are some tips that you can use to see how well you actually listen.

Maintain eye contact

This is more than just starring at them to appear to be interested. It also helps you concentrate on what they have to say.

Ask relevant questions

Don't assume that you understand where they are coming from. Be sure to ask a follow up question and rephrase or restate what they have said. This not only keeps you in the conversation but it also lets them know you truly understand what they said.

Avoid distractions

You want to control the setting as much as possible. If the sun is in your eyes, move your seat. If you are outside take off your sunglasses. If you are in a room make sure it is as quite as possible and don't forget to turn off your cell phone. If you are expecting a more important call let them know before hand. It will go a long way on keeping you looking professional. The more comfortable the both of you are the easier it will be to communicate.

Take notes

Unless you have a photographic memory, carry a pad and pen with you wherever you go. Make sure don't spend the entire conversation looking down at your notes. It's important to write and look them in the eye at the same time it will give them a sense of importance and help break down the barriers between you. Create a short hand if you need to.

Multitasking is a No, No

In the back of your mind you may think you are saving time but you are making them feel neglected and their confidence in you will be shot. Taking the time to stop what you are doing will pay bigger dividends in the long run to pay attention in the short run.

Are you really listening to them?

Resist the urge to talk about yourself. This is your opportunity to stand out from everyone else and learn what it is that your clients/prospects really want. Take the opportunity to learn about their family, hobbies, favorite sports teams etc. This bonding time will make a big difference if it is between you and someone else.

A final tip is to ask someone close to you to rate your listening skills. Listen carefully to what they say - you might be surprised at what you hear!

Mical Johson is the publisher of http://www.MyHomebasedBusiness101.com which provides Case Studies, Resources, Tools, Software, Articles And Everything Else You Need To Start And Run A Successful Home Based Business. Home-Based Business Success Toolkit The newsletter all home-based businesses need to optimize their success. The Toolkit includes free interviews, success tips, and more... To see all the free bounuses you get visit our web site. Join today and get started on the right track!

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