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More Sales - You Must Keep Asking
I bought a second pair of reading glasses from my local Optician recently. I need this pair to help me find the first pair which inevitably go missing. While in the Opticians I remember thinking that I needed to buy some solution and some of those tissues for cleaning my mucky glasses. However, when it came to the point of paying for my new glasses the cleaning stuff went right out of my head. So why didn't the Optician or his assistant ask me - "Is there anything else you need today?" or even - "Do you need any cleaner for your glasses?" Perhaps they didn't like or have the courage to ask, or even they forgot. One way or another, they missed an add-on sale and I didn't get any muck remover. A couple of days later I was buying a lunchtime sandwich and totally forgot to pick up a bottle of water. If only I'd been asked - "Is there anything else sir, a drink to go with your sandwich?" I ended up going back to another shop in the mall for my bottle of water. These are only two small opportunities of lost sales and irritation for the customer. To be fair, I'm often asked - "Is there anything else we can do for you today sir?" I usually say "no" because I can't think of any thing. It's far better to ask a specific question relevant to the customers' needs and your business. It doesn't matter what business you're in, you could always sell another product or another service if you only have the courage to - Ask! Discover how you can generate more business without having to cold call! Alan Fairweather is the author of "How to get More Sales without Selling" This book is packed with practical things that you can do to ? get customers to come to you . Click here now http://www.howtogetmoresales.com and http://www.alanfairweather.com
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7 Ways to Get to the Truth: When the Sale Disappears Based on his most recent e-mail, "Everything looks good -- I'll get back to you so we can move this forward"--everything points to a probable sale. You feel so relaxed, happy, and hopeful. Then a couple of days go by with no phone call or e-mail. You tell yourself, "He's probably busy. I know he'll get in touch tomorrow." But tomorrow comes and goes with no word. Are You Missing Out On Sales Through Fear of Pain? Improve the Persuasive Power of Your Words! Education plus Motivation is a powerful formula. But how do you ensure the motivation level in your prospective customers or yourself, for that matter, is really as high as it could be? Easy. You make sure to build pain into your motivation strategy. Our basic survival instincts mean that given a choice between finding pleasure or avoiding pain - we'll usually opt to avoid pain. Closing The Sale Several weeks ago I asked my Newsletter subscribers to send me their biggest sales challenges. So far, I have received 275 challenges. While I am still in the process of categorizing them, Inoticed that a number of them mentioned "Closing the sale" as yourbiggest challenge. The ?Finding Common Ground? Sales Technique, Is A Myth! Almost every book, manual, workshop or tape series teaching selling skills, will at one point suggest that you need to find something in com-mon with your prospective customer or client, in order to produce a trusting relationship. The thinking behind this suggestion is that if you find you have something in common with a decision-maker, somehow a bond or trust will be formed from a shared interest or mutual acquaint-ance. It is true that people buy from people like themselves, so on the surface this selling technique seems like a reasonable method to produce positive feelings in a prospect, customer or client. But, finding something in common with a decision-maker just takes too long in today's fast paced selling environment and often is too difficult to uncover to build the trusting relationship that actually produces sales success. As They Approcah the Finish Line... The Winner Is? Recently, right before I was about to deliver a motivational speech at a sales conference, the Director of Sales took the stage and began talking about the importance of teamwork and how all the reps needed to work more effectively together. At the conclusion of his presentation, he turned to a large flip chart and turned the front page over. How to Build Rapport in 7 Seconds! I had my first official sales training by a man who believed in being very assertive, almost pushy. At the time this conflicted with my reserved nature, and for the next 6 months didn't even make one sale. Build Rapport by Mirroring Traditionally, salespeople look for something in the office that begs a question. For example, "Is that your sailfish on the wall?" Sales Language: Whats Wrong with But? Language is one of the most important tools you have to influence someone. Increase Your Influence, Increase Your Sales Selling is everyone's lifeblood whether they realize it or not. We all sell in the sense that we attempt to convince and influence others. We want and need to convince our children, our coworkers, bosses, spouses, clients or customers. How effective are you? Follow-Up Marketing: How to Win More Sales with Less Effort A study done by the Association of Sales Executives revealed that 81% of all sales happens on or after the fifth contact. If you're a small business owner and you're only doing one or two follow-ups imagine all the business you're losing. Are You Doing What It Takes To Win More Sales What does it take to be a WINNER during these challenging times? Do you really know what it takes to win more sales? The Myth of the Natural Born Sales Wonder When I researched the field of using personality inventories to determine future sales success potential, I found the following flaws in their application and interpretation: How To Achieve Excellence In Sales Most people are always striving to better themselves. It's the "American Way". For proof, check the sales figures on the number of self-improvement books sold each year. This is not a pitch for you to jump in and start selling these kinds of books, but it is a indication of people's awareness that in order to better themselves, they have to continue improving their personal selling abilities. Transforming Problems into Sales My silent fish tank was no more. Enough water had evaporated to make the filter gurgle. It was highly annoying and I knew I wouldn't be at ease until it was silent again, so I filled the tank. Sales and the Law of Attraction I'm about to challenge your belief system, or at least I'm going to try. Why Sales People Are Creating Their Own Objections I'm about to reveal the biggest secret to growing any small business rapidly. This secret will also increase virtually all sales people's results almost instantly when you learn it and live by it. How Do You Use Your Sales Commissions? What do you do when you have a big sales week, month or quarter? Multiply Your Sales When Thomas Edison's light bulb finally burned for 45 straight hours he said, "If it will burn that number of hours now, I know I can make it burn a hundred." 3 Tips to Get Clients Now "I need more clients!" wails Steve, a 32 year old Boston-based financial planner, echoing a familiar refrain. Poised and well spoken, Steve is after the same high net worth individual as others in his field. How can he rise above his competition? Successful Selling in 21 Steps 1. Dependability was chosen as the most important. ![]() |
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