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Attitude Insurance
Everyone knows the importance of having a positive attitude, especially in the health insurance industry. Even negative people say that they have a positive attitude. All agents have seen it one time or another. They are at a meeting, and in the hallway during one of those five minute breaks they notice a woman on the telephone. In fact, she's on the phone on every break. Finally one agent says, "calling your husband, huh?" to which she quickly responds, "No! Setting appointments." She's obviously protecting or insuring her 'good attitude'. She's making sure that the outside influence of a meeting will not affect her production goals or her 'good attitude'. Or, what about the guy who's sitting at a table by himself at the Monday morning 'turn-in' meeting. He's busy wrestling with a pile of papers and hasn't said a word to anyone. Someone goes up to him and says something about the monsoons or scorching heat or earthquake in China last week and he barely acknowledges their presence. "All those papers must be apps", he mutters to the group in the hall. An example of Attitude Insurance: Sam, a new agent, rode with John, a seasoned pro, for a week. Monday, John finished setting up his week. He already had about eight appointments and added another 7 or 8. It didn't look too difficult, people just seem to like him. On Tuesday, things started going bad. The first appointment wasn't there so they just introduced themselves to a few other businesses. The next person didn't qualify medically, but they did sell the NBA membership and a critical illness policy. Wednesday they encountered severed thunderstorms. Their first appointment was the owner of a tow trucking company and was a no-show. They went next door to a beauty shop and found five beauticians and a receptionist looking very bored because all their customers had canceled due to the weather. They took to them immediately, offering coffee and a place to dry off. During the three hours before their next appointment, they wrote up every one of those ladies. Still raining something awful, they went to their next appointment. It was a mechanic shop on the other side of town. The rain was blowing completely horizontal with no signs of letting up, so they made a mad dash for the door. The ground was so soft that Sam lost one of his brand new shoes in the mud. The owner and one employee helped them in and long story short, was so impressed with John's presentation that he quickly called his brother over. They ended up selling 3 families. Thursday, John's car broke down on the way to their appointments. So they had to call Sam's wife to pick them up and use his car the rest of the day. John had over $20,000 in AV that week. He never once let the elements get in his way. He was constantly thinking of positive solutions to every situation. It was John's best week to date. So, where does attitude insurance come from? Attitude insurance comes from the same place things like honor, discipline and integrity come from?inner self. An agent's friends and co-workers surely help but for him to truly have the good attitude, he will have to be the one to get it and protect it. The agent is the only one who can give himself an Attitude Insurance Policy. The really great news is that there is no cost associated with obtaining this policy. Not in terms of money anyway. The cost is the agent's action and their discipline. Agents must discipline themselves to take action against all those outside forces that adversely affect their good attitude. By not protecting his attitude, an agent's focus and ability to perform sound reasoning will be destroyed. Failure to protect a good attitude will certainly feed a bad attitude. If an agent wants to make $4,000 a week selling insurance, he can. But if he sets a goal to make $4,000 a week and doesn't do his due diligence to gain the proper knowledge and discipline, it won't happen. And what do happens next? Well, believe it or not, this person is now looking for ways to cancel their Attitude Insurance Policy. They actually seek out other unsuccessful people to confirm their lack of success is justified --- again, from another unsuccessful person. Dropping attitude protection, even for a moment, can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Ironically, highly successful people who encounter great challenges have those really huge Attitude Insurance Policies. Dan Roberts is the VP Sales and Marketing for Insurance of America Agency, Inc. A marketing leader in the insurance industry, Dan has worked in operations and sales and marketing at some of the nation's largest insurance marketing organizations. He is the recipient of over 85 industry awards including a coveted 'Million Dollar' gold ring from the agency's founder. Insurance of America specializes in both operational and sales and marketing support for those individuals wishing to build their own successful insurance business or marketing organization. Dan Roberts, VP Sales and Marketing Build Your Own Insurance Business http://www.byoib.com 888-440-4642
