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10 Important Things To Tell Your Prospects
Hello everyone, hope your day is going well! I know this one is short but it is very helpful! 1. Tell your prospects that you offer free delivery. This may cost a little money, but, you will gain the extra customers to make up for it. 2. Tell your prospects that you offer a lower price. If you can't afford to offer a lower price you could always hold the occasional discount sale. 3. Tell your prospects that your product achieves results faster. People are becoming more and more impatient and want results fast. 4. Tell your prospects you've been in business for a longer period of time. People think if you've been in business longer you have more credibility. 5. Tell your prospects that your product tastes, smells sounds, looks, or feels better. When you target the senses you're triggering human appeal. 6. Tell your prospects your product is compact or light. People may want to take the product on a trip or don't have much room where they live. 7. Tell your prospects that your product lasts longer. People don't like to spend more money purchasing replacement products all the time. 8. Tell your prospects that your product is easy to use. People don't want to buy a product that they have to read a 100 page instruction manual. 9. Tell your prospects that your product has better safety features. People want to feel safe when they use your products. 10. Tell your prospects that you stand behind all your products. People want to know that you back- up any claims you make about your product. Warm regards, Andrew Cantrell P.S. Try his eBook: Andrew Cantrell, the founder of ZipZoomBiz.com has helped thousands of ordinary people succeed with their internet/online businesses. Make sure to visit his site and sign up for a 365day free newsletter on how to earn residual income!
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What Successful Sellers Know - Others Dont ... The Subtle Art of Closing Ask any salesperson, "At what point in the selling process does the 'Close' take place?" Eight out of ten will answer, "at the End". To be fair, they are not totally incorrect but they are, nevertheless, more wrong than right proving in principle and in practice, Perado's Law: Twenty percent of the sales force make eighty percent of the sales and profitability. Picture Yourself a Winner In the work place, the amount of good things that happen to a person during the day far out number the amount of bad things that happen, so why do we spend so much time stressing over the bad things when we should be smiling about the good things. Complacency and Fear are Sales Busters Prospecting is the engine that propels anyone in sales. Without consistently initiating contact with prospective customers to talk with, your sales will plummet and everybody loses. Studies confirm that 80% of all salespeople fail in their first year because of the fears associated with prospecting. 40% of veteran producers with more than five years -- experience severe sales slumps due to fears associated with prospecting. Sell More Products and Services with Testimonials Testimonials are all-important to sell anything. You may already have testimonials for your new book and service, but do you have testimonials for other promotional pieces? Keep the Referrals Coming A key method of our survival in the business and retail world is referrals. Referrals are always nice, because they come from someone on the outside of your company who has enough trust and faith in you to refer someone in your direction. 6 Ways To Get More From Your Promotions 1. Settle On The Right Way Forward Whats the Secret to Repeat Business? When you think about ways to gain repeat business from your customers, you probably turn your thoughts to marketing efforts such as advertising, public relations and other means that will allow you to repeatedly be seen. However, without one particular element included in your plan, your efforts to entice customers to buy over and over will fail. Even autoresponders - the "king" of repeat exposure - can't produce the type of loyalty needed to ensure your customers continually send their dollars your way. Marketing Conversations, And Conversation Stoppers Where many marketing conversations get off-track are the ones you have with yourself, before you even pick up the phone or initiate the handshake. As independent professionals, usually at the helm of solo businesses, we sometimes find ourselves facing daunting internal obstacles as we try to begin our day's marketing activity. With no one in our office-of-one to help with a confidence booster, an important resource to have in our self-management toolbox is a means of submitting the negative self-talk for an internal Second Opinion. A Look at Store Fixture Parts Products for sale need to be displayed in a manner which best presents them in the customers' eyes. For example, clothing needs to be folded on shelves, hung from racks or displayed on mannequins. Books need to be displayed in shelves, spinning racks and organized bins. Videos need shelving and racks to properly display titles. All products lend themselves to some form of acceptable display. Even if you are an innovative decorator and you want your display to be revolutionary, you'll still need some variation on the display techniques that are already being used to distinguish your product from all the others. Use Pain To Get Commitments Whenever I speak with new salesreps and entrepreneurs, I hear a similar frustration: Stop Talking - Start Selling Selling is not talking. It's listening. You may have heard the saying "the first person who talks, loses". And, it's true most of the time. There are dozens of reasons to stop talking so you can start selling. Here are a few worth listening to: Count Down To An Advert There are hundreds of books available to teach you how to write a good sales letter/advert. If you were to read them all it would be possible to distil all of the recommendations into a 'What to do list' similar to the one below. This list is not exhaustive. No two people would set it out in exactly the same way. It would be quite possible to extend the list a great deal further. This is my version. It works for me. It could work for you. Pinging for Success: Creating Search Patterns One of my first internship jobs as a college student was working for a defense company who, at the time, developed a highly sophisticated torpedo for hunting down submarines and destroying them. The operation of the torpedo was pretty fascinating. The torpedo was launched from the deck of a ship or dropped from a helicopter into the water. The Truth Behind Linear Selling: Why It Can Make Prospects Run The Other Way Sean works for a major telecom company. In Sales Service Means Business Some businesses flourish while others slowly fade away. There's usually a good reason. Here are two examples. Web Promotion: 10 Amazing Web Promotion Ways To Jump Start Your Sales Hello, do you have a website and sell something on the internet? Handshake Intimidation In some situations, attempting to intimidate the other person will actually increase the amount of rapport you gain with them. CEO introductions, meeting other salespeople (and competitors), and sales job interviews come to mind. What Not To Do With Your Leads Anyone that works in sales knows just how important it is to have lead sources to keep your pipeline filled. But it is not only how we obtain the leads that is important, it's what we do with them once we get them. Stuff We Make Up About Our Prospects ? Go through the "no's" to get to "yes." Creating More Effective Proposals The need for good proposals - the business kind, not the marriage kind - struck me again a couple of days ago, when I received a poor proposal. I had talked on the phone with a sales rep, and then she followed up with a proposal. ![]() |
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