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Pinging for Success: Creating Search Patterns
One of my first internship jobs as a college student was working for a defense company who, at the time, developed a highly sophisticated torpedo for hunting down submarines and destroying them. The operation of the torpedo was pretty fascinating. The torpedo was launched from the deck of a ship or dropped from a helicopter into the water. The torpedo would then turn on and initiate a search mode, where it would make circular patterns while constantly "pinging." Pinging is the sound the sonar device makes when it wants to bounce sound waves off objects underwater. The torpedo had what was called an underwater signature recognizer, a device that compares the echo outlines of each incoming sound wave with a database of other outlines. The goal, find a submarine outline. Once it detected something that "might" be a submarine, the torpedo would then go after the target. As the torpedo got closer to its potential target, it would continue pinging and comparing each echo (outline) in order to be sure the object was indeed a submarine. The closer the torpedo got, the better the definition of the echo. The torpedo would break off its "attack mode" if, as it got closer to the acquired target, it realized the silhouette did not match; if the object was a false alarm, it would steer off course. For example, the torpedo was able to discern a submarine from let's say a whale, a school of fish or an underwater rock formation. So, as the torpedo got closer and discovered the object wasn't a submarine, it would break off and terminate its attack mode. It would then begin a new search pattern all over again in another area. Take a lesson from the torpedo's behavior. Right now, many of you are in the search mode looking for your target. You're trying to find something-something that will fulfill you, something to look forward to everyday. "In order to find success, we need to create search patterns." But a recent survey confirmed that 53% of people in the workforce are unhappy and over 75% would rather be doing something else. Unfortunately, many are afraid to search for something new or have simply given up "pinging" for their true calling. Don't be a statistic. Continue pinging until you find what it is you truly love to do. Only then, will you be successful and more importantly, happy. Remember, the toughest road to success is the road back to you?the real you! Victor Gonzalez, top Hispanic motivational speaker and author of "The LOGIC of Success". For more info go to: www.thelogicofsuccess.com or by email victor@thelogicofsuccess.com
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Creating Intense Emotions That Motivate People Ever wish that your presentations could be as much fun as a cool TV commercial? Come late January every year network TV treats us to America's finest and most expensive commercials - Superbowl commercials. You may remember some of these even now, 2 weeks later. Which was your favorite? E*Trade? Fed-Ex? One of the dot.coms? My favorite was Mountain Dew. The Benefits of Display Mannequins Mannequins are primarily used in stores to display clothing. A display mannequin is usually a full-size dummy in the shape of a person. A display mannequin will normally include all parts of the human body including a head and feet. Display mannequins can be made of several different materials, including fiberglass, wood, plaster, or wax. How To Set Goals and Achieve Them We use only 5% of God's given potential, 95% of them is not used. Why not tap the 95% of our Creative Intelligence and achieve our desired goals. Our goals are limitless because of our creative imagination. You have to commit to your goals. If you don't have a goal , your life will be a failure. You are a goal seeking Organism. You can create your opportunity and you can do it anytime. You have to help yourself to achieve your goals.The only way to reach the top is to have a goal. In order for goals to be effective they need to be big, because big goals create excitement once you accomplish. There is no excitement in mediocrity. The excitement comes when you are at your best. You need to see your life as something big and exciting . The only way to do that is through setting goals. Make a commitment and put it in writing. You have to crystalize your thinking so that you will be able to establish an exact direction for your own life. Goals must be realistic and achieveable. Goals must also include personality changes. Once you set goals and start to achieve them you will become successful.Don't have a goal that is so vague that you can't tell, whether you have accomplished it or not. Have a clear statement of your goals. Write them down. Put deadlines on your goals. Have Short term, Intermediate and Long term goals.When you put them on paper they become tangible and you feel more inclined to do them. As you accomplish your goals, add more ambitious goals to your list.Your goals should be clear and definite.Napolean Hill in his book 'Think and Grow Rich' says that your thinking should be crystal clear. You should know your goals. The purpose of those goals. Make a plan how you are going to achieve them. Be persistent and determined. Finally a burning passion and desire to achieve them.You should give a definite period of time within which to accomplish those goals . Successful people are successful because they see themselves as successful. Are You a Cultivator or a Harvester? As a result of providing marketing consulting, training and coaching to a variety of individuals and industries over the years, I have come to recognize that people generally approach the business building process in one of two ways. Everyone tends to be what I identify as either Cultivators or Harvesters. The problem is the business building process requires both cultivation and harvesting. Read on to determine which you are and how to assure that you are both cultivating and harvesting new business. Cold Calling Pressure Reduction Who likes cold calling? Can Barter Help Increase Cash Sales and Visability for Your Small Business? Barter is becoming an increasingly popular method of commerce. The U.S. Department of Commerce estimates that 20 to 25% of world trade is now barter. Corporate barter is now a 20 billion dollar industry. It seems as though everyone from the big corporations on the New York Stock Exchange to small home-based businesses are jumping on the barter bandwagon. Turn Your Wisdom Into a Workshop The Technical Revolution has done a lot for us -- we merely have to pick up a phone or send an email to conduct business. Yet, there still is no substitute for live, personal appearances when you want your teaching to count, and that's why I love workshops. Your participants benefit from the short-term intensity of the experience, and you benefit from actually seeing your principles and exercises in play. How to Build A Steady Stream of Customers--Step One The success of a small business depends upon a steady stream of good customers. To build that stream of customer a business owner must examine five critical points in their business operations. This is the first in a series of five articles that examines those critical points. A Look at Store Fixture Parts Products for sale need to be displayed in a manner which best presents them in the customers' eyes. For example, clothing needs to be folded on shelves, hung from racks or displayed on mannequins. Books need to be displayed in shelves, spinning racks and organized bins. Videos need shelving and racks to properly display titles. All products lend themselves to some form of acceptable display. Even if you are an innovative