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How To Master the Art of Super Salesmanship Mastering the "art of selling" is simply knowing how to present whatever it is that you're selling, to the buyer in such a manner that he feels buying it from you will solve his problems or fulfill his dreams. Selling online is really no different than selling in person, face to face with your prospect. Really, it's just a way of making sales calls more efficiently and economically. You've got to get his attention - you've got to appeal to his interests -you've got to make him understand how his purchase of your product will benefit him ? and finally, you've got to close the sale by causing him to reach into his wallet for money or to write out a check for whatever it is you're selling. Remember, in essence, even though the method of selling is the Internet, it's the same as if you were knocking on his front door. Thus it's very important that your material look its best. Make your website look professional and successful. The opening encounter with the prospect affects the success of the presentation and whether or not a sale is ultimately closed. Once he's gotten the website opened and is looking at your presentation, you've got to carry over that image of professionalism and success -Make him feel comfortable -Be friendly and believable. -Stimulate his interest in whatever you're selling by appealing to one of his basic wants, needs or problems with a solution. Don't waste his time with a long and/or complicated dissertation. >BR>The most important thing you want to do is to create within your fulfillment he'll have as a result of buying from you. Stimulate his imagination, and explain to him how he can use whatever you're selling to his advantage. Finally, and most importantly, make it as simple and as easy as possible for your prospect to buy from you. Don't force him to read a long, drawn out sales agreement or contract. Just make your presentation, explain how purchasing from you will solve his problems or fulfill his dreams, paint a word picture that allows him to see himself with your product and his problems solved or his dreams fulfilled, and then direct the buyer to your order page on your website. Too many sales presentations begin with some sort of story about the seller ? Hello there, I'm writing to you from the beautiful beaches of Waikiki; or after a hundred years of research I've found the fountain of youth; even some such tripe as dear friend - you may not know me but I'm now a millionaire... When you put your sales presentation on paper - when you're trying to sell something by mail or online - appeal to the basic wants, needs or problems of your prospect. He or she wants only to satisfy his or her problems - not read about who or where you are or what you've done -just ask them if they'd like to know how to make their tires on their car last 10 years or more (or whatever the benefit of your product is) Above all else, remember that people's wants, needs and problems are changing constantly - and that people are learning all the time ? meaning that you must constantly be up-to-date with what you're selling, and always be improving your sales presentation. May be reprinted and redistributed freely as long as the resource box remains intact. To show my appreciation to the people that use my article, I run a free solo ad to my ezine list. Once I receive confirmation of the url or a copy of the ezine that the article was used in, I will run your solo ad. Send the url or ezine copy to pnewsletter2004@yahoo.com*************************************************************DeAnna publishes the biweekly ezine Prospecting and Presents. Pressure Washer Business; Cleaning Composite Decks There is a new trend in the way wood decks are constructed; composite decks and railings. Recently had the opportunity to go on a bidding job with a deck cleaning contractor to bid on cleaning and treating a large deck. When we got there we found out the deck was not made of wood at all; it was made of composite. There was nothing to treat unless of course you want a spray with armor all. It did clean rather nicely kind of like washing a plastic fence. The new trend in composite railings has come about because the final railings do a better job facing down the elements and therefore owners and contractors often decide to put in the composite railings even though there are slightly more expensive because they look great for much longer. Visual Science of Selling Statistics state that 55% of people judgments are made based on what is seen visually, as opposed to 38% based on voice and the message you give. That means what you promote using images is the most important factor in making the right connection. This observation makes the Internet the biggest opportunity to sell. It's been said that information is king, but in the world of the Internet, it's image. Here the visual presentations are the most usual method to promote your product/service. According to web development tools you have at your disposal photos, images, animations, movies to enhance your marketing strategies and create a professional sale system There are thousands of authors out there teaching sales people on how to turn more prospects into customers, how to increase their sales, and convince people to buy. Almost all of their books state that creating an image of your product is the best thing you must do and this is nothing else but to recognize the importance of visual methods in sales process. Here are some 'visual' tips that salespeople may use effectively in selling their products Use images in your website. An image values more than a thousand words. Take care to not overload your web site with high tech gadgets. They can create a slow loading web page and distract people away from your offer. Your Business Approach Can Make or Break a Business Deal Every sales presentation should start with the approach, or introduction. Your approach should be a well-defined statement that can be easily adjusted for any situation. Although getting the prospect's attention brings fear into the hearts of some people, generally, it is not a difficult thing to do. But it can be easily lost with drawn-out, unnecessary chitchat. Sales Prospects Avoiding You? This issue's topic on sales prospects comes in response to a question I received from a reader. Question: Five weeks ago, I