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Transforming Problems into Sales
My silent fish tank was no more. Enough water had evaporated to make the filter gurgle. It was highly annoying and I knew I wouldn't be at ease until it was silent again, so I filled the tank. Did I fill it to satisfy a want or a need? Does it really matter? Probably not. The gurgling tank was an unacceptable problem that required a solution: more water. I was able to solve the problem on my own. If it had turned out that my fish tank gurgled because my filter was broken I would have needed a new filter. Filters Don't Flow from My Tap There is a pet store chain in New York City that has been advertising its business for decades. When I first moved to my current neighborhood I noticed one of their stores a couple of blocks from my home. I would go there for my new filter without hesitation. I know that they have fish tank filters, exactly what I'd need to solve my problem. Do your prospects know you have exactly what they need to solve their problems? To sell more you must demonstrate to more prospects that you have just what they want. There are two ways you can work toward this goal: · Market to a larger audience · Improve your marketing material to attract more attention It makes sense to do both. You can sell more by using the same marketing material to market to a larger, targeted audience. You can also increase sales by enhancing your marketing material to be noticed by more of the prospects you currently target. Marketing to a larger audience is simple but can be quite expensive and improving your marketing material may seem like a daunting task. You can make this second task easier by knowing how to approach it. Help Your Prospects Focus on You Creating a sense of familiarity for your prospects when they absorb your marketing material helps eliminate a barrier to making a sale. People are more likely to buy from someone with whom they feel familiar. When we see ourselves in a mirror we see a clear and familiar image. You can create a sense of familiarity for your prospects by focusing your marketing material around their problems. Problems tend to strike an emotional chord within each of us. When we have emotional reactions we tend to become more alert to our surroundings. You can take advantage of this reaction by including client problems in your marketing material. You will increase your chance of being noticed, remembered and making a sale by presenting your marketing material to someone who has recently become more alert. · What problems do your clients have? · What problems do you solve? Being noticed more often is good. You will sell more. However, you will sell even more if a greater percentage of the people who notice and read your marketing material take the next step and contact you. To be contacted by more prospects your marketing material must attract attention and also clearly demonstrate believable value. · What value do you provide? · Are your offers believable or too good to be true? · How can you integrate client problems and the value you provide into your marketing material? The answer is to use a marketing message. A marketing message is a highly specific set of words you can use to attract and demonstrate value to your prospects. With a marketing message focused around client problems you will sell more with less effort. What's your marketing message? The author, Jeremy Cohen, helps small business owners and professional service providers attract more clients, grow their business and be more successful with his marketing guides and coaching service. Get his free marketing guide: Jumpstart Marketing: More Profits, Clients and Success at: http://www.bettermarketingresults.com/marketing-services
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8 Must Questions to Ask in Every Sales Situation Solving people's and organization's problems is ultimately what business is all about. Effective selling involves defining your existing or potential customer's problems. If properly "sold", a sales prospect will have his problems solved with your company's products or services. To be successful at selling, you must systematically approach customers with a proven repertoire of qualifying questions that allows you to clearly understand your customer's current business challenges. The Art Of Persuasion: 7 Tips To Successfully Persuade Anyone The saying "No man is an island" is an undeniable truth. We need the support and cooperation of other people to help us in reaching our goals. Sales and the City It's all about relationships! Grrr! Why Arent I Making SALES?! Selling online can be very difficult, more difficult than in the 3D world because you do not get any personal contact with your customer. People cannot just browse like they do in a store, they cannot offer feedback, and it is hard to build and maintain trust throughout the entire online sales process. What compounds this difficulty is the fact that most online marketers have absolutely no experience in the field of advertising and sales. When The Clock Strikes Twelve! I just finished reading another sales copy ending with the Deadline Marketing! Woo the Buyers Limbic Mind or All Your Sales Efforts are Wasted If you've driven yourself crazy trying to figure out why so many customers get away, relax. You can't figure it out because... It's not logical. The impulse that makes people buy from one business instead of another is no more logical than the baying of an elk's mating call. In fact, it works exactly the same way, through the limbic system. Reaching Goals in Direct Sales From surveys and experience, we've noticed many setting excellent goals for their business. We've also noticed that while the goals being set are good, the results aren't. Around 90% of those in Direct Sales do SET goals, but never reach them. Customers - Always be Focused on Them I was looking at some promotional literature and web sites the other day and it was interesting to note the number of times the words - "We" and "Our" was used in this material. How To Master the Art of Super Salesmanship Mastering the "art of selling" is simply knowing how to present whatever it is that you're selling, to the buyer in such a manner that he feels buying it from you will solve his problems or fulfill his dreams. Selling online is really no different than selling in person, face to face with your prospect. Really, it's just a way of making sales calls more efficiently and economically. You've got to get his attention - you've got to appeal to his interests -you've got to make him understand how his purchase of your product will benefit him ? and finally, you've got to close the sale by causing him to reach into his wallet for money or to write out a check for whatever it is you're selling. Remember, in essence, even though the method of selling is the Internet, it's the same as if you were knocking on his front door. Thus it's very important that your material look its best. Make your