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Sales and the City
It's all about relationships! Here is how a popular TV show looks at it: In a city filled with more than its fair share of players, predators, losers, and creeps, these people need all the help they can get in order to find the one thing that eludes them all - a real, satisfying and lasting relationship. Is such a thing possible in New York City? Here's how your customers may be seeing things: In a vocation filled with more than its fair share of players, predators, losers, and creeps, these customers need all the help they can get in order to find the one thing that eludes them all - a real, satisfying and lasting relationship. Is such a thing possible in Sales City? Relationship selling, you always hear that, "it's all about the relationship". But relationships, like people come in all shapes and sizes, yet most sales people have a very singular approach. Regardless of whom they may be talking to, or more accurately at, they approach things the same way with everyone. Rolling through the same questions, hoping for the same old answers, and ignoring answers they are not prepared for or don't fit their agenda. Often it's not just the sales reps' fault, but their managers'. They go back to the office and are greeted by: "Did you ask him?..?"; "Did you find his pain?"; "What'd he say to that?"; "Really, what did he mean by that? What'd ya say then? Ah, he doesn't get it! So, when's he gonna close?" As a result some sales reps focus on getting the "right answers" for their managers, account plans and CRM fields, rather than focusing on the prospects' answers, and what's right for a long term relationship. Relationships in life vary from person to person, and to make them work, you have to realize this and constantly adjust. Depending on the people involved, different things will advance and enhance the relationship, while other things will impair them. How many times have you found that after an initial encounter with someone, things really don't progress? The other person just doesn't seem to be in tune with your view, needs or interests. No effort is made to understand how to engage you or stimulate you by focusing on your interests or desires. Soon, you realize that the other person is only able to view, understand and value things from a single perspective: theirs. Nothing else counts or is taken in to the equation. Same with sales, each sale has its own characteristics, pace, rhythm, etc. Each interaction between you, the sales person, and the prospect will be different. Sorry, there is no magic bullet, not everyone fits into a magic quadrant; it's not as easy as "once you know the 'type' you are dealing with, all you have to do is??". Like your social relationships, each prospect is different. In your personal life, people may have similar characteristics, but they are each different. Each sale is a relationship, in fact with some customers, you'll have a longer relationship than with some in your non-business life, just ask any successful financial advisor. You can't afford to take a cookie cutter approach to prospects/clients. Each requires an understanding of what makes them unique. Yes this will require greater effort than pigeon-holing individuals into a "quadrant". Take the time getting to know what makes each prospect different, what their unique values are, how to specifically sell to each. Invest a little time and energy in questions that will help you understand the prospect and questions that will help you sell your prospect. Using the answers to shape the interview and work with the prospect. You will find that it is an investment that will continue to pay off in a steady and growing fashion. After all not all your sales relationships need to be like an episode of Sales and the City! Just ask our clients who are seeing returns from our "Asking Questions, Winning Sales" Program. For more information on helping your team sell better, write to: info@sellbetter.ca, visit http://www.sellbetter.ca or call 416 671-3555. Tibor Shanto, is a Principal with Renbor Sales Solutions Inc., with over 20 years of sales experience, from telemarketing to leading a global sales team focused on providing top end solutions. He worked with and helped to improve performance for sales professionals in a wide variety of fields, from financial services to on-line B2B specialists. Renbor Sales Solutions provides a total approach to managing sales and prospecting activity; building profitable relationships. Helping organizations sell better by effecting measurable improvements in the most critical aspects of the sales process. Programs focus on: Real Prospects ? Real Sales ? Real Measurable Results.