had a good conversation on the phone with an important prospect in my territory. They have a need for our product and the prospect seems to acknowledge this as well. Every time I have talked to him, he has been very interested and seemingly aware of the problem in his company that our product can help solve. I sell print management and print tracking software and the prospect acknowledged that the cost of printing is an issue for his organization. Last time we talked, he indicated he needed to gather some information regarding his current operating cost (which we most likely would be able to cut) before coming in for a demo. But when I called back at the time we had agreed upon, I kept getting voicemail. I have not been able to get him on the phone and he doesn't respond to the voicemails I left either. What do you recommend I do?" When Sales Prospects Won't Take Your Calls What Does It Take To WIN A Sale? What to do when you win or lose. The 7 Deaths of a Salesman In sales, you can work one of two ways. You can either do the things you should do or you can do the things you want to do. Sometimes these are one in the same, but more often they are at odds with one another. However, this article isn't about doing the right things, it's about showing you what things to avoid. If you can figure out how to control each of these 7 things on a daily basis, you'll be well on you way to selling success. Direct Sales and the Use of Clipboards Do you ever feel that when you are doing direct sales you find yourself not getting respect from the local businesses? They are busy and you are an interruption of course, yet at the same time, it does slow you down. Smart direct sales marketers carry clipboards into offices to sell and take orders. Clipboards come in many colors and styles; plastic, aluminum, clear, etc. These clipboards should have your company logo on the bottom. They should also have calculators on the clip. The logo should be made of vinyl lettering in your company colors. They should be durable or high tech plastic clipboard which can be dropped from six feet without breaking. They should also have a company pen attached which contrasts such as a yellow pen with blue ink or red ink inside. The sign-up sheets for orders or receipts should be on top and attached to the clipboard. How One Simple Concept Can Increase Your Sales We all want to belong. As humans we feel the need to fit in somewhere, anywhere. I call it the "herd mentality"... we tend to follow what everyone else is doing. One Simple Persuasion Secret That Will Blow The Roof Off Your Sales The next time you're shopping for clothes in a department store, take a closer look at the price tags. You'll probably notice that each price tag starts with one price, but then counters with another. They say, "Was $60, Now $30," or, "Regular Price $69.99, Our Price $49.99." The Rock and Ripple Effect: 3 Ways to Splash to Sales Success Imagine you've just thrown a rock into a pond. SPLASH! Ripples begin extending around the point where the rock hit the water. An interesting observation is that the ripples closest to the rock are actually the smallest ones. Then each ripple creates another larger ripple?until finally it disappears. Sales 101: Asking for the Order "Ask, and you shall receive", a biblical principal that offers some of the best sales advice for beginning salespeople and experienced sales professionals alike. The best sales presentation imaginable generally will not yield the desired results unless the salesperson asks for the business. Secrets to Getting in Front of Your Best Prospects As a salesperson, your ultimate goal, of course, is to make that sale. But the process begins with selecting your best prospect. The objective is to spend more time with your best prospects and less time with suspects. The Processionary Caterpillar Syndrome Costs You Sales? Some years ago I read and interesting story that illustrated why many of the sales and service industry professionals that invest their time and money in my personal telephone coaching sessions ( http://www.TheSellingEdge.com/personalCoaching.htm ) have until the coaching sessions have failed to move beyond an intellectual understanding of sound selling principles. Do you have the processionary caterpillar syndrome? Sales Letters - How to Write Them You could just send out your brochure to potential customers but it's much better to personalise your mailing with a well written sales letter. The Most Underused and Powerful Method of Lead Generation Are you worried about whom you'll sell today so you can feed your family tomorrow? Are you jealous of the top producers who are getting phone calls from new prospects every day? Wouldn't you love to come to the office and find your mail box full of messages from potential clients? Increase Sales - Overcoming Barriers Ever thought to yourself, "If only my team members would complete the tasks that we mutually agreed to in our action plan." 11 Powerful Methods of Sales Lead Generation Are you searching for new and innovative ways of sales lead generation? Are you lacking in sources of good quality leads? Are you tired and bored using the same methods for generating sales leads? Top 10 Secrets to Fully Embrace Sales and Exceed Your Goals Forever! 1.- REMAIN VERY CLIENT FOCUSED! Not Company focused. Your clients are what is to be watched, monitored and known inside and out. Ask them questions about your service quality and listen by responding to their answers. They will continue to be your loyal client when they know you hear them and care. A Revolutionary NEW Dimension in Sales A Revolutionary 'NEW' Dimension In Sales: Make many more closings in the same amount of time! ![]() |
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