website look professional and successful. The opening encounter with the prospect affects the success of the presentation and whether or not a sale is ultimately closed. Once he's gotten the website opened and is looking at your presentation, you've got to carry over that image of professionalism and success -Make him feel comfortable -Be friendly and believable. -Stimulate his interest in whatever you're selling by appealing to one of his basic wants, needs or problems with a solution. Don't waste his time with a long and/or complicated dissertation. >BR>The most important thing you want to do is to create within your fulfillment he'll have as a result of buying from you. Stimulate his imagination, and explain to him how he can use whatever you're selling to his advantage. Finally, and most importantly, make it as simple and as easy as possible for your prospect to buy from you. Don't force him to read a long, drawn out sales agreement or contract. Just make your presentation, explain how purchasing from you will solve his problems or fulfill his dreams, paint a word picture that allows him to see himself with your product and his problems solved or his dreams fulfilled, and then direct the buyer to your order page on your website. Too many sales presentations begin with some sort of story about the seller ? Hello there, I'm writing to you from the beautiful beaches of Waikiki; or after a hundred years of research I've found the fountain of youth; even some such tripe as dear friend - you may not know me but I'm now a millionaire... When you put your sales presentation on paper - when you're trying to sell something by mail or online - appeal to the basic wants, needs or problems of your prospect. He or she wants only to satisfy his or her problems - not read about who or where you are or what you've done -just ask them if they'd like to know how to make their tires on their car last 10 years or more (or whatever the benefit of your product is) Above all else, remember that people's wants, needs and problems are changing constantly - and that people are learning all the time ? meaning that you must constantly be up-to-date with what you're selling, and always be improving your sales presentation. May be reprinted and redistributed freely as long as the resource box remains intact. To show my appreciation to the people that use my article, I run a free solo ad to my ezine list. Once I receive confirmation of the url or a copy of the ezine that the article was used in, I will run your solo ad. Send the url or ezine copy to pnewsletter2004@yahoo.com*************************************************************DeAnna publishes the biweekly ezine Prospecting and Presents. More Sales - You Must Keep Asking I bought a second pair of reading glasses from my local Optician recently. I need this pair to help me find the first pair which inevitably go missing. While in the Opticians I remember thinking that I needed to buy some solution and some of those tissues for cleaning my mucky glasses. Sales 101 For many individuals in business the hardest part is selling. For the majority of business owners, the jobs they had before don't prepare them for dealing with selling products. So, this article will deal with some basic tips to help you with sales. Customers Do Not Know How To Ask Good Questions ? That Is Your Job Customers will ask you a question and you'll proceed to talk about your product. That is why you are not making more sales. It is your product knowledge that keeps getting in the way. Not that you do not have enough product knowledge ? trust me you have plenty. It is that you are not listening to what your customer is truly asking you. You are taking their questions or statements literally instead of trying to clarify what it is they are truly asking you. Humanize the Sales Process Q & A Your Business Approach Can Make or Break a Business Deal Every sales presentation should start with the approach, or introduction. Your approach should be a well-defined statement that can be easily adjusted for any situation. Although getting the prospect's attention brings fear into the hearts of some people, generally, it is not a difficult thing to do. But it can be easily lost with drawn-out, unnecessary chitchat. Getting People to Buy Without Selling In my youth I landed a job selling encyclopedias door to door. I worked for commissions. If I didn't sell anything, I didn't get paid. Trying to sell a high ticket item such as encyclopedias door to door was no small task as you might imagine. Anticipating the Audiences Reaction Obviously, you can not know all of the things that will set off an individual person. But you can know and base your actions on far more specific information about them than you probably now are using. Even if the reaction of the audience cannot be known, try not to do anything that will directly cause him to react negatively based on what you know to be generally true. Sales Marketing: 10 Sales Marketing Tricks To Explode Your Profits Sales marketing online is an art that you must keep revising, refining and polishing to keep pace with all the changes happening on the Internet. The Multiplying Factor In Sales Success Mark has an attitude! Mark had worked in an operational capacity in the plant of a mid-western uniform company for over eighteen years. He had held almost every job in the production end of the business, from janitor to purchasing. One morning the owner of the company called Mark into his office to discuss a new job assignment. Mark was floored when the boss asked him to become the company's sales manager and take over the marketing department, which included the areas of sales and service. Mark had never sold before, nor had he managed more than a couple of people in his operational assignments. Now he was being asked by the owner of the laundry, at my recommendation, to supervise a sales team of three people, a route sales staff of nine and three service managers. My recommendation was primarily based on my observations of Mark as he gave me a plant tour a year earlier, as I started my engagement with this client. Let Your Weaknesses Increase Your Sales Imagine...you inquire about a product. The salesperson does everything right. Says the rights words, emphasis the benefits of the product -- everything right. And you hesitate but you do not know why. You just aren't "sure." And you respond, "I'll think about it." Then you talk with another salesperson that says the same things, uses the same languaging, and does everything else right, until towards the end. Then they get honest with you and tell you the weaknesses of the product. Then you buy. Three Essential Questions You Must Ask To Make More Sales ? Ignore Them At Your Peril There's loads of material about making money available on the Internet. Most of it is called "How you can make money on the Internet by selling products called How to make money on the Internet". ![]() |
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