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Why More Sales Training Comes Before More Marketing Expenditure In most businesses, when sales are slow or low, the first reaction is to spend more on marketing. Create better adverts, more adverts; direct sales letters is the cry. But is this always the right solution? Bite Your Tongue Most people don't realize how powerful a negotiating tool silence is. I discovered exactly how effective as I recently observed someone discussing a deal with a prospective customer this past week. How to Spellbind Your Prospects in 10 Seconds! You've got yourself 10 seconds to HOOK your prospects or LOSE them! The 7 Deaths of a Salesman In sales, you can work one of two ways. You can either do the things you should do or you can do the things you want to do. Sometimes these are one in the same, but more often they are at odds with one another. However, this article isn't about doing the right things, it's about showing you what things to avoid. If you can figure out how to control each of these 7 things on a daily basis, you'll be well on you way to selling success. Finding the Need is Only Part of the Sale Many of us in sales are taught to believe that the most important job of the salesperson is to 'find the need' of our prospects. If we can uncover 'needs' then our job is easy; we just need to show our prospect how our product or service fills that need. Right? Why Salespeople Fail Since 1990 I have focused on the three primary barriers which affect the performance of salespeople:- Effective Account Management Congratulations! You successfully sold one or more of your company's products or services to a business unit, department, or division of a large organization. Now your manager has tasked you with "account management". If you are not already familiar with account management, you are probably asking yourself the following questions: What is "Account Management"? What skills and talents are required to excel in Account Management? What activities must be performed to maximize Account Management ROI? Providing answers to these questions is the focus of this article. Customers Want You to Ask for the Money Many years ago, I was the one starting a small business. I ran a part-time resume service out of my New York apartment. One client showed up on time for her first appointment, nervously clutching her notes. Get Tough You deal with rejections, frustrations, disappointment, and possibly disrespect on a daily basis. You probably experience more emotional ups and downs than most other professionals. And, no matter how successful you are, your income is less predictable than that of salaried employees. As a salesperson, your level of mental and emotional toughness affects you everyday, both on and off the job. Sales Discipline: Five Steps To Recover From A Lost Sale Ever lost a sale? Of course you have, we all have. The difference between the average salesperson and the great salesperson is how quickly you recover from the lost sale. When you lose a sale that you thought you should have won, it is often tempting to take it personally and to become negative. If you give in and allow the lost sale to affect your attitude, then you will be allowing the lost sale to affect your future sales presentations and therefore affect your future sales. Increasing Your Sales FASTER -- Dealing with Ill Think It Over. Do you frequently hear that from a prospect? Make More Sales By Creating How To Use It Product Updates Do you have any idea what your customers have experienced from using the products they have purchased from you? Most of the vendors I work with make a sale and move on. They often don't bother investing much time improving the products they sell to their customers, much less develop ways to help them better understand how to use them. A very small minority of vendors have continued to send me unsolicited free bonus 'how to use it' follow-up emails and publications long after I made my purchase from them. And whenever I receive something like this, it almost always compels me to take another look at the product I purchased ? because anything that helps me understand more ways to use what I already own is pretty useful to me. Better Listening Skills = More Sales Today's business environment is intrinsically tied together by ongoing information exchanges between two people. This personal communication is most often facilitated by the spoken word. Understanding this information, as it flows within a dialogue between two people is fundamental to improving one's selling effectiveness. Sell Yourself, As Well As Your Product When selling a product to a consumer, one of the things we tend to overlook, is that it is as equally important to sell ourselves. Increase Your Influence, Increase Your Sales Selling is everyone's lifeblood whether they realize it or not. We all sell in the sense that we attempt to convince and influence others. We want and need to convince our children, our coworkers, bosses, spouses, clients or customers. How effective are you? 10 Power-Packed Ways To Spark Your Sales 1. Spend money on targeted advertising instead of mass media advertising. You don't want to waste your ad dollars on people who aren't interested. Psychology of Converting a Prospect to Money If you want a truly successful business, you need to take a close look at how Psychology can set you apart from the rest of your competition. Selling More Effectively as a Trusted Sales Professional - Thirteen Tips Do you want to sell more successfully using an honorable and straightforward approach? Read these thirteen sales tips to help you be perceived as a trusted sales professional by buyers. Incorporating these sales tips into your selling process will differentiate you from the rest and help you sell more successfully. Get More Clients Now! Although David has been a graphic designer for a decade, he's only been a business owner for a little over a year. He was becoming increasingly discouraged with his clientele. "I'm the only person in the business, and even though I've been in business for a whole year, I'm still having to spend a lot of time marketing to get new clients. And the ones I do get usually only have one small project for me for the entire year. To top it off, I don't even get to do the kind of work I really enjoy They all just want the basic logo, business card, letterhead job. I really want to work on full-scale marketing campaigns where I'm designing print ads, direct mailers & media kits. How do I get more of the right clients?" Assumptions ? The Hidden Sales Killer Assumptions can kill a sale. In my sales training workshops, I frequently discuss the importance of not making assumptions about a person before, during, or after the sales process. Participants frequently nod and tell me that they NEVER make assumptions. One person (Doug Maquire, www.MaquireMarketing.com) sent me this story of a situation that occurred in a department store he worked in many years ago. ![]() |
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