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As They Approcah the Finish Line... The Winner Is?
Recently, right before I was about to deliver a motivational speech at a sales conference, the Director of Sales took the stage and began talking about the importance of teamwork and how all the reps needed to work more effectively together. At the conclusion of his presentation, he turned to a large flip chart and turned the front page over. On this large chart was a picture of a race track and a bunch of horses. In place of the horses heads were pictures of the sales reps faces. Each horse was at different points on the track. The Director of Sales then talked about the race that all the sales reps are in to hit a specific goal and where each one was standing in the race - and who was closest to winning the prize. I about fell off my chair! Is this the same guy who just a moment ago was talking about teamwork? Well, any thoughts about teamwork flew out the proverbial door. Incentive programs, whether they are for a sales team or any group within your company, can either be productive or counter-productive. In my opinion, the race horse idea is definitely counter productive and is a good example of a close-ended program. A close-ended program has a specific number of winners and will leave the rest feeling demoralized. Many will give up or not even start the program, because they don't feel that they could win. An open-ended program rewards everyone who reaches the goal and everyone else who didn't. Here is how to set-up an open-ended incentive program. I call it the 6 D's: 1) Define the goal. What do you want to accomplish? (Reduce absenteeism, improve safety, heighten customer service?) Don't make the goal to complicated and eliminate as many obstacles to success as possible. 2) Decide if the program should be set-up for individuals or groups. Groups always work seem to work better; however, it depends on what the goal is and how many people will be participating 3) Determine the prize. Will it be cash, gifts, or how about a company wide event where all can attend and have fun and the winners receive something nice, but not "over the top?" 4) Develop a system of measurement. How will you measure any improvement? Make sure that everyone who is participating knows the rules ahead of time and that all agree the goal and the system of measurement is realistic. Allowing for participation in the overall decision process is not only effective for morale, but also insures that everyone is in agreement, before the program begins, that the goal is a valuable one, the rules are fair, and the prize is worthwhile. 5) Declare a start date. Promote the program a week or two before the actual start date and get people excited about participating. This also gives participants time to develop ideas and strategies. 6) Dedicate your time to help everyone. Get other leaders at your company involved and have them provide encouragement to all and keep everyone motivated. If all will be rewarded and the prizes are for the actual winners are not to outrageous, then everyone will have fun and know that no matter who actually wins, the goal will be reached, and that you, as well as other who are "higher up the ladder," have noticed what everyone has accomplished - and that you and "the higher-ups" are grateful for their hard work and dedication to achieving the goal. By following the 6 D's, you will create and open-ended incentive program that will not only allow you to achieve an important goal, but also increase morale, let employees have some fun while they work, and leave the racing to the "real" horses. Bob Garner is the author of "Masters of Motivation" which has been called a "must read" by business leaders. The creator of a number of CDs that have empowered thousands, Bob writes for numerous business magazines and speaks extensively worldwide on motivation, sales, and success. Sign up now for his free monthly newsletter called "Personal Success" at http://www.bobgarneronline.com
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Secrets That Lead To Failure In Sales Let's be realistic nobody really wants to be labeled a failure when it comes to sales, unfortunately many business minded people are just that when it comes to selling their product or service. I have gathered a few tips I'd like to share that can prevent you from succeeding in sales and ultimately cost you your business. 