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Psychology of Converting a Prospect to Money
If you want a truly successful business, you need to take a close look at how Psychology can set you apart from the rest of your competition. Secrets of negotiating Remember this: no matter how great your product or service, unless you can negotiate innovatively you'll never achieve the success that can be yours. When you follow-up with a prospects, ask them: "Do you have any situations that we can work out together using our mutual expertise?" Psychologically, by substituting the word "situations" for problems, you are more likely to get a positive response. Also, by using the term "combined or mutual expertise" you are telling them you respect their valuable knowledge. Remember this advice - Seek first to understand, then to be understood. How to make people respond more quickly Remember: "People respond more to what they are going to lose than to what they are going to gain." It's very powerful when you explain to prospects they will probably lose market share to their main competitors if they don't adopt your ideas. Ask yourself: What will my customers stand to lose if they do not buy my service or product? Psychology can also play a powerful part in overcoming objections to requests for a follow-up call. There are two strategies that will result in incredible opportunities coming your way. Try them today. Tell your prospects you really want to understand their needs precisely and you feel you can't achieve this unless you talk to them in on the phone. People want to feel understood more than anything else and the businesses that understand this take all. You can also add that it will only take, say, 12 minutes, (let them time you!) to show them how they can benefit from what you're offering. You can also offer to give them a free gift (low cost with a perceived high value eg reports, e-books etc) if they think you've wasted their time. Packaging Your Website You can increase your sales by using appealing photographs of typical users (yourself) on your website. Why is this? Well, it humanizes your product or service and prospects perceive you to be more professional and trustworthy. This can be very powerful for a home-based business to add to the level of trust for your potential prospects. Beware of this common mistake This is a common mistake made by many in home-based business marketing. Marketing your home-based business, you must sell benefits, not features. If you sell your product or service using features, you must stop this mistake immediately. While marketing your home-based business, you can sell its features: "Free website and dozens of marketing tools to promote your site". How many advertisements do you see like this? However if you sell benefits, you sell prospects a lifestyle and that's psychologically powerful. For example, you can sell benefits by offering "Financial freedom" (your product) with a special offer of test-driving the product for 30 days (innovative pricing to encourage a larger sale). You can then detail how your product leads to financial freedom, for example, free website with your personal attention to helping your prospect begin marketing their new business. This can be done in many different ways no matter what your home-based business is. The secret is to turn your service or product into a package (a way of life) and combine it with innovative pricing. Psychology in marketing Using psychology in your marketing will add immense power to your efforts, you'll reap the rewards quickly. Psychology is not a trick it is recognizing and celebrating our strengths and weaknesses as humans. My next article My next article will be titles, "We eat our young". It will be a discussion on the psychological aspects of helping, or in some cases not helping persons new to owning their own business. About The Author Joe Saddoris, Owner of http://extra-income-internet-network-marketing.com Editor of the EIINM newsletter To subscribe to EIINM newsletter click below Copyright 2004
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Attitude Insurance Everyone knows the importance of having a positive attitude, especially in the health insurance industry. Even negative people say that they have a positive attitude. Dont Close Your Eyes Or Let Deaf Ears Fall Upon You To listen to your customer is important, and to hear your customer is critical. But, to see what actions they take is the lifeline to your business. Ten Ways to Super Charge Your Sales 1. Add a no-fee interactive game to your web site. You couldhire someone to create it. You want to make the game relatedto the theme of your web site. In the case of our web site-- the Abundance Center -- the theme, abundance, could be agame on how to find abundance. Need A Sales Boost ? Try These! The telephone is still the best and most effective way to reach people. It can help generate more sales and build your business. Unfortunately most people don't like the telephone and don't use it effectively. In order to become more proficient using the telephone, you need to follow some basic guidelines and then practice, practice and then practice some more. How One Simple Concept Can Increase Your Sales We all want to belong. As humans we feel the need to fit in somewhere, anywhere. I call it the "herd mentality"... we tend to follow what everyone else is doing. What Does It Take To WIN A Sale? What to do when you win or lose. Body Language, Five Key Ingredients When making your living in the sales industry, and working with people, it is important to not only get your point across verbally, but you want to allow for your body language to send a clear message as well. Increase Sales By Flying Under Your Prospects Radar Defenses How do you persuade someone to do what you want them to do? Sales and Closing Techniques One essential criteria of being a successful salesperson is the ability to be able to close a sale effectively. 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People have become defensive to cold calls and not many respond to them anymore. Cold calling is now about rejection, getting rejected call after call until many salespeople, especially B2B salespeople, just get fed up and quit. There are other methods of generating business leads without cold calling, and many of them inexpensive and not too time consuming. Failed Salespeople Share Similar Traits We are each responsible for our own success - or failure. Winning at a career in sales is no exception. To ensure a win, you must take a proactive approach. Prevention of failure is an important part of that process. If you find yourself saying "I'm not cut out for sales," "I'm not pushy enough," "I hate cold calling," "I can't take the rejection," or "My manager is a jerk"-you are heading down the wrong path. Are You Risking The Relationship for the Sale -- And Then Losing the Sale Anyway? Losing a sale can be disheartening, especially if you lose it for reasons you aren't even aware of. Smart Discounting: The Right Way To Discount Your Products If a store had a great discount in the middle of the woods and nobody was around to hear about it, would it make a difference? How To Write Sales Letters That Deliver Tired of sending out sales letters that generate anemic response? You could blame your list, or decide you just didn't send out a high enough volume to get the replies you were looking for. Or, you could face the truth: Your sales letter just didn't have what it takes. In Sales, Words Just Don?t Compute In studies conducted by Motivational Systems of West Orange, New Jersey, researchers found that 72% of the 12,000 participants reported that, in first time meetings, non-verbal communication carried significantly more weight than a verbal message (words). Only 6% of the respondents paid the slightest attention to what a person said at a first time meeting. This finding parallels Dr. Al Mehrabian's research at UCLA, who reported that only 7% of a person's communications effectiveness comes from words, while 38% is made up of tone of voice and 55% from non-verbal communication like eye contact, gestures, body language, dress, facial hair, etc. Ninety three percent of what is effectively communicated is non-verbal. 8 Sales Lead Generation Methods I've been getting lots of email from my readers lately. And one thing that I hear often is that people need more sales leads. ![]() |
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