decorator and you want your display to be revolutionary, you'll still need some variation on the display techniques that are already being used to distinguish your product from all the others. A Brief History of the Sales Profession The formula for defining a "profession" is similar throughout many disciplines, including: accounting, education, engineering, law and medicine. These professions all have codes of ethical conduct, a definition of their scope, and standards of practice for their members, which include some or all aspects of academic preparation, accreditation, certification and/or licensing. Morris L. Cogan addressed the definition of forming a profession in business in 1953. After reviewing all the literature on the topic, he offered the following comprehensive distillation, which is submitted here, as a fine summary of the previous definitions: A profession is a vocation whose practice is founded upon understanding the theoretical structure of some department of learning or science, and upon the abilities accompanying such an understanding. This understanding and these abilities are applied to the vital practical affairs of man. The practices of the profession are modified by knowledge of a generalized nature and by the accumulated wisdom and experience of mankind, which serve to correct the errors of specialization. The profession, that serves the vital needs of man, considers its first ethical imperative to be altruistic service to the client"(Vollmer et al., 1966). Why is the definition of a profession so important to selling? The professionalism of a group establishes the power that is recognized by others within the business community and outside the profession. With the sanction, approval, and authority intact, the profession attains higher status in the eyes of the clients. In this case, the clients of the seller would need to recognize and sanction, and approve the authority of the sales professional. Due to the nature of the buying-selling relationship, many individual buyers do not feel comfortable giving or otherwise recognizing this power in the sales professional. The question becomes: if doctors and lawyers receive money for their work, and indeed must sell and market their services, why then, are they seen as "more professional"? All of these definitions of a profession provide insight into the ideals and behaviors, which are needed to be considered "professional" by members of the business community. In learning to become a "professional", many occupations are taught in school. When a student studies any new subject matter, their first objective is to understand an overview of the entire subject matter. For example, when studying medicine, students first understand all the systems of the body, the different medical terms, and a high level overview of the entire field before they ever operate on anyone. Once any student studying a new subject understands this high level overview, they then move in depth into each specific area of that profession. Some sales professionals have entered the field by joining a large and established company. Others have grown up in the field by learning the "hard way". Still, others have done a combination of both. With over 15 million sales professionals, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in the United States alone there was no set standard upon which to measure and advance the entire profession until the United Professional Sales Association standards were created at the turn of the century. With these standards, thousands of sales professionals are discovering that they are indeed a part of a "True Profession." Understanding The Corporate Buyer Selling your services to corporations is an attractive proposition. The contracts are larger than with small businesses and individuals, and often longer-term. There's the possibility of repeat business worth many billable hours at respectable rates. Don?t Waste My Time! Many participants in my programs ask how to deal with people who appear to be seeking information and nothing more. In many environments these individual's are called time wasters. Time wasters come in every shape and form but they usually possess a few consistent characteristics ? they ask a continuing stream of questions, take up loads of our time, and seldom end up buying anything. An Ideal Selling Situation The largest sale that I ever closed was negotiated over hot dogs and a soft drink at a refreshment stand, just off the exhibit floor, at a Superintendent of School Convention in Atlantic City, New Jersey. I met an educator who was interested in the summer study abroad programs that I was selling at the show. He saw my nametag for the Foreign Study League and wanted to learn more about my products. His school district filled two and a half jet airplanes with over 400 students (at more than $1,000 each) who enrolled in my firm's summer study programs in Europe. Exhibiting and selling at tradeshows, if handled properly, is the most cost-effective selling tool in which a business or professional organization can invest. Customer Service Revival Value is in the Eye of the Beholder Save Your Breath: How To Sell In Trade Shows Without Pitching You stand there, in front of your great presentation material, wearing just the right suit or logo shirt, handing out some gimmick with your company name on it, wearing just the right smile or look of professionalism. You might even have a fishbowl at the table - or some type of contest material - to collect business cards of passers by for later use in your sales process. But the worst part of doing a trade show is losing your voice. How Sellers Can Take Control For centuries ? at least since the serpent convinced Eve to eat the apple ? sellers have assumed that getting the right information about a product into the right hands would offer a good chance of a sale. Why People Use Long Sales Copy Have you ever wondered why some people use long sales letter? Writing Effective Sales Messages A sales letter is a document designed to generate sales. It is a distinctive type of persuasive letter. It persuades the reader to place an order, to request additional information, or to lend support to the product or service or cause being offered. For most sectors other than retail, a sales letter is the first and most important way of reaching new customers. The purpose in writing a sales message is to sell a product. It influences the reader to take a specific action by making an offer-not an announcement-to him. Sales letter attempts to persuade readers to spend their time and money on the value being offered. To sell, the sales letter must be specific, go to the right audience, appeal to the readers needs, and it must be informative. How To Take The Right Steps To Increase Your Selling Results Steps - it is unrealistic for most salespeople to expect to make a sale in a single step. Most sales don't end after a single phone call. If you're selling a complex product or service you won't get the order after a single face-to-face sales call. There are a number of steps involved in making a sale. If you want to make more sales, more quickly, more profitably, and do it more often you need your own personalized selling model. Talking To A Prospect As If To A Friend While working with a new coaching client, I asked to hear her sound bite. Everyone needs a good sound bite. A sound bite, sometimes also called an "elevator speech," is a 10- to 15-second commercial on what your company does, offers or stands for. Use it when you meet someone new in business, use it at networking meetings, and use it on the telephone as part of your introductory calling script. ![]() |
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