10 High Powered Ways To Magnify Your Sales 1. Give your prospects a f~ree trial of your software product, service, or let them read the first chapter or two of your informational product. Catapult Your Business?How to Get Customers to Chase You Instead of the Other Way Around I was thinking about the statement: The Rock and Ripple Effect: 3 Ways to Splash to Sales Success Imagine you've just thrown a rock into a pond. SPLASH! Ripples begin extending around the point where the rock hit the water. An interesting observation is that the ripples closest to the rock are actually the smallest ones. Then each ripple creates another larger ripple?until finally it disappears. Do You Want To Sell More? Then Stop Trying To Be Everything To Everybody! I know you've heard this a thousand times, but from the looks of things few businesses are following the advice? Let Your Weaknesses Increase Your Sales Imagine...you inquire about a product. The salesperson does everything right. Says the rights words, emphasis the benefits of the product -- everything right. And you hesitate but you do not know why. You just aren't "sure." And you respond, "I'll think about it." Then you talk with another salesperson that says the same things, uses the same languaging, and does everything else right, until towards the end. Then they get honest with you and tell you the weaknesses of the product. Then you buy. Elearning Is Dead - Long Live Blended Learning! There is little doubt that eLearning has not achieved the success it promised some ten years ago, even though the primary benefits in terms of cost and flexibility remains extremely attractive. Some of the mistakes that have been made are: Reaching Goals in Direct Sales From surveys and experience, we've noticed many setting excellent goals for their business. We've also noticed that while the goals being set are good, the results aren't. Around 90% of those in Direct Sales do SET goals, but never reach them. Sales Skills for the Non Sales Professional Have you ever wondered how in the heck you're going to do it? You are a lawyer who wants to make partner, an accountant, an engineer or other professional and part of your business plan is that you have to attract business customers? You've always detested selling, and you can't see yourself doing it! As a matter of fact, sales people are a HUGE turn off to you!!! You CAN Be a Great Salesperson! When you are in sales, you have the choice to be successful or unsuccessful. The only one to set limits on your income and success is you! A career in sales is a challenge. Use that challenge to motivate and excite you. Meet and beat that challenge! 7 Keys to Turning Cold Calls Into Warm Calls Let's face it when it comes to cold calling many of us fear being rejected. What if I was to tell you I have come up with 7 keys to turning your cold calls into warm calls? Would you believe me? Build Rapport by Mirroring Traditionally, salespeople look for something in the office that begs a question. For example, "Is that your sailfish on the wall?" Top 10 Secrets to Fully Embrace Sales and Exceed Your Goals Forever! 1.- REMAIN VERY CLIENT FOCUSED! Not Company focused. Your clients are what is to be watched, monitored and known inside and out. Ask them questions about your service quality and listen by responding to their answers. They will continue to be your loyal client when they know you hear them and care. Is It Time To Rethink Your Sales Training Program or Is Your Sales Training Delivering Results? Sales is still a must for any company who wishes to stay in the marketplace. A recent Internet search uncovered over 471,000,000 hits on the words sales or selling. Visiting an Internet bookstore revealed similar interest with almost 11,400 titles including the key word of sales, over 8,208 titles with the key word of selling and 4,700 titles with the key words of sales and marketing. A Stupid Question This is a stupid question but it has to be asked. Boost Your Productivity, Networking and Sales: Make an Impression Through out our career and lives we regularly get an opportunity to meet new people and form new relationships. Did you know you have seven seconds to make a first impression? Apparently in those seven seconds people assess your age, income, marital status, education level and interests ? in seven seconds! Regardless of whether people are right about their perception of you? we all subconsciously make assessments of people when we meet them. To ensure you make an outstanding impression every time? try some of these tips. More Sales - You Must Keep Asking I bought a second pair of reading glasses from my local Optician recently. I need this pair to help me find the first pair which inevitably go missing. While in the Opticians I remember thinking that I needed to buy some solution and some of those tissues for cleaning my mucky glasses. Increase Profits from Your Existing Customers An area many businesses fail to recognise as a way to increase profits is by utilising their existing customers. Don't view each sale as a "one-off". Look to build a long term relationship with your customers and entice them to keep coming back. 11 Powerful Methods of Sales Lead Generation Are you searching for new and innovative ways of sales lead generation? Are you lacking in sources of good quality leads? Are you tired and bored using the same methods for generating sales leads? Customers For Life Who's talking to your customers? Is it your competition? Why or why not? When you stop to think about it, these are valid questions. Most people rely on some sort of clientele for their business, and can improve on customer relations. A more holistic approach to this process incorporates the more global question: ![]() |
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